Title: Campaign Tool Post by: Malus on February 08, 2011, 07:08:33 PM Hi @ all, long time no see ;)
My dark plan is to write a tool for the lovely campaign, which allows free map selection, to buy and sell units. The first step was just free mission selection, thats done and works fine (for the first ~ 10 missions, missing the data for the others but thats no problem). Second is the buy/sell option and, thats the important thing, get the stuff work with the maps. The Problems!!: 1. Every change (mapselection/buy/sell) needs Gameexit, open Tool+select newest savegame+ do what you want, close tool,start game. Yes this sucks, but there is no other option ;( 2.I dont know if its a developer joke, but why the hell, i need to tell the game that i want to use my active units on the battlefield? -.- So a totaly rebuild of ALL goddamn BTB files is nessesary to allow every unit. Otherwise some Units are not available at the battle. Some Units join the army and later disappear , i.e. the Carlons Cavalry or the Treeman. Thats because the Unit has an unique unit ID and after i.e. the Treemanmission the game sets the unit with this Id to inactive status. Good News! Its possible the change all unit Ids(start armyfile PLYR_ALL) and the game still works fine. i.e. numbers from 30-56 instead of 2-28. With this change, no unit will join or disappear, so all "unitchanges" comes with the campaign tool or they die on battlefield ;) . 3.The Tool itself I'm new to Python and TKinter, but first steps are done for a simple GUI with missionselection. Now it seems i could need a helpfull hand from someone who knows more than myself about python and tkinter ;) How can i: -set the background for the GUI? I want a background like multiplayer GUI ingame -set picture for buttons, or all in one, i want the exactly same GUI like multiplayer armycreation ingame, what whould you do? ^^ yes thats all Status: Alpha of the Alpha Dont trink to much blood!! Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: olly on February 08, 2011, 07:58:09 PM Good to have you back Malus!
Your dark thoughts are great and we'd be happy to help as much as we can. I will investigate further but for more technical coding issues you would need Mikademus,Rob, Ghabry or Darkmancer's assistance. This is going to be brilliant! Thanks again from all of us for your amazing ROTD alternate Dark Omen Campaign. http://forum.dark-omen.org/campaigns/campaign-rotd-rise-of-the-dead-t614.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/campaigns/campaign-rotd-rise-of-the-dead-t614.0.html) :) Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Ghabry on February 08, 2011, 08:35:27 PM Its good to know that somebody is still working on tools to make Dark Omen more modding friendly.
But I never used Python (or Tkinter) so I cant be of any help, sorry. Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Flak on February 08, 2011, 08:56:29 PM Malus you are a gift from the dark gods ;)
this sounds like an amazing tool i must say. It would make my creation of new campaigns so much easier hehe i come to think how far we have gotten since my Goblin campaign with only orc armies edited was big news :) Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Malus on February 08, 2011, 09:44:11 PM Thankz for the response!
I think its the best to finish the GUI at the very very last of all. Right now, some naked buttons and lazy listboxes will do the job as well ;) I was wondering how difficult it is to change existing files, cause you need to rewrite them from the beginning. But the power of python is with me!! To buy units works, there is just the "Goldcoin" problem. With some tricks, its realy easy, to cheat on the player. Because the data is visible just of a simple "flag" For now, i'm happy that all things going well! cya Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Malus on February 09, 2011, 12:50:30 AM Yeah thats so much fun with playin!! ;D
cant imagine how this stuff works, but it does! Awesome! Poor enemys, they are too less!! I hope i can give a good lookable version at weekend 4 testing who is interested. But right now the code looks realy stupid (what a shame), sounds stupid (shame too) and eyes of every programer would bleed like hell :o Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: olly on February 10, 2011, 01:32:12 AM Good learning though and helps having Dark Omen as a focus to learn even more. Keep up the good work and I'm sure we'd all love to help Beta test.
:) Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: lordbraprus on February 10, 2011, 01:43:37 AM hiii! malus:) welcome back, from the darth vader side :| :P i hope you get all the assistance you need :)
Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Flak on February 11, 2011, 10:36:18 AM I am in the middle of an Orc Campaign so any time you would like me to test it i am on the edge of my seat to try :)
Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Mikademus on February 12, 2011, 02:39:02 PM Malus, the calculations for the unit gold costs should be in the ARM editor, so Ghabry probably knows it. Didn't we post that on the .arm page of the wiki?
Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Ghabry on February 12, 2011, 04:54:18 PM The formulas can be found here (http://forum.dark-omen.org/troops/troop-replacement-cost-formulas-t881.0.html;msg9110#msg9110) (for troop replacement and for buying armor)
The real formula in engrel is btw more difficult, I was so kind to optimize their code ;). Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Sark on November 26, 2013, 05:01:19 PM The first step was just free mission selection, thats done and works fine (for the first ~ 10 missions, missing the data for the others but thats no problem). Sorry for the thread necro but does anyone know if Malus finished this tool? He hasn't been active on the forum since 2011. Did he ever release it? If so, does anyone still have it? Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: olly on November 26, 2013, 05:41:26 PM I don't have it, so probably wasn't released unfortunately, will add it to our wish list.
:) Title: Re: Campaign Tool Post by: Ghabry on November 27, 2013, 01:05:05 AM I'm 100% sure that this tool was never released
Is there any specific feature you are interested in? Maybe a different tool can help. |