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2116  Warhammer Dark Omen / Tournaments / Re: Tournament March on: March 08, 2009, 12:34:50 AM
Yeah, as much as we would all love to, we can't Ban any Items.


So I agree the Solution is Increase the Points Value for Horn and Banner of Warth etc. 

I also Agree, that when a Mage is the Last unit on the Battlefield, it should Engage in Melee'.

Please Count Me in, for This Month's Tournament.


2117  Warhammer Dark Omen / Multiplayer / Re: Battle pictures on: March 08, 2009, 12:08:21 AM
My Ogres Looked like they were in with a chance of Beating Rob's Dwarf and Elves

But a well Aimed Mortor Killed my Ogres and Rob Won the Battle.


2118  Warhammer Dark Omen / Multiplayer / Re: Battle pictures on: March 01, 2009, 12:05:34 AM
New Member Nacrol's Bright Wizard Teleported behind my Orc Shamen and Beamed him to Death!

Just as my shamen was giving Himself 3 Anti Magic dispells and then My Orc Arrers Killed his Bright Wizard

with their Banner of Wrath and the Whole Thing Crashed, lol

Too Much going on in 1 spilit second!


Then He Almost Won on Trading Post but My Orcs managed to Hunt down his Mortor.

2119  Warhammer Dark Omen / Tournaments / Re: Tournament February on: February 28, 2009, 10:37:44 PM
Congratualtions to Flak For Winning This Month's Tournament and also to Huks for 2nd Place!

I had some really Enjoyable Battles.

"I want my Mummy" - Huks Annialates my Undead!

Then My Treeman looked Doomed by Flak's Orcs but he wouldnt Give in and Die and nealry Beat them all!

Chinnico then Destroyed my Empire Army by showing me that Treemen and Lightning from the Storm Sword don't Mix!

Leaving it all upto my Dwarfs.

Then I Finally Won a Match against Chinnico with my Trusty Greenskins!


Great games and thanks to Flak for Organising Tournament and the Runners up Huks, Ghabry/ Kuja.


2120  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Tavern / Re: Old drawings on: February 28, 2009, 10:28:21 PM
Excellent! I'll have you making new Sprites and Portraits!


2121  Warhammer Dark Omen / Tournaments / Re: Tournament February on: February 28, 2009, 02:54:21 PM
My Orcs are Ready!


Any Members not already Signed up...

We still Play in Between Matches so a Great Time to be Online with us all!


2122  Warhammer Dark Omen / Help Section / Re: Sound problem on: February 27, 2009, 11:54:00 PM
Flak's Goblin Campaign made my Bro come out of Retirement to play Dark Omen again

and his XP Pc (Audigy Xi-Fi)  had a similar sound issue where the voices were sped up and assumed

we had Modded Berhardt's Voice to sound more like a Goblin Shamen!

It sounded quite good, until I pointed out we hadnt modded the Voices,

so we Reinstalled the game again over the Original and everything was fine.

I would recommend the same (although your Voices are fine but the Sound Effects aren't)

We were also considering Disabling his Xi-Fi and using the Onboard Sound Card.


2123  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Tavern / Re: How did you come to play Dark Omen on: February 27, 2009, 01:20:13 AM
Sadly not but the phrase RTT was certainly part of my Vocabulary,

so your Gospel must have reached Far and Wide!


2124  Modifications / 2D Sprites / Re: Dwarves on: February 26, 2009, 01:18:24 PM
Glad you like them!

Just let us know what combinations you require, eg a Red XBow Dwarf?


2125  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Tavern / Re: How did you come to play Dark Omen on: February 26, 2009, 01:14:18 PM
I first started out collecting the Odd 40k Orkz Nobz!

Then progressed onto the PC to play Final Liberation and Shadow of The Horned Rat then Dark Omen

and along the way I pretty much purchased and played any similar Fantasy Game but none compared to Dark Omen.

Such as:-

Warrior Kings -Some of the best AI you ever see, for instance in Command and Conquer we would always build a Front Line Wall and Funnel in the Enenmy. However, the AI in Warrior Kings would see this and not attack your front gate but go round the back where the defense was weaker and then set light to your Walls!

Lord of Rings - (Slate me if u like but if u have ever played it, then u can appreciate how it did have Cavarly Charge from Rear and Sides , that would affect Polearms enenmies, as well as having magic and archers etc. The Best Mode was versus 2 AI oppenents that would be set to Extreme diffficulty and 10,000 units. As both Sets of AI had different troops, so combined they made a Formiddable Opponent.

Shogun, Rome, Barbarian and Medieval and Medival 2 - No Magic or Attack Ground but i love them and one of the original Dark Omen Artists (Tresdern) went onto to work on Shogun. - I Mod these Games and cant wait for The Call of Warhammer Mod.

Dawn of War - Good graphics (as first game to have such detailed 3d sprites) but shallow on tactics (only Differing Terrain) so I prefer Company of Heroes and I Mod them Both.

2126  Modifications / 2D Sprites / Re: Dwarves on: February 26, 2009, 01:20:14 AM
These New Dwarf XBowmen are Armed with Swords but also carry the XBow

on their Backs until they have to Fire!

Any Colour/Weapon Combination is Now Available and Hammers/Slayers on Way:-

1) Original Blue Axe, Sword, XBow Dwarfs.

2) Heavy Armoured Axe, Sword, XBow Dwarfs.

2) Bare Skin Axe, Sword, XBow Dwarfs.


2127  Warhammer Dark Omen / Tactical wargaming and other Warhammer games / Re: Shadow Of The Horned Rat on: February 25, 2009, 09:55:07 PM
I Always recommend playing on on ePSXe a Playstation Emulation, that will

run on your pc.

As the Graphics are more 3d (like Dark Omen) rather than 2D on the PC version.


2128  Modifications / 2D Sprites / Re: Dwarves on: February 25, 2009, 02:26:14 AM
I agree and we could always overwrite an Un-Used Single Player Campaign Character like

Peasant Rabble or Black Avengers, as a Temporary Measure, until we want/if to add them to Multiplayer.

So for the Heads and Portraits and Speech we could replace with Modified Dwarves , perhaps.

All of this would require a Future Patch or at least the Download would contain a few Orginal Files to return

the Game to Normal.

However, we aren't ready for Such things , just yet as we would Roll loads of Mods Together into 1 Ultimate Patch.

So for now, we can attempt to import the New Dwarf Sprites and their Banners.


2129  Modifications / 2D Sprites / Re: Dwarves on: February 25, 2009, 01:48:19 AM
They are all done and Ready(maybe a Few Sword Touch-Ups) for Myself and Ghabry to Add as New Units.

So Dwarf Hammers Next!

Inspired From Shadow Of The Horned Rat Units.



2130  Modifications / 2D Sprites / Re: Dwarves on: February 25, 2009, 12:54:35 AM
So How do we Get these into the Game?

Luckily there are 12 Empty Spaces to Insert New Units into DarkOmen.

(Thanks Ghabry)

List of unused Spritefiles: (can be pasted in the <sprite>-section of the wh32edit-database.xml for easier setting in the editor ^^)
Peasant 1-3 are not unused sprites (but have forgotten them Cheesy).
You can use the Spritefiles by naming them ST_ImpSwordsman.spr e.g. (and set to this sprite in Wh(3)2Edit).

      <item value="59">Peasant 1</item>
      <item value="5a">Peasant 2</item>
      <item value="5e">Peasant 3</item>
      <item value="19">ST_ImpSwordsman</item>
      <item value="22">ST_ReiksKnight</item>
      <item value="27">ST_BrokenWagon</item>
      <item value="29">ST_ZZNewPlyr3</item>
      <item value="2a">ST_ZZNewPlyr4</item>
      <item value="2b">ST_ZZNewPlyr5</item>
      <item value="2c">ST_ZZNewPlyr6</item>
      <item value="3b">ST_ZZNewGreen1</item>
      <item value="3c">ST_ZZNewGreen2</item>
      <item value="3d">ST_ZZNewGreen3</item>
      <item value="3e">ST_ZZNewGreen4</item>
      <item value="3f">ST_ZZNewGreen5</item>
      <item value="40">ST_ZZNewGreen6</item>
      <item value="45">ST_Vampiress</item>
      <item value="53">ST_ZZNewUndead3</item>
      <item value="54">ST_ZZNewUndead4</item>
      <item value="55">ST_ZZNewUndead5</item>
      <item value="56">ST_ZZNewUndead6</item>
      <item value="5b">ST_ZZNewOther3</item>
      <item value="5c">ST_ZZNewOther4</item>
      <item value="5d">ST_ZZNewOther5</item>
      <item value="5f">XST_LastSprite</item>

These means that we could incorporate these Preliminary Dwarf Sprites as some of the 12 Slots.

and Replace them as we get Better! And it Saves us having to overwrite any Existing Original Sprites.


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