Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Modifications => Campaigns => Topic started by: Malus on November 24, 2009, 09:44:13 PM

Title: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Malus on November 24, 2009, 09:44:13 PM
Already included in the latest Mod Pack download
http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/read-me-ultimate-dark-omen-xpvistawin7win81win10-game-fixes-t111.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/read-me-ultimate-dark-omen-xpvistawin7win81win10-game-fixes-t111.0.html)

           <<<Rise of the Dead>>>

Greetings Warlords!

I want to present you a campaign (not finished) with many
changes at the AI-Player, more Enemy Units, greater battles.
As you know, many battles are to easy or the map is realy nice
but the fights are to short or borring and so on.
The goal of this campaign is not the story itself, or to add new
units and races.
The intention is to make the battles more difficulty,
interesting and BIGGER!

But to do this i need your help because everyone has an
other opinion of difficulty.
So please feel free to make any critics at this campaign.
- Whats to easy, to hard?
- Find AI-Bugs, or units do nothing/are stupid
- suggestions to make the battles better

I´m not a good storywriter, if someone wants to write a good
story or have good ideas please add them at the forum.


- empire armylist
- alternative campaign
- higher difficulty
- chapter 1 and 2
- incomplete storyline
- files: Playerarmy, BTB-files, Enemyarmies, CTL-files

for the future:

- increase difficult with help and critics of the community
- find a better, more clearly storyline =)
- add chapter 2,3 and the End?
- add more armielists



3 Days after the impact:
The Emperor sends a small army to looking for Morgan Bernhardt.
He needs the great mercenary commander to achieve some missions

at the border countries.
At the same time the Princes of Kislev sends his wise whizard

Yuri Fury to a empire trading post to sell some ice creme.

Chapter One

Meeting at the Trading Post

The unim... important trading post is conquered by the

Yuri Fury and the empire guys decide to fight together against

the greens.

After the battle the Emperor, Yuri Fury and Sven Carlsson

decides to help to defend the border countries.


After a funny fight with the greens, the army gets into a trap

at a city in the south. But why the people smell so strange?


Madness at the Empire:
More blood, bones and a stupid woman. But where is Bernhardt?

Chapter Two


Yuri Furys army get enforced by Sven Carlssons cousin Steven

Carlsson and Eusebio the Black. The one is crazy like the other

names. But both are good fighters, rly!


Sylvania, the land of the vampires:
More dead and undead corpses on their way.
But at Caunt Carsteins Castle they discover something


Chapter Three
Chapter Four
The End?

-coming soon, history needs time to be written :p

Big THX @ BTB Editor by Rob
Wh32Edit by Ghabry to make these changes possible

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Ghabry on November 25, 2009, 07:11:25 PM
THIS is difficult.

I was able to solve the Trading Post after the 3rd try and lost 1500gc.

Now I'm in the 2nd mission at first I thought "hm, really easy compared to the first mission" then a orc mage appeared and killed my regiments with a magic Foot :(.

Anyway well done. Interesting to see what you can do by changing AI paths in the BTB file without even understanding the CTL format.

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: alavet on November 26, 2009, 07:50:49 AM
Anyway well done. Interesting to see what you can do by changing AI paths in the BTB file without even understanding the CTL format.

sounds little harsh.
 hope u dint meant anything like that :D

definitely will play!

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Ghabry on November 26, 2009, 12:10:47 PM
Anyway well done. Interesting to see what you can do by changing AI paths in the BTB file without even understanding the CTL format.
sounds little harsh.
hope u dint meant anything like that :D
No wasn't meant harsh.
We are just not able to understand anything in the CTL file but he was able to work around this problem.

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Grend on November 28, 2009, 03:07:16 PM
This is really interesting stuff, any chance you could make a tutorial or a wikipage about how you do this?

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Malus on November 28, 2009, 11:04:39 PM
Yes thats a nice idea, I will try to write a short guide next time  ;)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: bembelimen on November 28, 2009, 11:20:13 PM

That would be the best!

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: olly on November 30, 2009, 11:11:37 PM
Great Work and nice use of BTB and WH32edit.

At first I completely failed the first mission which this is all about, new gameplay.



Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Malus on December 01, 2009, 09:47:33 PM
I finished the first part of the guide!

Look at the wiki
http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Creating_New_Maps (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Creating_New_Maps)

Its my first time i write something at the wiki!  :P

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: olly on December 01, 2009, 10:06:25 PM
Excellent Wiki and well deserved!

Great to see all the Mod tools combining to create new Gameplay.

Well done bro,

"On behalf of the Dark Omen Community we Thank You!"


Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: bembelimen on December 01, 2009, 10:15:06 PM
Well done bro,

"On behalf of the Dark Omen Community we Thank You!"

Nothing to add!

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: alavet on December 16, 2009, 07:31:28 AM
i really impressed with the difficiulty of this campaing.

in fact i still playing the first mission, after 5 failed attempts.

wtf? how is it possible to complete it without big portion of luck?
i see its doable if my regiments done flee, but they do a lot :D

there is 1 lobber, 2 or 3 bolters and mage (does he have magic wand? he casts his spells like a mad, and i never killed him yet).

pls give some ideas how to win it, lol.

i figured its better use my archers as a warriors, cause otherwise lobber will skrimish it. and still have no chances to process my army to the lobber (once i actually did, but lobber crew killed my 6 swordmen, lol)

also lobber is pretty accurate, is it just luck or lvl2+ lobber?

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Ghabry on December 16, 2009, 08:14:15 AM
My tactic is: Rush with everything to the other side of the River, first bowmen and icemage. Then the infantry. Place one Bowmen near the Cliff so that it can attack the Bolt Thrower. The other bowmen moves north and attacks with arrows all attacking units together with the ice mage. Now the infantry should be near enough to go to close combat with all attacking troops... Use now the ice mage to kill the next bolt thrower (and hope that it doesnt kill you *lol*).
You only need luck that no rock lobber kills you. But usually it never hits *g*.

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Malus on December 17, 2009, 09:01:15 PM
Oh I´m so sorry thats my fault, there should be no rock lobber.
It should be disabled at the enemy armyfile but in this version it isn`t.
Yes the rock lobber is too much random, get luck that he doesn`t hit to many times.

I thought it has been disabled  :P

I will release the chapter 3 and fixes of 1/2 during the X-mas hollidays. Actualy i have to much trouble.

Thx 4 the helpfull feedback =)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: alavet on December 17, 2009, 09:40:11 PM
hehe w/o lobber mission will be easy :)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Flak on December 18, 2009, 08:40:13 PM
I finally route all the goblins, kill the balista's and the annoying mage and as i attack the catapult,
game crashes  :o :'(

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Ghabry on December 18, 2009, 10:52:41 PM
Goblins are bad loosers :D

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Flak on December 20, 2009, 08:21:42 PM
finally i got that mage and won, it cost me a greatsword regiment but i can live with that

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Flak on December 22, 2009, 06:46:02 PM
I must say this is excellent work Malus, my fav mission so far is Grissburg and Bogenhafen Town, really gives a good feeling of being surrounded.
Hehe i was disappointed to find that i cant set fire to the house and get the Book of Ashur tho

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Flak on December 25, 2009, 11:37:07 AM
damm im mission 1 is hard, wait until you guys reach Castle Drakenhoff wow,
enemy overload much :o

oh btw in the mission where i have the "steamtank" replacement unit, i am unable to use my halbardiers, they are in the unit book but they dont show up on the battlefield, but after Blighted Towers i can again use them. I dont know if you are aware of this

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Flak on December 26, 2009, 11:54:35 AM
I wonder in your test how often do you urself win at Castle Drakenhoff Malus lol

must be my 20th attempt before i had luck enough to not get butchered and still had to sacrifice my Halbardiers

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Darkmancer on February 08, 2010, 10:30:30 PM
Great mod, i've got though to the last mission, unfortunatly something about count carstein (sp?) makes my game freeze up, he teleports in uses a spell and the game freezes.

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Zymeth on August 21, 2010, 09:46:27 PM
must you have the english version of dark omen to play this mod???

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: alavet on August 22, 2010, 09:20:38 AM
can some1 reupload fresh version?

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Zymeth on August 22, 2010, 10:54:26 AM
thx you know the answer alavet

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Ghabry on August 22, 2010, 05:22:54 PM
Fresh version?
You mean the zip file? You can get it in our download section (http://en.dark-omen.org/downloads/view-details/2.-modifications/4.-campaigns/1.-singleplayer/rotd-rise-of-the-dead.html) :)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: alavet on August 22, 2010, 06:37:59 PM
hehe Ghab, you better keep copyright for Malus!

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Ghabry on August 23, 2010, 05:19:59 PM
The File Author field says Malus :P
I'm only the uploader.

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: RopeDrink on September 19, 2010, 06:18:09 AM
To Malus:

First of all I want to thank you for making such a nice Modification for DarkOmen, it re-ignites interest in Single Player thanks to the solid challenge of it.

However, I'd like to ask if you'd have a problem with me editing the campaign to suit my W.I.P SPlayer Mod.

It's obvious people really like having different spawn locations during the game which makes it a fresh experience - I wouldn't be content just WHEditing the default campaign that we've all played 100 times over along the years and I'm not experienced enough to make such drastic changes to the gameplay that you have achieved with this Mod.

I've been basing my campaign thus far on your work and it's coming along very nicely but I'd hate to make something using someone elses work and not actually ask them how they felt about it first ;)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: hari8 on December 21, 2010, 06:52:37 PM
Why was the Trading Post the hardest mission until now?!

After defending Helmgart with 2 Archers and one Bigswordregiment, now i got all units full and all units are lvl 2...

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: simo001 on April 16, 2011, 03:08:19 PM
thankyou! this must have taken you ages to do

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: livvy on November 13, 2011, 10:16:06 AM
I really liked the feel of the empire troops at the start of this mod.Eagerly i set up my troops and was ready to go,go,go.Then after so many attempts just to get across the river without losing half my army and constant restarts after a few seconds due to a lobber routing my troops and three of my units trying to destroy an archer regt and getting nowhere.I finally gave up.
A great idea and good planning went into the mod, but i have to finaly give up on it.Way too hard, no longer felt a challenge and simply became annoying.
I do not mean to come across a sore loser, but until an update comes out i have to concede defeat:)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: hari8 on November 13, 2011, 02:39:58 PM
I made it to the last mission, but 3 Vamps and Fire Mage and all the Grudgebringer are too much^^

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: livvy on November 13, 2011, 03:59:13 PM
I made it to the last mission, but 3 Vamps and Fire Mage and all the Grudgebringer are too much^^

Well done:) I have got onto level three.But, i have only one mage ( of course ) and a single archer and a single gr8sword regt eft.Going to start again and hope for the best:)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: livvy on November 13, 2011, 07:38:41 PM
No dice! i still havent got off the first level.I have never known a mod so annoying and yet so addictive! full marks to the creator.
After several hrs, i think i will leave it for awhile:)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: hari8 on November 15, 2011, 02:38:42 PM
Yes, u have too keep all regiments alive...

Maybe u should replay the regular campaign two or three times and/or u should try to make the first 5 missions without any losses.

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: kilowic on November 15, 2011, 03:29:05 PM
Im afther retaking helmsgart castle with all regiments alive but I want to say to the author: YOUR SICK MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Debeul on July 14, 2012, 10:41:01 AM
The file isn't online anymore?:/

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Ghabry on July 14, 2012, 01:05:28 PM
You can find the file in the Download section (http://en.dark-omen.org/downloads/view-details/2.-modifications/4.-campaigns/1.-singleplayer/rotd-rise-of-the-dead.html) :)

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Debeul on July 29, 2012, 10:01:33 AM
Thx mate

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: haimerej on September 15, 2012, 01:34:19 AM
just wondering if anyone else is having a crash problem mid battle at the castle of helmgart? is there any known solution?

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Demigan on April 13, 2014, 12:46:48 PM
Yeah, so I started the first mission and thought 'no cannon? Nice, no easy luring the enemy in tactics!'
I deployed everything and started the first round. 2 Ballista's kill off 4 units with their shot. While I'm grinding my teeth about losing 4 dudes before the game even started a mortar shell crashes into a regiment killing 15 of the 16.

Yeah this one is the hardest I've played so far.

The map where the enemy has 3 cannons spread in each corner... brutal. All that artillery forces you to act, and keep acting. I realised I was doing more realistic combat with this game than any other game I've ever played. I usually have at least one regiment as reserve for any type of situation, and they happen a lot.

The relative weakness of your units with low armour is both a blessing and a curse throughout the campaign so far. They are all cheap to replace but make one mistake and they end up as kebab. Since you need to destroy armies easily twice as big as yours it's easy  to earn enough money to replace almost all of them even if several regiments are nearly wiped out.

The addition of allied regiments that aren't under your control is very nice, they force a pace on the whole map that I wouldn't expect otherwise. Trying to keep up with the allied regiments to keep them alive and use them as extra punching power is tough but rewarding as opposed to letting them die.

And then those Wights! If you don't use every tactic you have one regiment can kill off 3/4th of your army. My first experience with them all went perfectly smooth with minimal losses until these guys litterally killed off 3 of my regiments before they fled. Even when you are prepared they need a constant rain of arrows, icicles and two rear attacks to kill them off.
And every single damn mage has a WOJ. They are magic piniata's that spray death wherever they look. After my bazillionth try of the square church village I managed to get out with barely any losses. Only the necromancer survived. He retargets my Ice mage unexpectedly and BAM, game over bye bye Ice Mage.

Definitely waiting for the rest of the campaign. This is the type of hard settings I grew up with.

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: Malus on December 18, 2014, 10:32:46 PM
Thx for all the feedback guys!

Its nice to see so much interest to the 5 year old mod after coming back to this page. Wasn't around for quite a while :P

I feel a bit sorry for the first mission lobber as it wasn't intented to be there after internal testings. Cause it only leads to reloads/restarts and doesn't add much to the battle. Though its kind of funny how it stood there for all this time. This mission was like my very first attempt to mod the AI, so its also special and more time went into it. But based on the feedback and the fact that i removed it while testing and the huge annoying RNG it should be removed or replaced by a spearthrower.

The lobber RNG was also a reason i used mostly canons for the other missions as they are not that RNG heavy and, at least for me, have a special flavor. I like to see a row impaled or pushed away.

I prefer to go all offense instead of stay and wait for waves. Like to see close clombat and how it turns out. To move a army as a whole. I think most mission reflect this.

To the last mission i have to say it was there to block your from passing and let you die there. The reason was first to get time for the next chapters and second to lead into some "story" thing. Don't want to spoil. Can't believe somebody did beat it  :o

Right now i'm at learning to mod the WHMTG script and get this done. I will use this mod to continue so to say i reuse the missions and try to add more to get a new campaign feel. Like you wont see the original path or talking as it doesn't make any sense for this mod.

But i have no idea how to do it now and how much is possible. As far as "new" progress goes, i was able to get count carstein into the first mission, to change him to cast fire spells and do his teleport around thing whitout crash. Of course a had to give him a shaman friend cause 2 mages are cool. So much possible now cause of the CTL script progress. Was really impressed when i first saw the new articles.

Btw i was about to beat my first mission (with lobber) at first try but then it destroyed with its last shot, before getting charged, my greatswords.  ::)
And my mage got so many hits by arrows, but didn't die. I was always like "no, thats it" and he, just a blody face telling "they are shooting at us".

This game is fun! I laught at every arrow  ;D

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: olly on December 20, 2014, 09:58:14 AM
Welcome back and thanks again for the excellent mod. I will publish all my new how to guides, for all our latest tools and give u our mod template which makes it easier to extend into any other kind of mod, as contains everything we have done.

Will really look forward to getting back into the WHMTG script, so please pop into our chat channel, as me and Ghabry always there.


Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: mafk on May 31, 2023, 08:46:01 AM
Man i havent been here for some 8 years or so and iam stoked to see so much progress in the modding department!! However, how the hell do you get past the first mission in this mod?? 3 artillery units just demolish everything. Any tips?

Title: Re: Campaign: RotD Rise of the Dead
Post by: alavet on June 30, 2024, 12:12:28 PM
hi there! just rereading my old posts, and man, having a big cringle. sorry for that guys

Anyway.. this campaign is.. yeah, a bit hard so to say.

big luck portion need to be invovled there, main problem is not a lobber, but shaman.
I think its possible to beat if shaman wouldn't get Fists spell and lobber wouldn't kill too much, and your troops wouldn't flee to often and lobber wouldn't kill too many.

general tactic I see now that lobber likes to fixate target after 1-2 shots it seems, and just need to understand where its going to hit and charge these troops.

shaman is the biggest treat and trick is to cast x3 antimagic on regiment he will be fighting. problem is that sometimes your regiment would flee (because of bolters) BEFORE shaman wastes manaand your antimagic is wasted.

so far I was not ableto finish, but will cont. attempts.