Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Tournaments => Topic started by: Ghabry on March 05, 2010, 05:37:17 PM

Title: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 05, 2010, 05:37:17 PM
March Tournament!

Date: 27th March 2010 (5pm GMT+0) (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=27&month=3&year=2010&hour=17&min=00&sec=0&p1=136)
Register Deadline: 23th March 2010
Confirmation Deadline: 25th March 2010

Ruleset: 5k/15 (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Rules/5000/15)

Players (10/14)
  • Ghabry confirmed
  • Alavet confirmed
  • Flak confirmed
  • Warhammerfreak
  • wkurwiony confirmed
  • lordbraprus confirmed
  • Igor Kool
  • Darkmancer confirmed
  • Nitrox confirmed
  • gemmell76
  • Satyrgo
  • Olly confirmed
  • Mr. Shadow confirmed
  • Jeronimo confirmed


Available Rulesets: 3k/10 (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Rules/3000/10), 5k/15 (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Rules/5000/15), 9k/30 (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Rules/9000/30), DOST5 (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Rules/DOST_V5), Factions (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Rules/Factions), New Balance (http://=http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/new-balance-revamped-t658.0.html), CDO (http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/i-present-my-multiplayer-mod-cdo-t656.0.html), Back to the Roots (http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/back-to-the-roots-bttr-t683.0.html), NoRules

Anonymous votes (after signing up) are possible: Send me a mail, PM, write it in the chat or send me a message in Hamachi.

  • 7 - 5k/15 (Alavet, Flak, warhammerfreak, wkurwiony, Nitrox, gemmell76, Mr. Shadow)
  • 3 - BTTR (lordbraprus, Ghabry, Igor Kool)
  • 3 - Restrict (Darkmancer, Satyrgo, olly)

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 05, 2010, 05:37:31 PM

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Mr. Shadow


4 Player Groups: 2 Fights per Enemy
3 Player Groups: 3 Fights per Enemy

Ghabry 1 - lordbraprus 1
Nitrox 2 - olly 0
wkurwiony 3 - Darkmancer 0

Flak 1 - Mr. Shadow 2

Ghabry 0 - Nitrox 2
lordbraprus 1 - olly 1
wkurwiony 2 - alavet 1

Flak - Jeronimo

Ghabry 0 - olly 2
lordbraprus 1 - Nitrox 1

Darkmancer 1 - alavet 2

Mr. Shadow - Jeronimo

The best two of each group enter the semi final!

Semi Final (Elimination)

Games: Best of Three, Winner enters Final

Nitrox - Flak
wkurwiony - olly
Mr.Shadow - alavet



Final Battles
Flak 2 - alavet 1
Flak 0 - wkurwiony 3
alavet 1 - wkurwiony 2


3rd alavet
2nd Flak
WINNER: wkurwiony

Congratulation wkurwiony

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 05, 2010, 05:37:54 PM
Flak's Magic Egg Dance
DO March.MPG (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1mUE10Zwus#normal)

Video by Darkmancer
Darkmancer vs Alavet - Orc vs. Orc
DarkVsAlavet.avi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Vvh4zo9dNQ#normal)

Video by Ghabry
vs. Nitrox:
Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Qualification vs. Nitrox (1) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JsknAOuYgw#normal)

Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Qualification vs. Nitrox (2) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97wOhhsEssw#normal)

vs. olly:
Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Qualification vs. olly (1) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcLbPECjWmk#normal)

Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Qualification vs. olly (2) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhxzK300UXo#normal)

vs. lordbraprus:
Audio quality is bad for the next three videos, no idea why, sorry. :/

Recommended Video
Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Qualification vs. lordbraprus (1) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zv0pEqynC4#normal)

Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Qualification vs. lordbraprus (2) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDEClg9HSPU#)

vs. Jeronimo (No Tournament battle):
Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Fun Battle vs. Jeronimo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ6MMKQ6dJs#normal)

Video by Nitrox
Waiting for Upload

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: alavet on March 05, 2010, 06:23:09 PM
5/15 i want to take part

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Flak on March 05, 2010, 07:03:32 PM
and sign me up too

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: warhammerfreak on March 05, 2010, 07:53:31 PM
same as above

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Wkurwiony on March 05, 2010, 11:35:02 PM
sign me up 5k/15

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: lordbraprus on March 06, 2010, 08:47:07 PM
hi i vote bttr if you make clearer rule like maximum of special units (grial artillery elven archers)

and think if use or not magic item

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 06, 2010, 10:23:07 PM
k, added you all to the Tournament.

I vote BTTR too.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Igor Kool on March 07, 2010, 11:40:19 PM
i am baaaad but i want to try to be part of community, since i am so loney  :P

i vote BTTR

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: gemmell76 on March 10, 2010, 04:21:34 PM
sign me up for another pummeling.  i vote for 5k/15   :-X

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: gemmell76 on March 10, 2010, 04:41:32 PM
or maybe BTTR if its just the original post by ghabry...

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: lordbraprus on March 10, 2010, 11:13:22 PM
i am baaaad but i want to try to be part of community, since i am so loney  :P

i vote BTTR

haha men you always online in hamachi and never answer private messages to play, cool now that you want to be part :D welcome...

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Igor Kool on March 10, 2010, 11:20:01 PM
haha men you always online in hamachi and never answer private messages to play, cool now that you want to be part :D welcome...

I never knew that I am actually online hihihihi :P

But now, I will answer the call to war, thank you for the warm welcome ;D

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Darkmancer on March 14, 2010, 03:24:37 AM
Sign me up

I'm going to vote for my own ruleset RESTRICT :http://forum.dark-omen.org/multiplayer/balance-by-restriction-restrict-t690.0.html;msg6878#new

purely for advertising purposes :)

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Nitrox on March 15, 2010, 12:52:54 AM
Ok sign me in ! 5k/15 vote oo! Nitrox back to play.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 15, 2010, 04:05:26 PM
After a longer time I updated the sign in list.

Ot: Videos come this week sorry. Was busy ^^

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: gemmell76 on March 16, 2010, 01:30:17 AM
sign me up champ. 5k/15

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Satyrgo on March 18, 2010, 05:27:36 PM
hi folks! i wanna participate and i vote darkmancers ruleset , just reading the name"restrict" i knew it would be a good ruleset you know? secondly to FO hahaha ok bye !!

PS: darkmancer keep the good work!!

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 23, 2010, 10:19:24 AM
Today is the last day for signup! Does anybody else want to join?

Tomorrow the confirmation starts (together with the final update of the player list)

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Jeronimo on March 23, 2010, 03:41:13 PM
Busy month! Not much members with free time to play at weekend :)

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: alavet on March 23, 2010, 03:48:17 PM

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: warhammerfreak on March 23, 2010, 04:39:41 PM
It could be that I won't participate, I have an exam on Monday and I suck at the course so it's imperative I study or my parents will freak and stuff. I will say it Saturday or Friday if I can attend.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 23, 2010, 09:59:12 PM
You can start confirming now. Ruleset is 5k/15.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: olly on March 23, 2010, 10:13:28 PM
Sign me up and for Darkmancer's ruleset please, although it won't change 5000/15 being the most popular and I can Confirm as well.


Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Mr Shadow on March 23, 2010, 10:41:25 PM
Sign me up please!
I'm not a 100% sure that I will have time on Saturday yet, but I will know presently.

/Mr Shadow

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Darkmancer on March 24, 2010, 07:41:42 PM
Confirm - Yay Restrict did better than i thought

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Mr Shadow on March 24, 2010, 08:11:34 PM
Alright! At last I know how my weekend is gonna go down!
-I confirm.

And I vote for 5k/15.

See you on the battlefield!
/Mr Shadow

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Flak on March 24, 2010, 08:48:12 PM
I Confirm

Video will be made friday

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Wkurwiony on March 24, 2010, 09:55:44 PM
Confirm ;]

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: lordbraprus on March 24, 2010, 10:03:59 PM
i confirm :$ 5/15

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: alavet on March 25, 2010, 11:02:27 AM

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Satyrgo on March 25, 2010, 03:15:29 PM
im sorry i cant play :-[. i tell jeronimo to replace me. have funnn!

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Jeronimo on March 25, 2010, 03:17:11 PM
I confirm.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Nitrox on March 25, 2010, 06:37:46 PM

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: gemmell76 on March 25, 2010, 09:15:46 PM
confirm 5k/15

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 26, 2010, 07:27:05 AM
Ok confirmation is over.
Lets wait for Flaks video ;)

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Flak on March 26, 2010, 06:30:41 PM
how do you want the groups?

video will be made later tonight prolly around 9

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Jeronimo on March 26, 2010, 06:58:19 PM
In FO organization with 9 players, are 3 groups of 3. Is the most Symmetric way IMO

All TD are of 3 battles, using all the 3 races against a same opponent.
Groups will leave 1 player out, and then come the Elimination "Tournaments Duels".
1st of a Group vs 2nd of next Group,   1ºA-2ºB   1ºB-2ºC   1ºC-2ºA.

The winner of each TD, passes to Finals, which is resolved as a group of 3 players (like beggining again)
The 3 places are determined with POINTS. There is no 4th Place...

In the other hand, you have 1 group of 4 & 1 group of 5.  [opponent x battle = total group battles]
Here in the group of 5 everyone plays 2 battles against each other player.  [4x2=8]
Meanwhile in the group of 4, everyone plays 3 battles against others.  [3x3=9]

Then is the typical 1ºA-2ºB   1ºB-2ºA, you know the rest.

What I prefer? Being honest, i find orange way better because is simpler (similar to 4 vs 4).

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 26, 2010, 07:28:41 PM
Jeronimo, we have 11 players. That would be 4 vs. 4 vs. 3 ...

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Jeronimo on March 26, 2010, 08:31:54 PM
Right :P (4-4-3 ok)

I read "prolly around 9", didnt notice was referring to hour, thought were players.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 27, 2010, 11:29:27 PM

2nd and 3rd place will be decided later (draw battle)

Ok after some connection problems and diagnosing them we found out we were able to fix most of them by using Game Ranger. But olly was succesful with forcebind too. I was never able to join anyone with forcebind :D

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: olly on March 27, 2010, 11:42:45 PM
Congratulations to Wkurwiony and well done to Flak and Avalet, thnx to all for participating.

As we know there is no logic behind Dark Omen Multiplayer Connections, as 2 players that can not play each other, can actually both play all other players. However, all Tournament Players must be familar with the Multiplayer Connection Fix Guide (6 steps and the Alternatives) as we always get it to work and the more familar players are with the guide then the faster they can resolve their issues. Until both players confirm that they have done all steps and taken turns to host and join with each other, then they can try the alternatives like gameranger and their Public Router Ips.

http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/ultimate-multiplayer-connection-fixes-t110.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/ultimate-multiplayer-connection-fixes-t110.0.html)

http://forum.dark-omen.org/multiplayer/gameranger-a-new-place-to-play-dark-omen-online-t157.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/multiplayer/gameranger-a-new-place-to-play-dark-omen-online-t157.0.html)

I look forward to some Great tournament battle vids!


Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: alavet on March 28, 2010, 06:01:47 PM
gtratz wk!

let me have 3rd pale im too lazy to finish it :))

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: lordbraprus on March 28, 2010, 10:17:48 PM
Wkuwiorny i have learned to write your name , so i congraturation you for your succes in this tourny, a lot of kisses and hugs  to you.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Wkurwiony on March 29, 2010, 09:47:09 AM

oh the irony ^^

anyways thanks all for nice games ;] shame i couldnt record as there was quite few close battles ;] treeman vs flagellats, 4 pistolers vs bright mage, 3 mummies vs necro hehe

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Jeronimo on March 29, 2010, 03:03:57 PM
Im looking forward to see your Armybuilds Wku!!
It seems you found some invencible combinations.
Otherwise, how can you explain your almost perfect performance?

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: olly on March 29, 2010, 05:29:51 PM
I mentioned after the Tournament, the possibility of having Winner's Armies available for download. This would allow all new members to quickly use a winning army build for each of our Rulesets, until they get time to read and learn each of our amazing Rulesets.

Thoughts please......


Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Wkurwiony on March 29, 2010, 05:45:35 PM
maybe armies of all guys from the final ? ;] there would be more armies avaible in short time so new players could browse and browse through them

btw there isnt topic in armybuilts from this months tourney

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 29, 2010, 06:16:59 PM
btw there isnt topic in armybuilts from this months tourney
Because I dont have my armies here and couldnt post anything...

But you can create the topics by yourself if you want. It's not that I have the exclusive rights for it just follow the naming convention ^^

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Darkmancer on March 30, 2010, 10:50:07 PM
Due to mupetry on my part i only managed to record 1 video of this months torney.  Oddly it was the only game I won... Hmmm


Darkmancer vs Alavet - orc v orc
DarkVsAlavet.avi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Vvh4zo9dNQ#normal)

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Darkmancer on March 30, 2010, 10:56:28 PM
DarkVsAlavet.avi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Vvh4zo9dNQ#normal)

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 30, 2010, 11:06:13 PM
You don'T have to double post that will not encode the video faster. ;)

If there are no problems I will upload my vids this night too.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Darkmancer on March 30, 2010, 11:20:00 PM
yep i didn't think it was a problem with youtube processing thou I though it was a mistake with link (obviously not).  Unfrtunatly I can't edit the post :/

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Nitrox on March 31, 2010, 12:05:47 AM
I will upload my videos on weekend i think.

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on March 31, 2010, 02:07:18 PM
Videos are online (Click me) (http://forum.dark-omen.org/tournaments/tournament-march-2010-t685.0.html;msg6779#msg6779)

Recommended Video:
Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Qualification vs. lordbraprus (1) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zv0pEqynC4#normal)

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Grend on March 31, 2010, 02:10:30 PM
Really cool overlay in the beginning of the movie

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Jeronimo on March 31, 2010, 05:00:12 PM
About "recommended video".

My brother could have won if only cast dispel magics on the ghouls  to counter Skabskrath effect (would have his ghouls entirely fighting)

Btw, this also shows how ugly is "skeleton flag" making the regiments die in few seconds after engaging close combat.
Another total crap in the Video are the Wights (where are their 3 wounds? :))

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: olly on March 31, 2010, 07:30:26 PM
Good Game and nice zoom action. The overlay is a great addition.


Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: Ghabry on April 01, 2010, 07:11:27 PM
I'm glad that you like the overlay. Delayed the encoding by two days, had to understand Avisynth (Script language to script videos :D).
I also wanted to add a text fadein and fadeout but failed at it (and wasted lots of hours thanks to this)
And there is still a flaw in the overlay I wasnt able to fix: The colors of the background video are wrong when the overlay is displayed (best example is axebite pass, background is brown with overlay)

If anybody should be interested, here is the script (in this case First Battle vs. Olly):
dovid = DirectShowSource("olly quali.avi")

over = dovid

empire = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\imperium2.png", pixel_type="RGB32")
greenskins = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\gruenhaeute2.png", pixel_type="RGB32")
undead = ImageReadeR("E:\aaa\do\troops\untote2.png", pixel_type="RGB32")

p1ban1str = """Night Goblin Archers"""
p1ban1 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\night_goblin_archers_with_fanatics.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p1ban2str = """Orc Rock Lobber"""
p1ban2 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_rock_lobber.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p1ban3str = """Orc Big'Uns"""
p1ban3 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_biguns.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p1ban4str = """Orc Boyz"""
p1ban4 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_boyz.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p1ban5str = """Orc Boyz"""
p1ban5 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_boyz.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p1ban6str = """Orc Boar Boyz"""
p1ban6 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_boar_boyz.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p1ban7str = """Orc Arrer Boyz"""
p1ban7 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_arrer_boyz.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p2ban1str = """Orc Big'Uns"""
p2ban1 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_biguns.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p2ban2str = """Orc Big'Uns"""
p2ban2 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_biguns.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p2ban3str = """Gigantic Spider"""
p2ban3 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\spider.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p2ban4str = """Gigantic Spider"""
p2ban4 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\spider.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p2ban5str = """Orc Arrer Boyz"""
p2ban5 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_arrer_boyz.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p2ban6str = """Orc Boyz"""
p2ban6 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_boyz.png",pixel_type="RGB32")

p2ban7str = """Orc Boyz"""
p2ban7 = ImageReader("E:\aaa\do\troops\greenskins\banner\orc_boyz.png",pixel_type="RGB32")


toptext = Subtitle(over, "Dark Omen Tournament March 2010", y=40, font="arial", size=36, text_color=$ffffff, align=5)
over = Overlay(over, toptext)

toptext2 = Subtitle(over, "5k/15", x=594, y=70, font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6)
over  = Overlay(over, toptext2)
maptext = Subtitle(over, "Great Forest at Night", x=45, y=70, font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4)
over  = Overlay(over, maptext)

# Players
over = Overlay(over, greenskins, x=14, y=89)
over = Overlay(over, greenskins, x=603, y=89)

over  = Overlay(over, Subtitle(over, "Ghabry - Brain Crunzzers", x=50, y=110, font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4))
over  = Overlay(over, Subtitle(over, "5000/15 - olly", x=590, y=110, font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6))

over  = Overlay(over, Subtitle(over, "vs.", font="arial", size=24, y=110, text_color=$ffffff, align=5))

#over = Overlay(background, result)
over = Overlay(over, p1ban1, x=10, y=140, mask=p1ban1.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p1ban1str, x=50, y=160,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4))
over = Overlay(over, p1ban2, x=10, y=180, mask=p1ban2.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p1ban2str, x=50, y=200,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4))
over = Overlay(over, p1ban3, x=10, y=220, mask=p1ban3.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p1ban3str, x=50, y=240,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4))
over = Overlay(over, p1ban4, x=10, y=260, mask=p1ban4.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p1ban4str, x=50, y=280,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4))
over = Overlay(over, p1ban5, x=10, y=300, mask=p1ban5.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p1ban5str, x=50, y=320,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4))
over = Overlay(over, p1ban6, x=10, y=340, mask=p1ban6.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p1ban6str, x=50, y=360,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4))
over = Overlay(over, p1ban7, x=10, y=380, mask=p1ban7.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p1ban7str, x=50, y=400,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=4))

over = Overlay(over, p2ban1, x=600, y=140, mask=p2ban1.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p2ban1str, x=590, y=160,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6))
over = Overlay(over, p2ban2, x=600, y=180, mask=p2ban2.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p2ban2str, x=590, y=200,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6))
over = Overlay(over, p2ban3, x=600, y=220, mask=p2ban3.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p2ban3str, x=590, y=240,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6))
over = Overlay(over, p2ban4, x=600, y=260, mask=p2ban4.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p2ban4str, x=590, y=280,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6))
over = Overlay(over, p2ban5, x=600, y=300, mask=p2ban5.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p2ban5str, x=590, y=320,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6))
over = Overlay(over, p2ban6, x=600, y=340, mask=p2ban6.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p2ban6str, x=590, y=360,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6))
over = Overlay(over, p2ban7, x=600, y=380, mask=p2ban7.ShowAlpha())
over = over.Overlay(Subtitle(over, p2ban7str, x=590, y=400,font="arial", size=24, text_color=$ffffff, align=6))

#over = over.Overlay(over.FadeIn(40, fps=20))

over = Subtitle(over, "[url=http://www.dark-omen.org]www.dark-omen.org[/url]", y=460, font="arial", size=16, text_color=$ffffff, align=5)

result2 = ConditionalFilter(dovid, over, dovid, "current_frame", "<", "200")
return result2.ConvertToYV12()

Title: Re: Tournament March 2010
Post by: olly on April 01, 2010, 08:46:42 PM
Cool stuff and what a good battle we had

vs. olly:
Dark Omen (Mar 2010) Qualification vs. olly (1) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcLbPECjWmk#normal)

My Spiders were on a mission to locate and destroy your Lobber.
