Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Rules and Standards => Topic started by: lordbraprus on July 10, 2010, 01:00:44 AM

Title: Dark Omen 7th editon (DO7)
Post by: lordbraprus on July 10, 2010, 01:00:44 AM
This mod actualices the dark omen original atributes and units special atributes  from the 4th edition, to the 7th edition of warhammer fantasy battles rulebook.

Resume of the ruleset:


Elector count 9/12 cavalery unit
Ice mage       1/1
Bright mage    1/1

Imperail haldbeiders        15/20
Imperial archers             20/20
Imperial greatswords      20/20
Imperial cavalery orders  16/16
Outlaw infantery            25/25
Outlaw pistoliers            10/10 Shocked
Flagelants                    12/12
Ragnar Wolves               12/12
Elve infantery                 16/16
Elve archers                   16/16

Ogres                           3/3
Treman                         1/1

Imperial cannon              4/4
Imperial mortar                4/4

As you notice, i added ragnar cavalery to mix with ice mage, and outlaw infantery to mix with outlaw pistoliers Tongue and basicaly it is an imperial army...


Grimor Ironhide                 15/20 (inmune to fear and have resistance to magic, like the troll)
Night goblin shaman           1/1
Orc Shaman                     1/1

Night goblin/fanatic            30/32
Night goblin archer/fanatic  25/30
snotling                           6/6 ( unbreakable unit m4 ws2 s2 t2 w3 i3 a3 l4 )
snotling wagonet              1/1 (cool machine m8 ws2 s4 t4 w3 i3 a5 l4)
orc infantery                   25/25
orc biguns                       20/20
orc archers                     20/20
orc boar                         16/16

Spiderlings        12/12 (dont alarm, their atributes are m5 ws2 s3 t3 w1 i2 a2 l6) they are very lower than in DO
Trolls               3/3 (now, as the 7th edition rules, they are inmune to sicology)

Bolt thrower       4/4 ( he has + 2 BS = 5 so can shot faster and be more usefull)
Mortar               4/4

GS now have new friends (snotling) that will be taking in consideration at the moment of planing a tactic, they are vey poor in atacks but they are lost of unbrakable snotlings that will be a human wall cause of all the wounds that will have to be killed, and the snotling wagonet.


Manfred Von Carstein     9/12 cavalery unit (manfred is mounted)
Vampire                     1/1 now he has -1m that make more real what dark omen couldnt make related to movement
Necromancer               1/1

Zombies                  20/25
Ghouls                    20/20
Skeleton infantery    20/25
Skeleton archers      20/20
Skeleton Cavalery    16/16    (now they are  black knights, quite better  Cheesy)
Wights                   15/15
Wraiths                  6/6
Blood Dragons         12/12 (they are vampire knights, the reemplacement of black grial, ws5 s5 t4 w1 i4 a2 l7,

Strigoi vampire     3/3 ( they are light blue cute monster/vampire a little taller than human) m6 ws7 bs5    s5 t5    w3 i7 a4 l10

Screaming skull catapult  4/4    it has now BS4 :O a little improvment
Well, i have to say that ALL UNDEAD UNITS are unbreakbale and have skeleton flag, wight and wraith dont destroy if routed, because now they dont rout Tongue but remeber that now all atributes are updated to 7th edition , that means that wight dont have 4 w now they have 1w , but never rout and have skeleton flag...

For the army editing
1 first of all , each player can make 1 and only 1 army per race, he cant make armys during the tournament.
2 you can have only one heroe regiment of each kind, cant repeat. example (you can have a shaman goblin and a grimor, and a orc shaman if you wish Tongue , but not 2 grimor regiments)
the undead is a special case, due that manfred have magic, and he is a mounted vampire, you have to choose between manfred or the normal vampire, then you can put the necromancer if you wish
3 you can only repeat 3 times a squad,  exept zombies, goblins, snotlings and haldbeiders (you can make all what you wish of that units).

Before start:
1 the hoster choose the map from the map list (first choose one player, then the other)
2 races can be used once per player round of combats (2 or 3 depending how many players are in th group)

If a player have 4 or less regiments (without mage) and the enemy have one mage with flying ability, the player with that mage can do what ever he wants , exept teleport, he can run , walk, dance, cast any magic exept the teleport one, unless the other player admit defeat Tongue

this rule was created because playing against a guy in hamachi i was with 5 regiments of infantery with undead, and the guy had 1 vampire with teleport and,,,, well they was 15 minute trying to catch the vampire , and guees what, i cuoldnt , as we know the pathfinding is not pretty cool in Dark omen engine so now you do what you want exept teleport.

victory = 2 points
draw= 1 point (example:1mage against a infantery unit that have spell esater shield, etc, etc)

the battles are= 2 if in the group there are 4+ players, and 3 battles if in the group there are 3- players, that means that final and semifinal are 3 battles between each player as in 3th and 4th place too.

tomorrow i put the link to the ruleset

Title: Re: Dark Omen 7th editon (DO7)
Post by: sparksgordon on July 10, 2010, 09:54:38 PM
im sorry im am so freakin lost......how do i get the mod? what do i use? lol

Title: Re: Dark Omen 7th editon (DO7)
Post by: lordbraprus on July 14, 2010, 03:25:16 AM
that it a ruleset for tournament sparksgordon.. when the ruleset is voted for a tournament , there you should get it

now, it has no point to put the mod in your game , unless you wanna play it with me or what ever.

if you are on hamachi, join ID: itlerion PASS: 123 , there we will talk

Title: Re: Dark Omen 7th editon (DO7)
Post by: lordbraprus on October 08, 2010, 04:31:26 PM
http://www.sendspace.com/file/kg0uv1 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/kg0uv1)

:D here