Title: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 01, 2010, 12:59:08 PM Dark Omen RPG Campaign Forth into Darkness This is our Game Room, for all game related info such as Quest's, player casualty screen images and so on Topic will be unlocked when the game starts (Unrelated stuff will be deleted or moved to another topic in order to keep this one clean, however this was never a problem in conquest i dont think it will be here either but just in case.) For all of you guys that has signed up please fill out the Sheet ;) Hero Sheet Hero Name heroes name not your own Class class of your hero Nation where does your hero's loyalty lie Alignment evil/good/neutral Description tell us something about your hero, his background and such, not an essay but 3-10 lines, a small bonus for the best description may be in order ;) Army post the Hero's army Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 01, 2010, 01:27:30 PM Score Hero------------------------Games----Kills---Losses--WQ---FQ----Full Score HEIR FINUBAR THE GREAT------9-------907----335-----8-----0--------2927 Kyle Carlin---------------------3-------325----94------2-----0--------793 WQ:won quest, FQ:failed quest Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 01, 2010, 01:38:43 PM Sign Up I reckon than i can handle 4 players max Signed up are Nitrox Warhammerfreak Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 01, 2010, 01:40:04 PM Quest 1 Scout Quest A group of goblins lead by a troll chief has been seen in this area and has been robbing merchants. Your quest is to find their camp and clean the forest of goblins. Any loot they have you may keep as prize as the village that hired you cannot pay for your services. Loren Forest the Shine Restrictions Army placement for player only in hidden terrain, behind forest and below hils or behind trees Reports Elves The elven army pressed on hard and the goblins had little time to react and was never able to set up a proper defense. The troll shaman was killed singlehanded by the elven warrior hero and the goblins scattered and was cut down. Bretonians The crossbowmen ambushed 2 goblins and the knights and hero flanked their support, the goblins fleed and the troll shaman organized his troops for a counter attack, alas it was in vain the goblin morale was gone and the humans won. Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: warhammerfreak on April 02, 2010, 04:31:44 PM My sheet:
NAME: HEIR FINUBAR THE GREAT CLASS: WARRIOR NATION: ELVES ALIGNEMENT: GOOD DESCRIPTION : He was one of the great elven lords which once ruled upon the noble lands of tiranoc. It was here where he learned the tactics of war of the great scholars of Ulthuan. He excelled at everything but the one thing he was truly the best of Ulthuan, chariot racing. He loved to do this and thought it would be wise to use chariots in battle, and right he was. He was fought along Tyrion and his brother to fight of the dark elves who betrayed their kind. He was the cause of some of the biggest victories against the druchii even when times became desparate for the worshippers of Isha. During those victories some of the noblemen thought he had to much pleasure in the killing of enemies . During the war they had no options but to accept this behavior but after the war he was severely punished for this. He was banished by the phoenix king to explore the Old World and think of his behavior. His interest in chariots never faded and still this day his enemies fear the rush of those chariots. Army: HEIR FINUBAR THE GREAT: Warrior class +1 point of armour , (to represent the fact that he is a tactician on a chariot) THE BLIETZKRIEG: Elven cavalry ( to represent a unit of chariots, fast agile and tactical) THE FOLLOWERS: 2X elven infantry ( to represent the followers from him which came with him when he got banished by the phoenix king) Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 02, 2010, 05:06:31 PM very nicely made whf, i like the story hehe just like elves to send their best warrior away ;)
only one slight problem is that you are only allowed 2 of the same regiment, so plz change 1 dwarf to something else Chariots are not possible in this kind of game, they make the unit book crash, so you are aware you have to use cavalry Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: warhammerfreak on April 02, 2010, 11:06:36 PM I know I have to use cavalry but the fluff behind is that they actually are a unit of chariots. About the dwarfs, I'll see it tomorrow.
I'm glad u liked the story:D. And yeah they do send away their very best=> Malekith. Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 03, 2010, 09:17:08 PM Quest 2 Defend Quest Loren Forest the Shine Revenge The Troll's brothers has heard of his death and a raiding party has been seen by the scouts moving to attack. Restrictions: player must start in same location as the last battle ended, no lost regiments may be replaced (prisoners compose 1 mercenary regiment, may be brought and used) Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 03, 2010, 09:47:48 PM Quest 3 Guard Quest Grissburg Town Raid Last Troll Chief has followed the hero back to the village that hired him and will raid the village. Protect the village from the raiders, if each house destroyed will cost 50pts from the score Post Battle Battles have been hard, Lost Regiments maybe re-purchased ONE starting item may be purchased. Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Nitrox on April 03, 2010, 10:06:03 PM Hero Name : Kyle Carlin
Class : Rogue Nation : First Empire, later Bretonnia Alignment : Neutral Description : His life started when he was young and born in a empire, in a capital city Altdorf. He needed to steal money from a nobleman's and other people for survive in this hard time's. But it was nothing for him, from the young years he was teached to do it.... Before that day, when he tried to robe a very popular Nobleman, he was caught... But his skills of persuade was great, he easily spoke to guards that he is a butler, but he dont get a time... He needed to ran from Altdorf before they will know that he lied. He take up his sword and crossbow, and of course a cloak... Then ride from city on his horse. Many hours of ride before him was here, but he finally arrived in a Bretonnia... His friend was here a nobleman and talked to him about a Bretonnia...When he met with friend, the Virkal(Name of friend) gave a proposition to Kyle for join his army ... To be a leader of it. Kyle Agreed with it, and now he is a leader of small army. He got a little experience in command a army, cause in Altdorf he was a leader of a Rogue Group...But in some months this group was penetrated by a city guards, after this accident Kyle wanted to work alone. Army : Kyle Carlin : A rogue main leader of army Knights : First and last line of defend, they are a elite units and a main body guards of Kyle Carlin, if they will be killed, chances of Kyle Carlin to survive is little (Later they will be a knights lords). Crossbowmen : As a priority long-range fight on a distance Halbardiers : Middle line of fight, they just protect bowmens from a enemy regiment. Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Mikademus on April 04, 2010, 11:37:54 AM Flak, you will chronicle what happens, right?
Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Nitrox on April 04, 2010, 12:12:27 PM Flak, you will chronicle what happens, right? Offtop : For 100% sure i'm will chronicle what my hero think before, and after battle (So i will chronicle what happened in battle) Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 04, 2010, 12:14:01 PM as nitrox said, up to the players, i have alot of work making Quest's and counting score
it was the plan to post casualty screen images but they end up blank so thats unfortunately not possible Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 04, 2010, 02:08:00 PM Quest 4 The village celebrate the victory and in celebration the village priest tells about a nearby cave that he belives houses an ancient relic. Its the tomb of an ancient Lich, who was once a wizard. The Lich has guards but if he can be slain then the guards will lose some of their power. Assasination (defensive) Castle Drakenhoff Res: player must face all regiments away from the GM starting position to allow GM regiments into position. Rouge has to be hiden as he has 360 vision Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 05, 2010, 03:35:49 PM Quest 5 Undeads are a strange mystical race The Lich has revived himself and now block the escape from the cave. He has raised new minions and they are making ready to attack Defend Castle Drakenhoff Res: only alive regiments may be refilled Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 05, 2010, 04:26:02 PM Quest 6 Upon leaving the cave a voice swears revenge, the Lich is alive again you know. At a river crossing some Brigands block the road and demand 500gc to pass. Not one to be blackmailed the Hero sounds the attack and promise to rid the area of thieves. Most of the Brigands are unprepared for battle. Attack Bretonian River Res: GM must be allowed to enter the center island to fit the battle situation. Pre/Post Battle Again all lost may be replaced One Mercenary Regiment may be purchased 2 Starting Items may be purchased Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 05, 2010, 05:07:51 PM Quest 7 The Hero's expliots have reached the ears of local leaders. A Bretonian mayor on the Loren border has asked for assistance in the Gray Mountains region. It seems an orc tribe has build a fortress and has increased their raiding activity into Bretonia. The mayor is happy to offer you a title as Honorary Leutenant in the Bretonian army and thus free passage anywhere in Bretonia. (The player must now pick a 2nd in command and that commander will recive +2 attribute points to be destributed as desired, his unit also recives a +1 attribute. Must all be done in WH32 edit, for unit it cannot be wounds) Counter-Attack Axebite Pass Enemies are belived to block the pass, defeat them and advance thru the pass. Res: Player must start at the very back of the pass with as many as possible against the back wall Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 05, 2010, 06:14:50 PM Quest 8 The Orcs angry with having a band defeated have sendt out more Orcs to get rid of the invaders. The Orcs know the land and an old dwarf warns to tread careful, some Bretonian mercenaries got lost in the mountains not long ago and killed to a man. A narrow mountain pass looks like a perfect ambush and caution needed Attack Road to Kislev Res: no dead regiments may be revived Title: Re: DORPG The Game Post by: Flak on April 05, 2010, 07:00:47 PM Quest 9 The hero gets safely thru the passes and into the woodland area in the mountains. An Orc band has been on the hunt and sets an ambush. Counter-Attack Great Forest Res: no dead regiments may be revived |