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1  Warhammer Dark Omen / Help Section / Window size issue in Win10 on: November 04, 2023, 08:50:53 PM
Firstly can I say thank you to all the guys who have contributed to the mod pack, it's amazing to be able to play this game again.

I followed all the instructions and have got the game running in full 3d, cursor etc in Win10 x64.

My only issue is the bottom 1-2cm of the window is cut off. This wouldn't be a major issue except it means you can't see the banners of regiments that are off screen during gameplay. It's also the part of the screen where the dgVoodoo watermark would be.

I have tried playing around in dgVoodoo but the settings don't seem to do anything. But if I launch not in 640x480 compatibility mode, it loads in a small window top left and shows the watermark.

Incidentally the movies also don't play, but I'm less bothered about that.

Any ideas or help gratefully received. I'm running a core i3 thinkpad with intel HD on board graphics.

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