Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Dark Omen Expanded => Topic started by: Grend on April 04, 2010, 08:50:12 PM

Title: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 04, 2010, 08:50:12 PM
Version 2.0 is out, I would advice against downloading this version since it is outdated. Download v2 instead!

Title: Re: Release V1.10 Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: olly on April 04, 2010, 09:01:46 PM
This is so cool!

Thnx again Grend and Mormacili


Title: Re: Release V1.10 Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Ghabry on April 04, 2010, 09:38:46 PM
Just took a quick look through all Sprites / Banners.
Wow this must have taken ages to draw them all :O. Great Job Grend.

Have to do some test games in the next days.

This is really the hugest (Sprite) modding project for now.

If we should use the Mod in a Tournament it would be useful to have all the banner graphics (in PNG-Format) with working Alpha-Channel (=transparent background) for my Video Overlay.

Title: Re: Release V1.10 Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 04, 2010, 10:01:58 PM
I`ll look into it Ghab, might take a little while though. Clever telling me now, so I have some time to prepare ;)

Title: Re: Release V1.10 Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: warhammerfreak on April 05, 2010, 01:52:29 PM
This is great, I really appreciate the work and hours you have put into it, as I said before.

I will definitely play it and help as much as I can.

Title: Re: Release V1.10 Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Mikademus on April 05, 2010, 04:21:42 PM
What can I say but fantastic! Great job, and fraps the mini-tournament!

Title: Re: Release V1.10 Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 05, 2010, 06:11:21 PM
Due to some weird bugs with the artillery, I had to do some quick patching, so I have uploaded a slight tweak that irons out some graphical errors and fixes those pesky artillery units!

Link here: (
(Or top)

New Link :
http://www.mediafire.com/file/lk6zjjz482jshng/Release (http://www.mediafire.com/file/lk6zjjz482jshng/Release) 1.2-Correct.zip

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Flak on April 05, 2010, 06:38:53 PM
very nice work, i hope to be in the mini-T

must have taken some devoted work :)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: alavet on April 05, 2010, 08:45:38 PM
i dont get how to kill tank at 3rd mission. at first game i lost 1 regiment but somehow managed to spell kill him but in 2 others i cant kill... so sick and you cant fight with him!

also i need moar unit descriptions, isnt it possible to implement? for camaping i mean?


Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 05, 2010, 09:05:40 PM
You can fight him? In DOE steam tanks doesnt have the ability to roll over units.
I dont think I have the patience to make a unit description thing for the Single Player atm.
But all the stats are viewable in WH32edit. Maybe someone else is interested in continuing developing the Single Player project? I have a great improved database file for WH32edit which will make it alot easier.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Nitrox on April 05, 2010, 09:26:46 PM
I killed the steam tank with one spell :O

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: alavet on April 06, 2010, 12:09:27 PM
is there skeletons/mummies/skavens planned to be implemented?

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Nitrox on April 06, 2010, 12:18:27 PM
As i remember Khemri will be there, but they need to repair the Chariot.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 06, 2010, 01:11:17 PM
Skaven and Khemri will be included in the future as the final two teams.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: bembelimen on April 06, 2010, 05:55:43 PM
Here (http://en.dark-omen.org/news/news/dark-omen-expanded.html) is the news and here (http://forum.dark-omen.org/tournaments/doe-mini-tournament-sunday-115-1700-gmt-0-t717.0.html) should everyone(!!) join the tournament  ;)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: lordbraprus on April 06, 2010, 11:04:05 PM
i have to tell you taht there is an error with the hidra, it is like a chariot , when the 2 men who lead it die, th hidra die , no matter how many wounds it has, and coudlnt you make it bigger? i mean it has de size of a cavalery man :S

like i did once ago
(http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/9985/10172009115346.th.png) (http://img340.imageshack.us/i/10172009115346.png/)

:S i just say, you know, if you going to make a hidra, make it has it should, you only have to expand that sprite :O

and you know, elfs does not have archers , only crossbowman

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: lordbraprus on April 06, 2010, 11:06:56 PM
all cool with your job,, exept the hidra thing and the spiders and scorpions, because in tabletoip game, they are squad with 6 units as minimum , we all know that 1 spiders and 1 escorpion died before do any damage . they spent 1 unit slot and do nothing

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 06, 2010, 11:52:58 PM
with 6 units as minimum , we all know that 1 spiders and 1 escorpion died before do any damage . they spent 1 unit slot and do nothing
That is true, but at the moment the intention with these units is not to be a superfighter unit, but more of a fast, terror causing cheap filler unit. Not something to base your army around, but something to spend leftover points on.

Aware of the fact that Dark Elves usually have Crossbows, the reason for bows are a balance issue as well as the fact that their crossbows work more like fast bows than crossbows in the tabletop. Instead of s4 (Crossbows) they can shoot twice with low accuracy hence why they have bs6 (ballistic skill increases firing speed as well as accuracy)

The thing with the hydra does not make much sense to be honest, I do not understand how that can be as it is a normal infantry regiment :S

As for the size, we will see. Mine is more appropriately size compared to tabletop than yours though :P
The hydra sprite is butt ugly, and making it twice as large will make it uglier too.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: lordbraprus on April 07, 2010, 12:09:23 AM
i think, my size is more like the tabletop game, campare this:

(http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/5858/hidra.jpg) (http://img688.imageshack.us/i/hidra.jpg/)

it is 4 men large and 2 and half men tall :S

and can you at leasttt please make 3/3 spiders and scorpions?? pleasee pleaseee and 450 or 600 gold please please, i will do all you want during a  year :P

ahh and remember to fix the hidra problem that die if the 2 soldiers dies . just delete them :P has spiders are not controlled by goblin master.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: mormacili1 on April 07, 2010, 12:43:15 AM
In Warhammer Fantasy battle a normal bow have 24 in range and strenght 3 while ha crossbow got range 30 and strenght 4. This seem to correspond to how these weapons work in dark omen. In the tabletop game dark elves use repeating crossbow wich got range 24 and strenght 3 (and armour piercing in the newest edition). The repeating crossbow also have the option firing double the normal rate at the cost of reduced precison.

Becaus of this we have in DOE made the dark elves fire as if they were using a normal bow, but with higher BS (wich in dark omen means that they reload quicker) to represent their higher rate of fire. This makes them function much closer to their tabletop counterparts both in visually and in rule terms.

A gigantic hydra would be really cool, but Grend's Hydra is really closer to the tabletop version (especially the 6. edition one wich we used as reference). Besides the monsterus size of your hydra sort of demand a equally monsterus statline wich probably would unbalance games involving it.

The Shamans spider is just a way to give him a small boost in combat and mobility. We have considered units of goblin spider riders, but at present I belive they would have too simlar role to the squig hoppers (the goblins may get wolves unit s to makeing them even more redundant). Agree/disagree?

and can you at leasttt please make 3/3 spiders and scorpions?? pleasee pleaseee and 450 or 600 gold please please, i will do all you want during a  year :P

You just wait until we relase Khemri with their scorpion swarms (normal sized scorpions that is).

Thanks for all crit we need it to improve DOE.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Jeronimo on April 07, 2010, 01:09:16 AM
@mormacili1: Will you be part of the mini-Tournament test of DOE this Sunday?

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Darkmancer on April 07, 2010, 01:18:28 AM
Did you consider giving empire handgunners? (infantry with pistols + low bs strength)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: mormacili1 on April 07, 2010, 02:10:56 AM
@mormacili1: Will you be part of the mini-Tournament test of DOE this Sunday?

Dark Omen have not worked online on my computer for some time now. Doubt the problems will be over by Sunday.

Did you consider giving empire handgunners? (infantry with pistols + low bs strength)

We have considered it, but because there so many other guns in the mod (dwarves and chaos dwarves) we decided against it. The empire archer will however be replaced by a new crossbowman based on the artillery crew sprite. I supose  this might change if there i a public outcry for handgunners ;)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: alavet on April 07, 2010, 06:32:11 AM
how its logically describes:
Miners   3   4   3   4   4   1   2   1   9   3   8   900   Two Handed Weapons, Teleports


Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 07, 2010, 06:55:16 AM
Pro Tip: Look in the special rules section.
They have the wings of fire spell. But it has started to crash the game, so it might have to be removed.

I supose  this might change if there i a public outcry for handgunners

Dark Omen have not worked online on my computer for some time now. Doubt the problems will be over by Sunday.
Well it only does not work when you try to play me, so it may work against other people? Worth a shot at the very least :P

3/3 spiders and scorpions??
Tip: If you want to play with armies filled with monsters, I suggest you try out the Ogre Kingdoms army :)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: mormacili1 on April 07, 2010, 07:55:49 AM
I supose  this might change if there i a public outcry for handgunners

I knew it. Traitor!

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: alavet on April 07, 2010, 08:49:25 AM
yes i understand i checked that they have teleprot. but i mean, is it from tabletop or what? why regiment can teleports, especially "miners"? :)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: warhammerfreak on April 07, 2010, 12:10:00 PM
The fluff behind it is that miners can go into tunnels at any moment and then come out where they want, to implement this they have chosen for teleport. But sadly enough it made the game crash twice vs me.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 07, 2010, 12:23:48 PM
yes in the tabletop you can make them appear behind enemy lines

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Jeronimo on April 07, 2010, 04:25:30 PM
First, if game crashes a lot, try Game-Ranger connection instead of Hamachi.

Second, I would like Dwarves (or Chaos D) to have xbowen and give the Handgunners to Empire (or those in a horse, like Pistoliers). The true is that Chaos Dwarves are too expensive, so a cheaper range regiment is not bad seen (expensive catapult and some "cheaper" xbowen... 750gc instead of 900gc?)

Reconsider their Infantries to cost 450gc maybe. I think there will be much "elite troops" and no so many Basic Infantry (most races have "expensive" their basic infantry)
Dont forget Dwarves have MOV 3 = dying for projectiles or be easily surrounded & routed :(

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: mormacili1 on April 07, 2010, 05:22:35 PM
First, if game crashes a lot, try Game-Ranger connection instead of Hamachi.

Second, I would like Dwarves (or Chaos D) to have xbowen and give the Handgunners to Empire (or those in a horse, like Pistoliers). The true is that Chaos Dwarves are too expensive, so a cheaper range regiment is not bad seen (expensive catapult and some "cheaper" xbowen... 750gc instead of 900gc?)

Giving crossbows to the normal Dwarves and handguns to empire is a good solution. It have the added benefit of making dwarves and chaos dwarves more different.

The chaos dwarves gunnes got higher bs and cause panic. In my experience they are very dangerous and worthy of their high cost. Does anybody else got an opionon on this? Also remember that the Chaos Dwarves can recruit cheap goblins (an option that normal dwarves don't got).

Dwarves are currently considered to be an above average race on the par with elves. Compared to halberdiers (the standard 450 unit) they got 1 less m and I but 1 extra armour, WS, T, and 2 ekstra LD. If they preform badly I would think that a better solution is increasing the size of their unit.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Jeronimo on April 07, 2010, 06:03:51 PM
Yes, Chaos Dwarves have some Goblins (but without Potion of Strength nor Auto-deploy :()

Xbowen to Dwarves, definetely nice (600gc BS 3) Come on, MOV 3 is the most painful counter that a Regiment can have.
Anyone with MOV 3 becomes the most ugly thing in the world, because with DO engine, pathfinding is terrible (you will notice they move as if they had MOV 2).

The super fasty "hunting dogs" at 300gc, having 6 MOV and "unimpeded by difficult terrain" move as a normal regiment with MOV 5... Somehow when there are lots of orders, the engine starts working slow...

Btw, I cant download 1.1 version... perhaps is going to be released 1.2 before Tournament test?¿

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Darkmancer on April 07, 2010, 10:42:35 PM
Ohh the other thing has the "raise the dead" zombies been altered to match the normal zombie regiment?

For the mini Tournement (ps poor undead only 3 choices :) )

Wood Elves

The download link isn't working for me btw.

Dark Elves
Vampire Counts

Chaos Dwaves

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: taintedhun on April 08, 2010, 10:23:42 AM
I can't download it... What is the problem?

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 08, 2010, 10:47:00 AM
http://www.filefront.com/thankyou.php?f=16035053&k=0477ed4d3cbf644b67188121dd4599443e626427c6c1fb2b789d0a8db2c3c5ae (http://www.filefront.com/thankyou.php?f=16035053&k=0477ed4d3cbf644b67188121dd4599443e626427c6c1fb2b789d0a8db2c3c5ae)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 08, 2010, 10:54:02 AM
Well dwarves arent meant to ne played agressiveøy. If you try you will fail.
Nothing will be changed before the minitournament. If youre so sure about something make an army using it and win

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: alavet on April 09, 2010, 08:07:39 AM
have u cracked DO so can change items abilities? if so would be ncie to change output of HoW to make its actually usable.

also it would be fun to see "lazer canon: which will shoot with Mage Rays.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Wkurwiony on April 11, 2010, 08:36:24 PM
ok it is fun to play this mod, but there is this crash issue

from what i saw it happened mostly with armies from undead slots maybe vampire counts, 2 crashes with Warhammerfreak and 1 with Darkmancer when they were using vampire count, dont remember what army Olly had but also 2 crashes with him

beside that i only found spirit hosts a little weird with their invurnability and never rout.. althou they got skeleton flag but are some of the other factions that dont have regiments with lots of models capable of destroying them ? only had one fight with them so dont want to be too hasty about it, would like to hear how others did against them

other than that great mod indeed

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on April 11, 2010, 08:39:23 PM
"lazer canon: which will shoot with Mage Rays.

Since osiris can be given to any unit, this is easily accomplishable.

The whole crash thing probably has to do with some of the new abilities, need more data to be certain.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: alavet on April 12, 2010, 06:06:41 AM
no i mean that instead of shooting cannon bals or arrows they jsut "shoot" with mage ray (not osiris, osiris too strong). i mean automatically aimed?

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: vonkeonig on July 22, 2010, 02:52:15 PM
Hey guys,

The download link is not working again, could someone please reupload the mod files. Thank you


Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Darkmancer on July 23, 2010, 06:44:26 PM
I have uploaded the latest release here:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/lk6zjjz482jshng/Release (http://www.mediafire.com/file/lk6zjjz482jshng/Release) 1.2-Correct.zip

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Flak on July 25, 2010, 08:25:48 PM
If I was to use DOE in Conquest would it be possible to use DOE armies and then save them without losing abilities or magic spells?
In that case which would not be usable in saved armies?

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Darkmancer on July 25, 2010, 09:26:36 PM
Currently DOE has random spells with a few set ones.  With Grend's permission it would be possible to have no random spells and upto 3 set spells.

The army units don't lose they're abilities when saved (except goblin spider sharman which has a POS which is obviously lost after 1 use).

You might have to think about items, some units abilities (like hydra's flame breath) is thou magic item use, obviously If you defeat the hydra you gain it's "flame breath" which would be out of context.  Also rerember DOE differ's in that only heros can hold items (and only one at that, at least to begin with), though that could be altered with Grends Permission.

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Flak on July 26, 2010, 08:36:05 PM
Yeah agreed DOE isnt designed for this so it will have to be adjusted to fit Conquest

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on July 30, 2010, 10:34:21 AM
Permission granted, look at the spreadsheets to get some hints at how to mod it easily. If you want I can upload the edited file for wh32edit so you can see correct unit names in slots and available spells and so on

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Zymeth on August 01, 2010, 08:37:46 PM
I do not find the download!!!

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Darkmancer on August 01, 2010, 10:27:35 PM
New Link :
http://www.mediafire.com/file/lk6zjjz482jshng/Release (http://www.mediafire.com/file/lk6zjjz482jshng/Release) 1.2-Correct.zip

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on August 02, 2010, 10:19:49 PM
Darkmancer is my hero :)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Zymeth on August 23, 2010, 10:43:04 AM
I habe only 3 armies in multiplayer edit is this normal?  :(

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on August 28, 2010, 09:28:28 AM
Yes at the moment you will have to manually replace the army files (read the readme)

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Johnmac1953 on September 01, 2010, 10:17:55 PM
Hello Boys, am following the gradual creation of a Masterpiece by you boys...The single-player mode is round the corner, I know, but i have to say that your collective drive has made this possible. I admire everything you have achieved  :) and wish you all success. Isn't there someone somewhere willing to finance this new expanded game? Has anyone asked the established game companies? I think the potential(?) is there!

Title: Re: Release V1.10a Out now! Get it while its hot!
Post by: Grend on September 03, 2010, 07:39:41 PM
Thanks for the nice feedback dude! Atm, things are moving very slowly though, as Morma is unable to participate, and that dampens my spirits quite a bit.