Title: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on March 13, 2010, 01:58:41 PM Hello gang
Ive gotten a new idea, an RPG for dark omen. Basicly do what you do in an RPG, choose race & class for your hero and then build an army. Much focus will be on the "Hero" in your army, keeping him alive and gaining XP for him. Play battles vs the GM (like in singleplayer) and accomplish the quest's/missions that is required of your Hero Score points and compare your progress to other players with a Pts Score system. Kind like if anyone is familiar with the Warlords Battlecry games. Im working on it atm and will soon be able to post the full info I hope it sounds appealing Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Nitrox on March 13, 2010, 02:08:27 PM Haha! :D Very funny, but amazing project! :) Can't wait for it :D
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Igor Kool on March 13, 2010, 03:59:43 PM What kind of hero can we pick? You mean like mages or something else perhaps? Or we create our own hero?
Either way sounds good! I am liking idea like that. :D Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on March 13, 2010, 04:08:49 PM Like Classes
Warrior/Mage/Cleric/Rouge each with advantage and disadvantage Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Igor Kool on March 13, 2010, 05:52:37 PM That sounds great! So could we make traits for characters with like in Medieval 2? Not sure how they will work but it will surely personolize the hero...or not :P
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on March 13, 2010, 06:12:14 PM Well each class will have traits premade, but choosing the a Class will then get you the Hero that you desire or close to, within reason
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Jeronimo on March 14, 2010, 07:37:53 PM I support you Flak. I like this idea. Once I talked to my brother about this type of gameplay with DO engine.
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on March 14, 2010, 10:49:00 PM ill take that as a sign up Jeromino and thanks for the dark xbows btw
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on March 31, 2010, 12:11:50 AM Easter holidays are comming up in Denmark from April 1st and i have holiday until like 7th, i am planning to start DORPG douring this time, i will post the rules and files maybe tomorrow. Only problem is lol that i have a throat infection so id like to be well before i start, very annoying as i was planning this. Anyway the show must go on! :)
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Nitrox on April 01, 2010, 10:13:25 AM There is singing ? :D if yes sing me on.
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on April 01, 2010, 12:12:41 PM Yes thats right here mate
you are signed in, take a look at the army files and figure out which one you like and let me know :) Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: warhammerfreak on April 01, 2010, 12:53:30 PM Me too, me too:D:D.
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: alavet on April 01, 2010, 06:31:01 PM STOP. ATTAIING. ME. LIKE. THAT
ahh no, no, not now! but get videos pls guys! Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on April 01, 2010, 06:59:44 PM im not sure i follow :-\
Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on April 02, 2010, 01:56:08 PM Nitrox and Warhammerfreak im not let you 2 start the game soon
go to the newly unlocked DORPG Game topic and make your Hero Sheet http://forum.dark-omen.org/campaigns/dorpg-the-game-t709.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/campaigns/dorpg-the-game-t709.0.html) Title: Re: Dark Omen Role Playn Game (DORPG) Post by: Flak on April 04, 2010, 01:07:15 AM if anyone else is interested we still have both Cleric and Wizard class's unclaimed and The Empire and Kislev to go with them