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What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
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Topic: What are you're favorite units in the campaing? (Read 36198 times)
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Posts: 229
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #30 on:
July 27, 2012, 12:32:06 AM »
mortar useless
just shoot in front of moving regiments - its only AI
Posts: 1020
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #31 on:
July 27, 2012, 01:09:36 PM »
Well he said its useless in the last missions.
I agree that its a bit useless in the black pyramide mission because mummies are nearly immune to artillery.
Posts: 229
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #32 on:
July 28, 2012, 03:56:49 PM »
But its good to shredder skeletons/ghouls
Well, never even played last mission without mortar xD
Campaign Creator
Posts: 147
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #33 on:
July 29, 2012, 08:06:05 AM »
I like bright wizard with flamestorm spell in some first missions. Undead archers are burning well.
- -
Urblab Rotgut: "My name's Urblab Rotgut."
Morgan Bernhardt: "That's your problem"
- -
Night Goblin
Posts: 17
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #34 on:
October 20, 2013, 04:49:35 PM »
I find it unfortunate that there are no goblin regiments in the campaign (at least, I reached the Grail so far and got stuck there, too many mummies to stay afloat). I've played a few games against my brother the last few days, and I find using a goblin regiment, backed up by a mage and possibly a Horn if I can afford it, the goblins attack, then I just start firing beams through my own, cheap and expendable units to deal good damage against the heavy big guys they attack. Add in a few harder hitting regiments for an attack, and you can soften up your targets (goblin archers, fire a round, force attack, fire your beams through them, attack with heavier regiment while fleeing the archers, use horn, archers go lob at something else).
But, I think my favourites are:
Ogres, 3 in a group, cheap to replace, if you soften the enemy up they have a high chance of all 3 surviving and killing/routing the enemy.
Orc archers, who doesn't like a group that can soften up a regiment, then attack it as if it were a melee infantry unit? When using humans or undead, I always have at least one regiment ready at the side for a charge to prevent my archers getting in a melee, but with orcs I just charge the archers, then have the other regiments attack it from the side/behind or engage a different regiment altogether.
Orc/goblin shaman, I actually like the idea of a goblin shaman more. A weak, tiny little creature with devastating attacks? I'm all for it! I especially like the support role it can play, with 'ere we go' I could easily have any melee regiment defeat 2 entire, unscathed skeleton regiments and still have more then half of the guys left, if I took my time softening them up I sometimes lost no more then two guys to two whole regiments. Orcs are more about melee, and I use them as such.
I do dislike the 'Da Crunch' spell, sometimes it's effective as hell, but at one point I threw down 6 Da Crunches squarely on 4 enemy regiments (in melee combat with my fith), and I barely killed 5 guys with it, even though my brother claimed there were no anti-magic items/spells at work at that point in the game, and none were visible.
Bright mage, seriously, that flaming head it TOO GOOD. Every unit you get under that shrieking monstrosity is almost guaranteed dead, making even the best regiments flee. If necessary, I just put my mage in the way of cavalery, ram one of these heads in it, two if I get the time, then just teleport away. If I don't just teleport behind/at the flank of an enemy regiment and burn an entire row+all suckers that move into it's path away. If it were up to me, teleport would get a maximum range and the flaming head would get a max killcount.
Trolls, there is something about a massive towering unit that, with a little assistance, can beat an entire regiment, then just heal up to full again and attack the next, all the while able to block some magic attacks.
2. Place Tournament
Posts: 11
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #35 on:
October 20, 2013, 08:48:07 PM »
I like the wood elf archers, bright wizard and flagellants!
Orc Boy
Posts: 48
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #36 on:
August 11, 2014, 01:42:35 AM »
Having played DO for so many years on both PSX and PC - Flagellants where always my favourite from start to finish.
The way Eusebio looks (creepy insomniac), the in-game regiment having wacky Einstein hair, the fact they are immune to fear... Nevermind how they swing their flails over their heads like complete psychotic lunatics in battle... As soon as I got them, they instantly became my favourite and have remained my favourite ever since.
I always grew fond of chucking the anti-arrow shield on them and having them as my primary rush-first-ask-questions-later unit, especially if I can compliment their target with my second favourite unit, the Ogres.
They were my death-squad - And Morgan would be used to keep the speedy hard-hitters at bay while those two regiments smashed everything that my Mortar, Cannon, and Elven archers didn't kill first.
I do like FireWizard but he's pretty much the OP staple-point of the human army. Any time he has flaming skull in his spell-book, I laugh along with it - Just a nasty, NASTY spell.
Grungebringer Cavalry
> Elven Archers and/or GB Crossbows > Mortar & Cannon > GB Infantry for general meat-shielding.
Then whatever other units I feel like.
Boar Boyz
> Big Uns > Shaman > Orc Boyz > Archers.
Anything that isn't Goblins with fanatics... Those things always... ALWAYS... Do more damage to me than they do the enemy, no matter how far away they are from the team.
Skull Launcher
BGrail Knights
> Anything else.
I avoid playing them when I can - Undead are ridiculous in SP as well as MP.
Top 5:
Flag > Ogres > Troll > FSLauncher > Boar Boyz
Giant Spider
Posts: 14
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #37 on:
November 14, 2014, 01:02:24 AM »
-Grundgebringer Infantry
-Helmegart bowmen
-Grail Knights
-Knights of the Realm
-Outlaw infantry (Love the appearance of them)
Those were my favourite regiments back when playing on PSX years ago, for now I will add:
-Mortar (Blighted towers?, no problem, I will aim manually and destroy all the orcs charging forward!)
-Ogres (Love when they carry that banner that launches rays to the enemy and the stormsword or hellfire sword, they can deal with entire regiments all alone with that, and being just 3 ogres makes those items really effective)
The bretonian knights made me chose Bretonnia as my army in Warhammer Fantasy Battles (:
My youtube channel:
Orc Boy
Posts: 48
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #38 on:
August 21, 2016, 06:23:05 AM »
Ever since I got WH:DO back in the PSX days, I fell instantly in love with the Ogres & Flagellants. Eusebio looked completely whacked, and then when the battle began, all I could see where seven chaps with massive afros, wielding flails like complete lunatics - what's not to like?
"Mah names Urbald Rotgut..."
"...That's your problem."
Always loved having my Ogres for hit'n'run (or more specifically, hit and trample them as they flee in fear). Definitely my top-2 for more than just their in-game prowess. Aside from those two (guaranteed in every singleplayer battle possible), I'll always favour the Mortar over Cannon - followed by the Elven Archers. They're completely ridiculous and almost always replace my good ole CBowmen in the end. Outside of those, it's got to be good ole Morgan and his trusty Sergeant, trailed behind by the practically mandatory Bright Wizard.
Posts: 2
Re: What are you're favorite units in the campaing?
Reply #39 on:
December 29, 2020, 02:39:36 PM »
People have different favorite units, but noone likes Ice-Wizard much. I kinda like him but you have to level him up first (best way is to ensnare with high level bright wizard and equip wrathbanner on ice-wizzard, and just let him kill off units with the wrathbanner), when he is high level i quite like him.
Best combo is the Bright Wizard, and Ice Wizard in combination with crossbowmen and elf archers (and the shield of ptolos on elf) and banner of arcane warding, perhaps dragonhelm if you are going against screaming skulls on crossbowmen.
High level on both wizards (and of course jetwand and book on Bright Wizzard) and banner of wrath on Ice Wizzard. Spam ice-shield and Dispel on Crossbowmen and then protect Brightwizz with his own dispel, and if enemy is close use Wrath and fire-snare. Thus both arrow-regimens are immune to both magic and arrows, and can easily wipe out other arrow regimens and if enemy is close with ensnare/screamingscull/wrathbanner put up a fierce challange.
Burnhart had 15k gold after Dread king was defeated using this method lol.
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