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Hamachi & Windows Vista.
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Topic: Hamachi & Windows Vista. (Read 3560 times)
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Orc Boy
Posts: 45
Hamachi & Windows Vista.
April 01, 2009, 04:50:47 AM »
Hi ya'll, ive been rather concerned regarding hamachi, since ive been using it on my laptop my computer seams to be struggling alot more with certain things such as graphics, running FPS on just about all of my games, and generally acting as though its a virus ridden mess.
its certainly not my intention to worry anyone as i know for a fact its vista, as it usually has 'compatability' issues with certain programs and is, as a whole, a control freak Nazi machine, as my friend 'Drev' showed me, certain programs can conflict with the settings of a computer, for example, 'graboid' interfers with 'World of Warcraft' for some odd reasons, and i beleve getting dark omen and more to the point, Hamachi to run on this loonie of a program to be causing hardware issues.
fear not however as i have a cunning plan that would make a goblin dumbfounded, im gonna get my old XP computer worked, updated and 'tinkered' with to get it to run dark omen and hamachi instead! and use my laptop to still be on this forum, and chat, best of both works in a way right?
but my question to you all is this, have any of you had similar problems with your computers when running other programs and had this kind of 'clashing' before?
'its cheap, cowardly, and boardline rule breaking... but i like it!'
Posts: 126
"Fire walk with me"
Re: Hamachi & Windows Vista.
Reply #1 on:
April 01, 2009, 05:22:13 AM »
well i have Vista on my lap and usually don't experiment any problem with the Hama, sometimes i forgot to turn it off when i end playing DO and start using another programs or games and nothing as happened. If sometime it give you problems have u try to disconnect the Firewall?
"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire." Jaya Ballard, task mage.
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Re: Hamachi & Windows Vista.
Reply #2 on:
April 03, 2009, 06:11:14 PM »
Yeah XP/Vista have no known problems with Hamachi,
so I agree, as since we have seen Firewalls Slowing
down Dark Omen Multiplayer.
and back in Nuln, the ageing Graf Berhardt smiled his secret smile of pride whenever he heard the latest tales of his eldest son's ever growing chain of glorious victories -(sothr manual)
Orc Boy
Posts: 45
Re: Hamachi & Windows Vista.
Reply #3 on:
April 04, 2009, 03:26:40 AM »
well im not much of a tech head with firewalls and other such computer tecko-mumbojumbo (i know some of you much be pulling your hair out when i dont understand these things hehe) plus my XP PC is far easier to use for running it, to be honest my laptop will throw a hissy fit over anything really haha, plus i can type and chat on my laptop here and use my PC to play at the same time, as i currently have the problem where i go to the windows while DO is still running and try to go back on it, the game crashes (hense my somewhat sluggish replonce time when trying to get a game online, i have to keep restarting DO *doh*) so its for the best in the long run either way i suppose
im still determined to learn all this stuff though hehe, dispite it feeling like it'll be the final thread on a very thin rope that is my patience and sanity for these machines or tornent an anguish *punts bill gates off a cliff*
'its cheap, cowardly, and boardline rule breaking... but i like it!'
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