Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Modifications => Tools => Topic started by: Ghabry on January 07, 2020, 02:31:02 AM

Title: Debug tool: LIT editor in EngRel.exe
Post by: Ghabry on January 07, 2020, 02:31:02 AM
Ever wondered how the lighting LIT file is created?
The tool is part of the engine!

Untested, no Dark Omen installed here but looks promising.
History: I found the array that contains the keyboard keycodes and then I found this function which reads numpad and other random keyboard keys, so this made me suspicious what it is.

Search in EngRel.exe for the byte sequence "33C0A3F4F04B00". Change the 33C0 to 9090.
Load a map. The lighting should be different, same as if the LIT file is missing.
Use all of the numpad, F, T, S, D, +, -, =, / (+, - and = try on both normal and num keyboard), LCTRL, RCTRL, Backspace, Numlock, Home, Insert,
Press Num-Enter to save the LIT file, you should see a chatmessage saying that the map was saved. :)

The save destionation is "j:\\paulb\\LiteEdit\\%s.lit". The path must exist, if you don't have a drive J: search this string and hex edit it to something you have (but don't make the path longer! Terminate with 0x00 byte). Only the %s is important.

Title: Re: Debug tool: LIT editor in EngRel.exe
Post by: olly on January 07, 2020, 07:54:43 AM
Cool find, can't wait to test it thanks, as always seen it but never knew we could interact with it.
