Title: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: aguerson on October 24, 2024, 09:39:18 PM Hi all,
There is a section to install Dark Omen on Windows, let's do it for Linux :) Maybe it could work with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. I haven't upgrade my Linux yet. I assume you have an original CD ISO of the game. First I want to thanks aqrit and moktira https://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/dark-omen-linux-textures-flipped-t1577.0.html (https://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/dark-omen-linux-textures-flipped-t1577.0.html) Note: I don't use "sudo" for many reasons. I prefer directly using root when I need it. So I run the command "su -" to change to root and type many commands. When you need "Do it as root", if you don't use like me the command "su -", just add "sudo" behind the commands and enter the password if asked. 0) Download and install a fresh Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with the iso below https://releases.ubuntu.com/jammy/ubuntu-22.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso (https://releases.ubuntu.com/jammy/ubuntu-22.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso) 1) Install some Linux tools "Do it as root" Code: apt update apt install vim apt install zip apt install unzip 2) Install wine and winetricks "Do it as root" Code: mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key [url]https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key[/url] wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [url]https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/dists/jammy/winehq-jammy.sources[/url] apt update apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable apt install winetricks 3) Create directories USERNAME is the name you chose when you install Linux "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/ddwrapper mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data 4) Download or create Warhammer Dark Omen ISO ( for copyrights reasons I cannot put a link - I hope you have the CD / or the ISO ) Mine is the French version, but I can install the english version with it. If you have a CD version and you want to have a copy ( a iso file ) in Linux : "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" a) Insert the original CD b) Get infos from your CD Code: isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0 | grep -i -E 'block size|volume size' You will see something like that Code: Logical block size is: xxxx Volume size is: yyyyyy where "/dev/sr0" is your CD device on Linux c) Create your iso file in "/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources" "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources dd if=/dev/sr0 of=warhammer_dark_omen.iso bs=2048 count=324088 status=progress where bs=xxxx was "Logical block size is: xxxx" and count=yyyyyyy "Volume size is: yyyyyy" xxx=2048 yyyyyy=324088 d) Install fuseiso "Do it as root" Code: apt-get install fuseiso 5) Mount ISO "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: fuseiso /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/warhammer_dark_omen.iso /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso/ 6) Create Wine architecture / tree "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winecfg 7) Download and extract abriq ddwrapper archive and files (http://www.bitpatch.com/ddwrapper.html (http://www.bitpatch.com/ddwrapper.html)) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/ddwrapper wget http://www.bitpatch.com/downloads/ddwrapper.zip unzip ddwrapper.zip 8) Download and extract modified DarkOmen files (https://www.mediafire.com/file/fnnkq89xdjy75m0/DarkOmenMods.zip/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/fnnkq89xdjy75m0/DarkOmenMods.zip/file)) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/ wget [url]https://download1583.mediafire.com/42o6bu6dfcegiX-0X9Lx3MtFwVB7C2CKhC-N_IuqENy7FHs5L31QJDwYgKPUS_L4FR0Z2h_boP8Qg7qWvHkUS6SlMsBz8csU7J1UPETUgNXocfbj5D29v3-uj2CQsXoBGQn4qaQVlk-anpUfjolvi35v48A6DpF81iGJqNT9IIkT/fnnkq89xdjy75m0/DarkOmenMods.zip[/url] unzip DarkOmenMods.zip If the link "https://download1583.mediafire.com/42o6... (https://download1583.mediafire.com/42o6...)" doesn't work, just open your browser ( Firefox, Chrome, ... ) and get the file from the link "https://www.mediafire.com/file/fnnkq89xdjy75m0/DarkOmenMods.zip/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/fnnkq89xdjy75m0/DarkOmenMods.zip/file)" and save it in the directory "/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/" 9) Install the game "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" wine SETUP.EXE Choose the english language Choose the "full" installation Change the path of the game ( best for skipping the Microsft Windows space... ) and install it on "c:/games/darkomen" Launch the installation At the end, say "yes" to install directx 5 10) Add new ddraw lib "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" You need to get Aqrit's ddraw.dll and the aqrit.cfg and put them in the directory "PRG_ENG" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/ddwrapper cp aqrit.cfg ddraw.dll /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/ 11) Edit aqrit.cfg file "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Edit aqrit.cfg and change "BltMirror=1" Use a text editor ( like vim on Linux ) Code: vim /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/aqrit.cfg With "vim" : Press "i" key Go on the good line Change "0" to "1" on the line BltMirror Press "Echap" key Type ":wq!" 12) Change wincfg configuration "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" You then need to open winecfg again: Code: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winecfg Go to Libraries tab, if "ddraw" is not in the "Existing overrides" then click on "New override for library:", type "ddraw" and click "Add". It will give you a warning about the order but just say yes. Then make sure in the "Existing overrides" that it's "native" first. 13) Add new executable "EngRel.exe" "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Get the HexEdited "EngRel.exe" file and the "darkpatch.dll" lib from the downloaded archive and put them in PRG_ENG Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/DarkOmenMods/PRG_ENG/ mv /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/EngRel.exe /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/EngRel.exe.orig cp EngRel.exe darkpatch.dll /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/ 14) Install Xephyr "Do it as root" When you use Linux, each windows is served by a "windows manager" To play in "16 bits", you need to use xephyr. Without xephyr, you will have some graphics problems. Code: apt update apt install xserver-xephyr 15) Update directplay librairies in wine ( to play multiplayers ) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winetricks directplay Say "yes" each time to have file as asked 16) Launch the game on Linux As I said, on Linux, there is many "windows manager". For this reason, there are some daemons which are using/serving the display. The position "1" is many time busy or used, so we will use the position/place "2" to skip the error. You can choose "3" if "1" or "2" are already used, etc... Create a Xephyr windows Code: Xephyr :2 -ac -screen 640x480x16 & Launch the game Code: DISPLAY=:2 WINEPREFIX=/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/ wine EngRel.exe Have fun ! I will update the post to create a desktop icon to launch the game. And maybe to give you some tips on the config. Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: aguerson on October 24, 2024, 10:44:24 PM Great, it works:
1) Copy Dark Omen icon "Do it as root" Code: mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso/small.ico /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop/darkomen.ico Change file rights Code: chmod 644 /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop/darkomen.ico 2) Create a desktop file "Do it as root" Code: vim /usr/share/applications/darkomen.desktop Press "i" Insert the code below Code: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Name=Warhammer Dark Omen GenericName=Role play Game Icon=/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop/darkomen.ico Exec=darkomen Terminal=false Categories=Game;RolePlayGame; Press "Echap" key Type ":wq!" Change file rights Code: chmod 644 /usr/share/applications/darkomen.desktop 3) Create a launcher script "Do it as root" Code: vim /usr/games/darkomen Press "i" Insert the code below Code: #!/bin/sh Xephyr :2 -ac -screen 640x480x16 & sleep 1 cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/ DISPLAY=:2 WINEPREFIX=/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/ wine EngRel.exe Press "Echap" key Type ":wq!" Change file rights Code: chmod +x /usr/games/darkomen Now you can launch the game with the new desktop icon in the menu :) Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: aguerson on October 24, 2024, 10:46:24 PM It is time to play with the resolution and the MOD Pack :)
Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: olly on October 25, 2024, 08:42:50 PM Excellent work. Thanks
Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: aguerson on October 26, 2024, 07:19:24 PM Thanks olly.
Since 1 month now, I try to play with your mod pack and the best resolution ( I love Warhammer Fantasy ). I started with the work of aqrit and moktira, but it seems Wine on Linux and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS had progressed on the subject. Since yesterday, I didn't not understand why I could not have the dgvoodoo watermark with the moktira approch. So I decided to delete all and start from the ISO / CD. And I did it ! I will publish my results in the night I think. I have again a problem to play with multiplayers, but I used the EngRel.exe of moktira. I have to test with yours. The answer in few hours :D Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: aguerson on October 26, 2024, 11:08:11 PM OK OK. It works on single player ! ( I have to find howto play multiplayers, but one step after the other )
I start from a fresh install ( for the beginners ) In this part, I will only use the mod_pack from Olly ( and the community ) Note: I don't use "sudo" for many reasons. I prefer directly using root when I need it. So I run the command "su -" to change to root and type many commands. When you need "Do it as root", if you don't use like me the command "su -", just add "sudo" behind the commands and enter the password if asked. 0) Download and install a fresh Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with the iso below https://releases.ubuntu.com/jammy/ubuntu-22.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso 1) Install some Linux tools "Do it as root" Code: apt update apt install vim apt install zip apt install unzip 2) Install wine and winetricks "Do it as root" Code: mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/dists/jammy/winehq-jammy.sources apt update apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 libvulkan1:i386 apt install fonts-wine libwine-development apt install winetricks 3) Create directories USERNAME is the name you chose when you install Linux "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data 4) Download or create Warhammer Dark Omen ISO ( for copyrights reasons I cannot put a link - I hope you have the CD / or the ISO ) Mine is the French version, but I can install the english version with it. If you have a CD version and you want to have a copy ( a iso file ) in Linux : "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" a) Insert the original CD b) Get infos from your CD Code: isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0 | grep -i -E 'block size|volume size' You will see something like that Code: Logical block size is: xxxx Volume size is: yyyyyy where "/dev/sr0" is your CD device on Linux c) Create your iso file in "/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources" "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources dd if=/dev/sr0 of=warhammer_dark_omen.iso bs=2048 count=324088 status=progress where bs=xxxx was "Logical block size is: xxxx" and count=yyyyyyy "Volume size is: yyyyyy" xxx=2048 yyyyyy=324088 d) Install fuseiso "Do it as root" Code: apt-get install fuseiso 5) Mount ISO "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: fuseiso /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/warhammer_dark_omen.iso /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso/ 6) Create Wine architecture / tree "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winecfg 7) Install the game "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" wine SETUP.EXE Choose the english language Choose the "full" installation Change the path of the game ( best for skipping the Microsft Windows space... ) and install it on "c:/games/darkomen" Launch the installation At the end, say "yes" to install directx 5 8) Get movies from ISO "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso/darkomen/ tar -czvf /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/movies.tar.gz movies/ cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/movies.tar.gz /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen tar -zxvf movies.tar.gz rm movies.tar.gz 9) Download and extract dgVoodoo2 2.63 files ( the version 2.63 is very important ! ) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" # From https://github.com/dege-diosg/dgVoodoo2/releases/tag/v2.63 Code: mkdir /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63 cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/ wget https://github.com/dege-diosg/dgVoodoo2/releases/download/v2.63/dgVoodoo2_63.zip unzip dgVoodoo2_63.zip the md5sum of the files Code: #md5sum /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/D3D8.dll #577c66faf85297b123581e66fa868d83 #md5sum /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/D3D9.dll #49fde6ef9222c3255bb5d3828ce3e25e #md5sum /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/D3DImm.dll #6904f927ba756acaca850e8720e8496a #md5sum /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/DDraw.dll #a1d441d2b5f490d5b77a365d345ab4f5 10) Copy dgVoodoo2 2.63 dll files "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/MS/x86/*.dll /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/ 11) Download and extract modified Olly mod_pack (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsyWBCOxh51ViNQVmiH8FtY80TnY7w?e=AKawWz) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: mkdir /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly # From https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsyWBCOxh51ViNQVmiH8FtY80TnY7w?e=AKawWz Copy the archive ( the file downloaded ) in "/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly" Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly unzip "DO Mod Pack Jan 2020 15th.zip" mv "DO Mod Pack Jan 2020" mod_pack cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly/mod_pack tar -czvf ./armytmp.tar.gz armytmp/ tar -czvf ./Mods.tar.gz Mods/ cp armytmp.tar.gz /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/ cp Mods.tar.gz /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/ cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/ tar -zxvf armytmp.tar.gz tar -zxvf Mods.tar.gz rm armytmp.tar.gz rm Mods.tar.gz 12) Copy files from Olly mod_pack Code: mv /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/EngRel.exe /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/EngRel.exe.orig cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly/mod_pack/PRG_ENG/EngRel.exe /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/ cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/mod_pack_olly/mod_pack/PRG_ENG/darkpatch.dll /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/ 13) Change wincfg configuration "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" You then need to open winecfg again: Code: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winecfg Go to Libraries tab, if "ddraw" is not in the "Existing overrides" then click on "New override for library:", type "ddraw" and click "Add". It will give you a warning about the order but just say yes. Then make sure in the "Existing overrides" that it's "native" first. 14) Add dxvk librairies in wine ( directx ) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winetricks dxvk Say "yes" each time to have file as asked 15) Modiffy dgVoodoo2 2.63 configuration as the image ( It is the picture of Olly post. Don't care about the version 2.63.1 on the top ) (https://forum.dark-omen.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=111.0;attach=3794;image) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Copy the needed files Code: cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/dgVoodooCpl.exe /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/ cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/dgVoodoo2_63/dgVoodoo.conf /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/ Modify the conf Code: cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/drive_c/games/darkomen/PRG_ENG/ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" wine dgVoodooCpl.exe 16) Launch the game ( Manually ) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: WINEPREFIX=/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/ wine EngRel.exe Have fun ! ====> How to create a desktop icon to launch the game. ( Updated with the mod_pack ) 17) Copy Dark Omen icon "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Code: mkdir -p /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop cp /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/iso/small.ico /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop/darkomen.ico Change file rights Code: chmod 644 /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop/darkomen.ico 18) Create a desktop file "Do it as root" Code: vim /usr/share/applications/darkomen.desktop Press "i" Insert the code below Code: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Name=Warhammer Dark Omen GenericName=Role play Game Icon=/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/sources/desktop/darkomen.ico Exec=darkomen Terminal=false Categories=Game;RolePlayGame; Press "Echap" key Type ":wq!" Change file rights Code: chmod 644 /usr/share/applications/darkomen.desktop 19) Create a launcher script ( Updated here ! ) "Do it as root" Code: vim /usr/games/darkomen Press "i" Insert the code below Code: #!/bin/sh cd /home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/ WINEPREFIX=/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/ wine EngRel.exe Press "Echap" key Type ":wq!" Change file rights Code: chmod +x /usr/games/darkomen 19) Launch the game ( Auto ) "Do it as your login ( USERNAME )" Just type this in your console Code: darkomen or select "Warhammer Dark Omen" in your Application Menu Have fun ! Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: olly on October 28, 2024, 12:45:28 AM Amazing effort and can't wait to follow the guide. Thanks
:) Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: aguerson on October 28, 2024, 02:26:31 PM Thanks Olly ;).
For the Multiplayers session, it is not OK unfortunately. This command should help me to fix it Code: WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/games/warhammer/data/" winetricks directplay I can create the round/map/session , but when I try to join the game with a other PC on Linux, it say the session was already close and I can't join the session :'( If someone has a idea :-\ Regards. Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: olly on October 28, 2024, 10:16:17 PM Very close indeed. Our mod pack EngRel.exe & darkpatch.dll redirects multiplayer armytmp to c:/system32/temp on windows, if that helps.
Presumably you are joining the multiplayer session via ip address? Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: aguerson on October 30, 2024, 12:36:27 PM Hi Olly,
You are right. It is complex to debug. The computer 1 create the game with his static IP address by default, wine directplay pop-op a windonws and ask for a IP. If you create the game, you must let the texte area blank. And you wait the other computer to launch the game. In the other part, you have the computer 2 which join the game. When the wine directplay pop-op the windows, you enter the IP of the computer 1. wine directplay see the computer 1 and the login of the computer 1, and when the computer 2 try to rejoin, it fail... When you say your EngRel.exe and darkpatch.dll redirects multiplayer armytmp to c:/, so you have modified the original workflow of the game ? What king of tool did you have use to do this ? Maybe it could be possible to revert this part ? I am not a expert in reverse or disassembling :/ I will investigate. For now, I don't known how to trap the error / the fail. Title: Re: Warhammer Dark Omen - Installation 2024 - Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Post by: olly on October 30, 2024, 09:16:58 PM Try reverting back to using the original EngRel.exe to test, as it isn't modified to hook in the darkpatch.dll. However, multiplayer connection issues are generally firewall related.