Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Help Section => Topic started by: sonansu on April 11, 2008, 11:40:56 AM

Title: I can't play dark omen
Post by: sonansu on April 11, 2008, 11:40:56 AM
Because I changed the top left hand corner options (3d to CPU)
and I can't get into the main menu again :-\
what should I do?

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: bembelimen on April 11, 2008, 12:40:55 PM
If Dark Omen crashes after the intro you have to download the following file: Dark-Omen Intro-Crash-Fix. (http://darkomen.benjamintrenkle.de/en/downloads/view-details/sonstiges/intro-crash-fix.html).

Then look here Step 7-10 (http://darkomen.benjamintrenkle.de/en/darkomen-and-winxp.html)

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: sonansu on April 11, 2008, 02:28:00 PM
But the program is still no response :(

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: Ghabry on April 11, 2008, 03:48:07 PM
Start Dark omen without the CD and insert it ingame. This will skip the intro and maybe fix/skip the crash.
Note: If you want to join a game you don't need the CD ^^.

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: sonansu on April 11, 2008, 04:45:17 PM
I start Dark omen without the CD and insert it ingame
I can hear the music but I still can't see the main menu , it is still black screen

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: Ghabry on April 11, 2008, 06:30:29 PM
Have you tried to reinstall Dark Omen?
Maybe also a restart will fix the problem or a program does make problems with DO. Close every program and start Dark omen again.

If you use the DO Intro Crashfix (and import it in the windows registry by doubleclicking ^^) the settings will be changed back and your problem should be solved... it's strange that this is not working at all :(

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: sonansu on April 12, 2008, 01:11:08 PM
I reinstalled dark omen twice but with no luck :-\
It is still black screen

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: olly on April 12, 2008, 09:54:33 PM

Uninstall game and delete the Program Files Dark Omen Folder.

Then Re-install and on first run, go straight to Options and change to CPU and not Coloured Cursors.

Then quit game and restart.


Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: Ainarandir on July 03, 2008, 05:32:50 AM
I have the same problema. I've tried everything that you said, but still it doesn't work. I have a win vista, so I used the file you recomend. After that, I run the file to fix the problem, but it persist.

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: bembelimen on July 03, 2008, 10:50:37 AM
You could check, if your "prg_eng/engrel.exe" is correct. Download this program (http://www.diamondcs.com.au/freeutilities/md5.php) and start, choose your engrel.exe and press md5. Now there appears a hash, it should be this: 25988FD47A48314818B3D3D924E93E60 or your exe is corrupt.

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: Ainarandir on July 03, 2008, 04:26:15 PM
mmm the hash is the same that you posted. Too bad, don't know what else to try.
Do you guys know if there's some kind of way to erase the effect of the crashfix? because first time I installed (before running the crashfix), the game run fine untill I started campaign. But now i can't even set the settings to CPU and normal cursor =(

thxs for the help!!

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: bembelimen on July 03, 2008, 04:29:42 PM
You could go to your registry and change the value manually

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: Ainarandir on July 03, 2008, 05:47:03 PM
Still no luck...
Well, I've run out of ideas. if anyone has any, please help me. My guess is that perhaps the Vista has some kind of record (i don't know too much of systems) that doesn't allow me to go back to "starting point", and install it like the first time.

thnks anyway, hope that someone has the magic solution

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: bembelimen on July 04, 2008, 02:12:45 PM
I've run out of ideas

Me too :( I'm sorry but i never used Vista

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: olly on July 09, 2008, 11:09:47 AM
Uninstall game and Delete the Program Files\ Dark Omen folder

Reboot and reinstall ..

1) On First time u run game go straight to Options and change to CPU mode and not coloured cursors.

Use the Vista fix DLL and join us in chat to discuss further options but CPU mode must be set on the 1st time u run the game, otherwise uninstall remove folder and start again.


Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: DjLeBomb on July 17, 2008, 05:11:23 AM
Well, first of all, my apologize for my english, i'am from Argentina and we talk Spanish (man, i'dont understand a f** word of the German that you write, if i go there one day i will have to study hard the leanguaje, and i hope i can do it, great soccer, great beers, great boobs :o ¡er i mean beautiful women's! ;D

Ok, now to the point; i think i have exactly the same problem that Sonansu and i think we are not gonna be the last who have it. So before i explain all my periple with this new problem for the Vista users, lets see if i can help;

Sonansu; try go to Start-Programs-Darkomen-Darkomen Hardware Troubleshooter. There i make many things without sense and for that i dont know exactly how is that i solve the problem (oh yes thats the good news, the problem can be resolve, but with pacience, remember a lesson that i learn soon in my life "Nothing is easy, but nothing is impossible")
For now try selecting the option "NO i need to use the Trouble..."  and there select one of the patchs  that appears when you click in the arrow to the left and up: ATI, 3DLABS,anyone. Select it and pulse OK, now pray to some saint of your devotion and execute DO. If this works remember all the steps to WIn XP, specially the Cursor not color, if don't work, burn a church of the saint and let me know  it, then i will put here all the things i did and may be togheter we can find what is the right move to make to solve the thing, bye.

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: bembelimen on July 17, 2008, 12:39:04 PM
great soccer, great beers, great boobs

You're right, Germany is great ;)

Joking aside.

man, i'dont understand a f** word of the German that you write

We try to translate the hole page into English and searching for other native Speakers, who can translate the page into their native tongue (interessted? ;))

Thanks for your quick-guide, I hope it will help numerous players to get Dark Omen work.

Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: olly on July 21, 2008, 11:52:19 AM
UNDO the Crash FIX

(http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/9572/crashfixregistryqx5.th.jpg) (http://img413.imageshack.us/my.php?image=crashfixregistryqx5.jpg)

Delete the Electronics Arts Registrty Folder

Start->Run->Regedit and search for Electronic Arts

since all the crash fix does is.....

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\Dark Omen\1.0\Options\Options]

Remember to uninstall the Game first and Delete the C:\Program Files\DarkOmen folder and delete Registry entry and reboot->Reinstall and on "first time u run the game" (very important) Go straight to Options and change to CPU and choose NOT to use Coloured Cursors.


You will have to meet our other Argentinian member Lordbrapus


he would love to chat with you


Title: Re: I can't play dark omen
Post by: DjLeBomb on July 28, 2008, 12:10:19 AM
Tx Olly, i will sent him a mail and see what happens. By now i already fix the problem with the DO Troubleshooter but all the help is welcome, tx again.