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Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod)
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Topic: Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod) (Read 5082 times)
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Campaign Creator
Posts: 72
Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod)
June 10, 2010, 02:45:20 AM »
So, with a total lack of relevent places to put this in the forum, I thought I'd chuck it here, and let some irritated mod move it if they felt the need.
As some of you might know, or might not... I got bored, and started tinkering with a campagin of my own. (Which is in it's half build state in the Campagins section, (and since I accidentally erased my orginal files, it's fortunate I uploaded it, no?)
Coupled with that, I started on a minature obessive quest to make Dark Omen Multiplayer feel more like I was playing Warhammer, rather than playing this strange Alien Dark Omen version of Warhammer in which the undead run away cavarly have had weapons, and everything comes in mutliples of 4...
Following that, I sort of blinked, and decided that if I was going to go that far, I might just as well mod every bit of Dark Omen I could get my grubby little hands on, and so that's what I'm going to devote this thread too.
Now, I'm no master of the modding, (and I must tip my hat to those with a reasonable understanding of how to hack those horrible b2b files. I can't even get the editor to work in my verson of windows!) So I can't promise anything uber dramatic.
However, I am looking at, (someday, I'm just a single bored bloke here)
1) Re-writing the entire campagin to a modestly difficult balenced undead Campagin, taking you through the establishment of an Undead Countesses power base, through to the Eradication of the Grudgebringer Mercenaries, (Oh yeah, that's right, in Kislev Morgan is gonna die...) To finally crushing the Emperor Karl Franz outside some stonking great temple and taking the throne for herself.
2) Re-writing the Mutiplayer function to include armies based and balenced and playable as though they were on the tabletp, including use of hero characters to boost regiments, restrictions on magical items, and rules on army construction.
3) The addition of at least the Dwarfs as a seperate faction done in a similar style. (Alas they'll be avilable under the Empire tab alongside the the Empire. Pity that. And possibly the Woodelves as well.)
4) Adding a -few- new spites into the game. Particularly...
Dwar Hammers, Blood Knights, Dire Wolves, Dwarf Ironbreakers, Dwarf Crossbowen/Handgunners, and Dwarf Lord.
5) Potentially, if possible, editing the look and contents of the armybook, and playing around with the background look and feel of the in game menus.
So, basically, it'll be the DO Engine, but a totally different game.
So, what I'm really looking for if anyone wants to hop on board is...
Playtesters. <-- Can't fix and balence all this multiplayer nonsense without a patient chap at the other end to maul.
Cheerleaders - I get bored easily, and occasionally need reminding to finish things.
Sprite Editors/Donators - I suck hardcore, so if anyone wants to teach me, show me how to import stuff from Shadow, lend me their spites or make them for me, go for it!
And that's about it.
Orc Shaman
Posts: 1008
Re: Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod)
Reply #1 on:
June 10, 2010, 06:15:16 AM »
*summons Darkmancer, Mika, olly & Grend to this thread
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
Posts: 714
Re: Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod)
Reply #2 on:
June 10, 2010, 04:09:36 PM »
isee you have in mind to add dwrfs with 5 or 6 diferent units right? for the campiaing..
actually there are sprites for that, Grend made them forhis mod, but abyway sprites are for all the comunity so you can get them and use them in your mod.
and i have the blood dragon you saw them
using the balck grial knights wich iam sure? that you will remove them too from the campign right?
ito maquiesves
Night Goblin Shaman
Posts: 542
Re: Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod)
Reply #3 on:
June 10, 2010, 06:54:00 PM »
Good initiative CidHalsey! Your efforts and contribution to this community wont be in vain.
*Jeronimo feels like Olly*
Count with me for
, well, I already did my Cheerleader sentence above... Hehehe.
Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 07:00:30 PM by Jeronimo
Campaign Creator
Posts: 72
Re: Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod)
Reply #4 on:
June 10, 2010, 08:33:22 PM »
The Dwarfs are mainly for Multiplayer, actually. But I figure I might do at least one Proper Dwarf map for the Campagin, as well as a couple more Elf ones in Loren. (Although the Elves SUCK, so I might try to compromise.)
If anyone has spites they're willing to donate to the cause, throw me links, send me files, and I'll bury myself in adding them. (Although I did download GIMP to try and edit my own, and it stubbornly keeps crashing rather than running. This coupled with the B2b editor not working makes me a sad Panda...)
Willing Playtesters should be aware that the Draft Multiplayer lists for Empire and Undead are done, and now need Balencing.
Current Sprite issues are Black Knights standing in for Blood Knights, and Skellie Horses Standing in for Dire Wolves.
(And Technically I suppose Imperial Archers standing in for Huntsmen, but I'm fine with that.)
Army Selection follows a tabletop format. And the game is tentatively designed to be played at either 3k, 6k, or 9k gold.
At 3 k, you may have up to three heros, at least 3 core, up to 2 special and up to 1 rare.
at 6k you may have up to one lord, up to three additional heros, at least three core, up to 3 special and up to two rare.
Lastly at nine k, you may have up to two lords, and three addtional heros, at least 4 core, up to 4 special and up to three rare. (For a total of still no more than 10 units on the field.)
Campaign Creator
Posts: 72
Re: Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod)
Reply #5 on:
June 10, 2010, 08:45:55 PM »
For Example...
Current Empire Army List -
Lord Choices -
Elector Count - Mounted (Knight Bodyguard.)
Elector Count - Foot (Greatswords Bodyguard.)
Wizard Lord - (Alone.)
Hero Choices -
Wizard Apprentice - Foot (Swordsmen Bodyguard.)
Wizard Apprentice - Foot (Alone.)
Empire Captain - Foot (Swordsmen Bodyguard.)
Core Choices -
Empire Swordsmen (20 - 30)
Imperial Halberdiers (10)
Huntsmen (10 - 15)
Crossbowmen (10)
Special Choices -
Greatswords - (10 - 30)
Empire Knights - (5 - 15)
Imperial Pistoliers - (10)
Imperial Cannon - (Three Crew)
Imperial Mortar - (Three Crew)
Rare Choices-
Steamtank - (1 Model)
Flagerants (Or some such spelling - 10 - 20)
So a valid 3000 Gold Crown Army would look something like -
Imperial Captain + Swordsmen Bodyguard.
Mage Apprentice - Alone
2 Units of Halberdiers
1 Unit of Woodsmen
2 Units of Empire Knights
2850 Gold Crowns. (With the other 150 free to add men to any of the units. Probably not enough for a magic item.)
(Note - It's entirely possible I'll ban the Steamtank at 3k armies, owning to it's unique difficulty to destroy in Dark Omen.)
Things I'm considering adding -
An Option to put the Wizard lord inside a unit.
An Option to field the Elector Count alone.
The possibility of adding Engineers to the Artilliary Units.
The Ability to Add a mounted Empire Captain.
Inner Circle Knights.
Posts: 546
Re: Dark Omen Table Topped! DOTT. (Mod)
Reply #6 on:
June 10, 2010, 10:19:12 PM »
Quote from: alavet on June 10, 2010, 06:15:16 AM
*summons Darkmancer, Mika, olly & Grend to this thread
You know that daemons in Warhammer can refuse summons, right?
Anyway, yeah, I agree with the choir above, great Initiative! That's all I can say until I've seen more, of course
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