December 21, 2024, 02:46:42 PM


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 on: November 03, 2024, 02:55:27 PM 
Started by mpp7 - Last post by mpp7
Hello! Thanks for the clarification - I was starting to suspect it was a Windows 7 issue. My main rig is Windows 10 so I'll just install DO on that at some point. Here's the conundrum however, that system does not have a DVD drive. Would it work if I copied the contents of my disc to a USB flash drive and installed the game that way? I'd need a no-CD crack however...
Failing that option, an investment in an external DVD drive would do the trick.

 on: November 03, 2024, 11:41:47 AM 
Started by mpp7 - Last post by olly
Win7 is no longer supported, as unfortunately all the fixes have to evolve with the changes in the latest versions of Windows.

Join our discord chat and I can remote in via Teamviewer, to try a few combinations, as been awhile.

 on: November 03, 2024, 06:56:07 AM 
Started by mpp7 - Last post by mpp7
Hello all,
Was excited to find this fan site for a game I used to play way back on both PS1 and PC. Was hoping for a little help with getting DO running on a Windows 7 laptop (Alienware M15x, fresh install with all drivers up to date). I have followed the YouTube video instructions to the letter and run several of the fixes too, but unfortunately I still cannot get DO running in a playable state. I have uninstalled several times and removed registry entries etc, but the issue I am still getting is as follows:

Following a complete fresh install the game boots to a screen about a quarter of the size of my desktop resolution (1920x1080). But on this first boot, the videos and in-game menu actually display correctly - content is displayed in the centre of this small screen, the colours are exactly as they should be, and I can enable 3D and change the mouse pointer settings no problem. Alt-tabbing to try and make the game full screen however results in a black screen with the dgvoodoo splash icon displayed correctly in the bottom right. I can also hear all sound effects fine and when moving the mouse icon, hear it passing over the in-game options.

On a second boot and all subsequent boots thereafter, the game goes to the same small screen in the top left of the screen, but this time the videos are not centralised (you see a fraction of them being played in the bottom right-hand corner). Furthermore, the in-game menu is not aligned properly and its colours are all off. I have run the suggested registry fixes to try remedy this as recommended and I installed dg voodoo 2.6.3 (link from this site) and copied the exact settings used in the help page and YouTube video. This happens repeatedly, until I do a complete reinstall as advised, which takes me back to square one again.

I am now at a loss and seeking any input. Thanks in advance!

 on: October 30, 2024, 09:16:58 PM 
Started by aguerson - Last post by olly
Try reverting back to using the original EngRel.exe to test, as it isn't modified to hook in the darkpatch.dll. However, multiplayer connection issues are generally firewall related.

 on: October 30, 2024, 12:36:27 PM 
Started by aguerson - Last post by aguerson
Hi Olly,
You are right.

It is complex to debug.

The computer 1 create the game with his static IP address

by default, wine directplay pop-op a windonws and ask for a IP. If you create the game, you must let the texte area blank.

And you wait the other computer to launch the game.

In the other part, you have the computer 2 which join the game.

When the wine directplay pop-op the windows, you enter the IP of the computer 1.

wine directplay see the computer 1 and the login of the computer 1, and when the computer 2 try to rejoin, it fail...

When you say your EngRel.exe and darkpatch.dll redirects multiplayer armytmp to c:/, so you have modified the original workflow of the game ?

What king of tool did you have use to do this ? Maybe it could be possible to revert this part ? I am not a expert in reverse or disassembling :/

I will investigate. For now, I don't known how to trap the error / the fail.

 on: October 28, 2024, 10:16:17 PM 
Started by aguerson - Last post by olly
Very close indeed. Our mod pack EngRel.exe & darkpatch.dll redirects multiplayer armytmp to c:/system32/temp on windows, if that helps.

Presumably you are joining the multiplayer session via ip address?

 on: October 28, 2024, 02:26:31 PM 
Started by aguerson - Last post by aguerson
Thanks Olly Wink.

For the Multiplayers session, it is not OK unfortunately.

This command should help me to fix it

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winetricks directplay

 I can create the round/map/session , but when I try to join the game with a other PC on Linux, it say the session was already close and I can't join the session Cry

If someone has a idea  Undecided


 on: October 28, 2024, 12:45:28 AM 
Started by aguerson - Last post by olly
Amazing effort and can't wait to follow the guide. Thanks

 on: October 26, 2024, 11:08:11 PM 
Started by aguerson - Last post by aguerson
OK OK. It works on single player ! ( I have to find howto play multiplayers, but one step after the other )

I start from a fresh install ( for the beginners )

In this part, I will only use the mod_pack from Olly ( and the community )

I don't use "sudo" for many reasons. I prefer directly using root when I need it. So I run the command "su -" to change to root and type many commands.
When you need "Do it as root", if you don't use like me the command "su -", just add "sudo" behind the commands and enter the password if asked.

0) Download and install a fresh Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with the iso below

1) Install some Linux tools

"Do it as root"

apt update
apt install vim
apt install zip
apt install unzip

2) Install wine and winetricks

"Do it as root"

mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings
wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key
wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
apt update
apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 libvulkan1:i386
apt install fonts-wine libwine-development
apt install winetricks

3) Create directories

USERNAME is the name you chose when you install Linux

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso
mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources
mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data

4) Download or create Warhammer Dark Omen ISO ( for copyrights reasons I cannot put a link - I hope you have the CD / or the ISO )
Mine is the French version, but I can install the english version with it.

If you have a CD version and you want to have a copy ( a iso file ) in Linux :

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

a) Insert the original CD

b) Get infos from your CD

isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0 | grep -i -E 'block size|volume size'

You will see something like that

Logical block size is: xxxx
Volume size is: yyyyyy

where "/dev/sr0" is your CD device on Linux

c) Create your iso file in "/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources"

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources
dd if=/dev/sr0 of=warhammer_dark_omen.iso bs=2048 count=324088 status=progress

where bs=xxxx was "Logical block size is: xxxx"
and count=yyyyyyy "Volume size is: yyyyyy"


d) Install fuseiso

"Do it as root"

apt-get install fuseiso

5) Mount ISO

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

fuseiso /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/warhammer_dark_omen.iso /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso/

6) Create Wine architecture / tree

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winecfg

7) Install the game

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" wine SETUP.EXE

Choose the english language
Choose the "full" installation
Change the path of the game ( best for skipping the Microsft Windows space... ) and install it on "c:/games/darkomen"
Launch the installation
At the end, say "yes" to install directx 5

Cool Get movies from ISO

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso/darkomen/
tar -czvf /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/movies.tar.gz movies/
cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/movies.tar.gz /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen
tar -zxvf movies.tar.gz
rm movies.tar.gz

9) Download and extract dgVoodoo2 2.63 files ( the version 2.63 is very important ! )

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

# From

mkdir /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63
cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/

the md5sum of the files

#md5sum /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/D3D8.dll
#md5sum /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/D3D9.dll
#md5sum /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/D3DImm.dll
#md5sum /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/DDraw.dll

10) Copy dgVoodoo2 2.63 dll files

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/*.dll /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/

11) Download and extract modified Olly mod_pack (!AsyWBCOxh51ViNQVmiH8FtY80TnY7w?e=AKawWz)

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

mkdir /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly

# From!AsyWBCOxh51ViNQVmiH8FtY80TnY7w?e=AKawWz

Copy the archive ( the file downloaded ) in "/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly"

cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly
unzip "DO Mod Pack Jan 2020"
mv "DO Mod Pack Jan 2020" mod_pack
cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly/mod_pack
tar -czvf ./armytmp.tar.gz armytmp/
tar -czvf ./Mods.tar.gz Mods/
cp armytmp.tar.gz /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/
cp Mods.tar.gz /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/
cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/
tar -zxvf armytmp.tar.gz
tar -zxvf Mods.tar.gz
rm armytmp.tar.gz
rm Mods.tar.gz

12) Copy files from Olly mod_pack

mv /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/EngRel.exe /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/EngRel.exe.orig
cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly/mod_pack/PRG_ENG/EngRel.exe /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/
cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly/mod_pack/PRG_ENG/darkpatch.dll /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/

13) Change wincfg configuration

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

You then need to open winecfg again:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winecfg

Go to Libraries tab, if "ddraw" is not in the "Existing overrides" then click on "New override for library:", type "ddraw" and click "Add". It will give you a warning about the order but just say yes. Then make sure in the "Existing overrides" that it's "native" first.

14) Add dxvk librairies in wine ( directx )

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winetricks dxvk

Say "yes" each time to have file as asked

15) Modiffy dgVoodoo2 2.63 configuration as the image ( It is the picture of Olly post. Don't care about the version 2.63.1 on the top )

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

Copy the needed files

cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/dgVoodooCpl.exe /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/
cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/dgVoodoo.conf /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/

Modify the conf

cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" wine dgVoodooCpl.exe

16) Launch the game ( Manually )

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

WINEPREFIX=/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/ wine EngRel.exe

Have fun !

====>  How to create a desktop icon to launch the game. ( Updated with the mod_pack )

17) Copy Dark Omen icon

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop
cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso/small.ico /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop/darkomen.ico

Change file rights

chmod 644 /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop/darkomen.ico

18) Create a desktop file

"Do it as root"

vim /usr/share/applications/darkomen.desktop

Press "i"
Insert the code below

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Warhammer Dark Omen
GenericName=Role play Game

Press "Echap" key
Type ":wq!"

Change file rights

chmod 644 /usr/share/applications/darkomen.desktop

19) Create a launcher script ( Updated here ! )

"Do it as root"

vim /usr/games/darkomen

Press "i"
Insert the code below


cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/
WINEPREFIX=/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/ wine EngRel.exe

Press "Echap" key
Type ":wq!"

Change file rights

chmod +x /usr/games/darkomen

19) Launch the game ( Auto )

"Do it as your login ( USERNAME )"

Just type this in your console


or select "Warhammer Dark Omen" in your Application Menu

Have fun !

 on: October 26, 2024, 07:19:24 PM 
Started by aguerson - Last post by aguerson
Thanks olly.

Since 1 month now, I try to play with your mod pack and the best resolution ( I love Warhammer Fantasy ).

I started with the work of  aqrit and moktira, but it seems Wine on Linux and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS had progressed on the subject.

Since yesterday, I didn't not understand why I could not have the dgvoodoo watermark with the moktira approch. So I decided to delete all and start from the ISO / CD.

And I did it !

I will publish my results in the night I think.

I have again a problem to play with multiplayers, but I used the EngRel.exe of moktira. I have to test with yours.

The answer in few hours Cheesy

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