Title: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 03, 2009, 04:20:06 PM Welcome Lords, Kings and Tyrants To the 2nd Conquest game (http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7206/conquest2ndgamemapl.png) (http://img3.imageshack.us/i/conquest2ndgamemapl.png/) (http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/conquest2ndgamemapl.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img3/conquest2ndgamemapl.png/1/) As of yet i have not made starting locations because i want to see how many we are first. What i can say is that this game will most likely take place in the south as we last time played in the north. Players Signed up Flak----------------Necro Alavet-------------Goblin Nitrox--------------Vampire Cholio--------------Empire Warhammerfreak----Orc Bembelimen---------Mercenary Ghabry-------------Allied Please confirm your participation and choose you nation The updated Files are here, we use 7000gc, make a new armies and test them so you are ready for WAR [attachment=1] Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 03, 2009, 04:54:47 PM confirm - Mercenary
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 03, 2009, 05:04:51 PM Confirm, if no one select empire give me it, but if there will be a Empire player give me a vampires.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 03, 2009, 05:21:29 PM confirm @ goblins
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 03, 2009, 05:54:46 PM Can I still go for the orc faction? If so I'll use them, if not my dark elves wil bring me a lot of pleasures and killing opponents ;) ;D ;D ;D evil smile ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 04, 2009, 12:49:58 PM hehe wow 1½ hours after i ask i have 5 confirmations, if that isnt a good start i dont know what.
thanks guys now we just need cholio, if anyone see him on hamachi plz tell him to read this topic Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 04, 2009, 05:27:29 PM what about making this event more notable? like placing really big banner on the top of side or announcement or whatever?
what about idea of "one-day-player" like one independet fraction which might be played by one random outside player each turn (or not play if dont need)? (either spawn randomly each turn like a "neutral armies" or independet player zone) that will allow other players udnerstand understand conquest battles better and it wil fit for the players hich dont have time for full course of conquest? let's make a queue for that? (but need really big announcement for that) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 04, 2009, 07:21:14 PM sign me up for empire :)
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 04, 2009, 07:49:50 PM and now we are all present ;D
thanks for the speedy replies, im glad to see my troop of devoted warriors ready to grab the sword :) I will rewiev the updated files and such stuff in the weekend, maybe we can start after that, if anyone has objections plz let me know and we will work it out that is not a bad idea alavet, only trouble i see is that it needs to be a player that can garrantie some time to play as we dont need a "rebel" army holding up the turns, but if we have a prospect who would like to try out the game then its a fab idea. I will make a topic for this idea Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 04, 2009, 07:55:56 PM confirm alliance
BUt can't play before Monday if this is a problem ;) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 04, 2009, 08:04:29 PM does this mean you join ghabry? :)
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 04, 2009, 08:16:43 PM sure
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 05, 2009, 06:13:13 PM The new army files are up (first post), get them and make ready ;D
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 05, 2009, 06:24:27 PM bembelimen declares war to Flak
uhh, to early I think........ Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 05, 2009, 06:36:23 PM I have colored the map now, the way we pick starting positions will be with each player picking a color and i get the last color.
We choose by first come first serve Colors: Lime Green Red Purple Orange Blue Teal Brown Another Note, we will use the whole map, so Ferry routes will be important, plz note their location, marked in blue (http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/9940/ferry.png) (http://img40.imageshack.us/i/ferry.png/) (http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/ferry.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img40/ferry.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 05, 2009, 06:41:13 PM Orange
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 05, 2009, 07:01:51 PM Brown
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 06, 2009, 09:10:38 AM may i use Lime since this is the only colour Opera showing me at home :) is it possible?
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 06, 2009, 10:03:41 AM Teal
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 06, 2009, 10:50:39 AM As we orcses say: GREEN IS BEST (heard it like a thousand times in dark crusade ;D)
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 06, 2009, 11:18:29 AM small reminder for new members: http://forum.dark-omen.org/overview/conquest-game-book-t352.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/overview/conquest-game-book-t352.0.html)
artifacts & some troops are limited in number! keep it in mind! Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 06, 2009, 05:10:32 PM Blue as the color of my pweeeetty eyes.. ;D
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 06, 2009, 09:11:46 PM and that will make me purple
Thanks guys, now we will move regular chat to the chat topic and leave this one for official post's moves and such Here is the map, everyone has 6 territories, 1 capitol, 2 depot's and 3 armies. Bonus's First Player to Capture 12 Territories gets a bonus army of 7000 gc First Player to Capture 3 UU Territories gets a bonus army of 5000 gc First Player to Capture 2 UU Territories gets to buy one extra Free Item in all armies. Victory Conditions Domination: Capture and hold 70% Capitols for whole 1 turn. Conquest: Capture and hold 50% of the territory for whole 1 turn Mystic: Capture and hold 100% unique territories for 1 whole turn Allied Victory: 2 Allies Capture and hold 75% of the territory for whole 2 turns Players to do List Make armies and use the new update, keep in mind the unit and item limitations. If a players add too many units or item to and army then they will be left in the roster and not join the battlefield. Testing vs other players is highly recommended. Consider moves and discussion for alliances is ofcz open. Study the map and learn the location of your own capitols, depots and UUs but also the enemies capitols and depots, also study the ferry routes. (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7082/conquest2ndgame7players.png) (http://img5.imageshack.us/i/conquest2ndgame7players.png/) (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/conquest2ndgame7players.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img5/conquest2ndgame7players.png/1/) Nation Colors Flak----------------Necro Alavet-------------Goblin Nitrox--------------Vampire Cholio--------------Empire Warhammerfreak----Orc Bembelimen---------Mercenary Ghabry-------------Allied Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 07, 2009, 08:18:14 AM Alavet Goblin Hordes:
Diplomacy: -declare alliance with Whfreak brave orcs -declare war with Cholio pitful people -suggest peace/alliance with Flak necromancers Moves/Attack: G1 moves from 2-12-I to 2-10-I G2 moves from 1-6-A to 1-11-B G3 moves from 3-9-I to 2-6-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 07, 2009, 01:52:33 PM WHF orc orders
Diplomacy -The Great Green alliance is founded -I would like to declare an alliance with the dark death stuff of Flak -I declare war to the humans of cholio Moves Army3 moves to 3-14b Army1 moves to 2-11c Army2 moves to 4-9b Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 07, 2009, 02:18:09 PM Ghabry Elven
Diplomacy: - suggests alliance with Flak Moves/Attack: (1) moves from 4-5-E to 3-1-E (2) moves from 2-9-E to 2-8-E (3) moves from 3-3-D to 1-2-D Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 07, 2009, 02:24:43 PM bembelimen Mercenary orders:
Diplomacy - suggest alliance with Cholio against the green horde - declares alliance with Ghabry - suggest alliance with Flak, if he deny alliance with greenskins Moves - Army1 moves from 2-4-H to 3-9-F - Army2 moves from 3-1-H to 3-2-G - Army4(3) moves from 4-6-H to 2-10-H Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 07, 2009, 02:31:49 PM Vampire Counts from Luccini
Diplomacy -Suggest alliance with Flak, alliance dead with the dead Moves Vampire Count army(2) moves from 3-3-F to 2-1-F Vampire Count army (3) moves from 1-1-G to 2-2-F Vampire palace royal Army(1) moves from 4-5-I to 3-4-F Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 07, 2009, 06:35:49 PM wow i guess we move then lol
Alliances Alavet & Warhammerfreak Ally Ghabry & Flak Ally Bembelimen & Flak Ally Nitrox & Flak Ally Ghabry & Bembelimen Ally Cholio & Bembelimen Ally WAR Alavet is at war with Cholio Warhammerfreak is at war with Cholio Flak is at war with Warhammerfreak Flak Necro Diplomacy Flak agrees to alliances with Ghabry, Nitrox and Bembelimen Flak refuse alliances with WHF & Alavet Flak declares war on the Green Alliance Moves UN1 moves 3-2-C to 2-8-B UN2 moves 3-2-C to 3-1-C UN3 Draws First Blood, Attacks Orc1 at 2-11-C Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 08, 2009, 02:28:08 PM Divine emperor Cholio's orders:
Diplomacy War with Warhammerfreak War with Alavet Accept bembelimens proposition of an alliance Moves HE3 moves from 2-5-6 to 2-6-I HE2 moves from 3-9-H to 3-3-I HE1 moves from 3-3-I to 3-5-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 08, 2009, 06:50:42 PM TURN 1, Orders 3-6 Orders *3rd Battles *4th Post battle army upgrades *5th Re-fit unmoved armies *6th Create new armies (http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/50/turn1.png) (http://img525.imageshack.us/i/turn1.png/) (http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/turn1.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img525/turn1.png/1/) BATTLES Flak vs Warhammerfreak 3-2-C UN3 (host) vs Orc1 at Town of the dead Cholio vs Alavet 2-6-I Empire3 (host) vs Goblin3 at Troll Land Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 08, 2009, 09:03:05 PM GB3 won the battle and remains. one scorpions and some crazy fanatics dead but we just recreuited few others - still have some ale from the summer.
Empire3 army was defeated, leader of the Empire - ice mage - was killed (and winter didnt help him, haha), few monks refused to be captured and were feeded by spiders. goblins captured few artilleries - big gun and small gun, but since its too heavy and doesnt works, it was abadoned. hope black water place will be warmer! Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 08, 2009, 09:52:46 PM Orc1 was victorius, the orcs showed great bravery at the dread legions and cut down the undead, who battles to the very last unholy warrior.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 08, 2009, 09:55:56 PM TURN 2, Orders 1-2 Orders *1st Diplomacy *2nd Moves At turns end (order 6) Flak and Cholio will build a new army if they dont lose any depots (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9308/turn2move.png) (http://img5.imageshack.us/i/turn2move.png/) (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/turn2move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img5/turn2move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 08, 2009, 09:57:51 PM A miracle just occurred, my big mean greenies decided to give my opponent a spanking for attacking my brave army. I was able to defeat the undead hordes with 3 wraith units in their own terrain, in the city of moussilon. my big uns with defiance didn't flee(ofc) or die fast of a combined charge of 2 units wraits. My trolls saved the day they really were worthwile.
But still: GREEN IS BEST WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGHHHH!!!!! (http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/6269/m420183a99110209208azha.th.jpg) (http://img137.imageshack.us/i/m420183a99110209208azha.jpg/) P.S. I made a mistake with refilling I accidently changed my unit orc boys in a unit trolls. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 08, 2009, 10:03:35 PM Diplomacy
- none Moves - Army1 moves from 3-9-F to 3-1-H - Army2 moves from 3-2-G to 2-3-G - Army3 moves from 2-10-H to 4-6-H Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 09, 2009, 05:12:13 AM Flak Necros
Diplomacy none Moves UN1 moves from 3-7-C to 2-10-C UN2 moves from 3-1-C to 2-3-C Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 09, 2009, 06:26:46 AM Alavet Goblin Hordes
Diplomacy: great shaman of goblins, Eated-the-Three-Hundred-Bulls, Killed-One-Thousand-Men, the |Horrific Ynda| claims bembelimen Mercenary for territory 2-10-H, or Badlands plains very soon will be flooded with Goblin Hordes and Skull of the Mercs Lord will be used as a goblet! If accepted Goblins will ceremonially swear that they wiill never attack Mercs Lands and maybe, someday, give some lands of foolish Emperor Cholio to brave bembelmen lord. Moves/attacks GB1 moves from 2-10-I to 3-8-I GB2 moves from 1-11-B to 3-18-B GB3_1 attack/moves from 2-6-I to 2-5-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 09, 2009, 11:19:04 AM Cholio's Empires orders:
Diplomacy none Moves HE1 moves from 3-5-I to 2-5-G HE2 moves from 3-3-I to 2-4-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 09, 2009, 12:12:11 PM WHF orders:
Diplomacy: none Moves: Army 1: to 2-10C Army 2: to 2-8b Army 3: to 2-11-C Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 09, 2009, 01:24:24 PM Vampire Counts from Luccini[/color]
Diplomacy -Suggest a Alliance with the Green Hordes Moves VC3 move from 2-2-F to 2-3-G VC2 move from 2-1-F to 2-2-F(Moving in a ally territory so after) move to 2-16-B(I think it's ok, if not only move to 2-2-F) VC1 move from 3-4-F to 3-3-F Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 09, 2009, 01:31:57 PM The reason for my army 3 to move the was to make a way from my depot to cholios land, but f alavet is already on that spot, it isn't neccesary. So
Army 3 moves to 2-11c And the greenhides gladly allie with nasty vampires Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 09, 2009, 02:18:13 PM It seems, that the cowardly vampires provocate a war, so they will get war!
And mercenary land will never be stinky greenskin land! To the dead! Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 09, 2009, 02:21:53 PM Diplomacy
Declares war to Nitrox because you attack my ally bembelimen! Time for a two-front-war... Moves EA1 moves from 3-1-E to 2-9-E EA2 moves from 2-8-E to 2-7-E EA3 moves from 1-2-D to 2-16-B DEAD TO THE UNDEAD! Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 09, 2009, 02:45:34 PM OT: hey maybe there was mistake by Vampires? i mean territory 2-3-G, lol.
whatever, we will ally with Vampires and crush foolish Humans & Elves alliance (and their dead friends). try to stay our green hordes! Diplomacy: Alavet Goblin Hordes declares war to bembelmen & Gharby Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 09, 2009, 03:09:56 PM alavet what army move do you want to fix? (move to 2-3-G I mean)
Or do you mean the diplomacy suggestion to bembelimen? (give you UU 2-3-G) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 09, 2009, 03:16:03 PM Note: Suggests an alliance to ghabry, since iam allied to bembelimen as well.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 09, 2009, 03:37:04 PM See no real use in it because I'm to far away but agree as an formality
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 09, 2009, 03:46:04 PM TURN 2, Orders 3-6 Orders *3rd Battles *4th Post battle army upgrades *5th Re-fit unmoved armies *6th Create new armies (http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/6798/turn2war.png) (http://img188.imageshack.us/i/turn2war.png/) (http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/turn2war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img188/turn2war.png/1/) BATTLES Flak vs WHF 2-10-C UN1 vs Orc1 (host) at Drakenhoff Castle Ghabry vs Nitrox 2-16-B EA3 (host) vs VC2 at Northern Waste Bembelimen vs Nitrox 2-3-G Army2 (host) vs VC3 at Return to Axebite Pass Alavet vs Cholio 2-5-G Goblin3 vs HU1 (host) at Basin of Frozen Blood hehe note that all battles are in mountains, i guess its the turn of "Take the Highground" Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 09, 2009, 06:02:47 PM Ghabry vs Nitrox
The Vampire Counts vs Forest Fighter 103 Years after Sigmar - Late autumn - A vampire "outpost" in Norn Mountains This was a bloody fight my brother, we just moved into a Norn Mountains, then there was a surprise. Allied army arrived here to, they wanted to capture Norn. But i'm and our undead army has fight with that scum, elves and dwarfs ran and ran by our Scream Skull Catapult my brother. Remains of allied units ran into a mountains, this night in mountains was a bloody night.... From Carlan von Nitrox to Grand Heiklich von Nitrox (Ghabry lost) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 09, 2009, 07:35:13 PM The proud and brave mercenaries had their goal in sight: conquer a UU depot. But minutes after they arrived their target it seemed, that the hell came to earth: a vampire with his large army appeared. The mercenaries slaughtered and killed hundred of undead corps and it seems, that they will win the fight, but then the vampire itself appeared. Quickly he defeated two regiments and everything seems lost. Everytime the brave mercenaries thought they had knock down the vampire he fights harder than before. At least three regiments have to fight to kill him. It was a glorious day for the mercenaries but sadly also a day with heavy losses!
At the end the first vampire army was defeated. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 09, 2009, 08:02:06 PM The necro and 'is horde of skeletons with strong mummys and wraiths. They just weren't strong enough for my orc horde.
In the dark underground terrain of castle drakkenhoff there was a fierce fight, between the green meanies and the dead. The orcs were enthousiastic to get a victory to make there leader proud and get some rewards. It paid of the heros of the day were my precious boar boys who got the most exp of my army.(maybe this comes from being sheer good or just having the banner of wrath on them, ;D ;D ;D) big uns fell and skelleton crumbled and in the end da green uns were victorious. GG, Flak Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 09, 2009, 09:13:05 PM Nitrox vs Bembelimen
The Vampire Counts from Remas vs Mercenary Army 103 Years after Sigmar - Late autumn - A retreating vampires from Black Mountains At the night, we arrived in the black mountains my master...There also arrived the mercenary! Haha we thought this will be a very easy battle, live person dont get very big chances with us! But...It's... Not gone after thoughts, that mage has killed many of our Black Grails! Next, zombies are running and running...It was a crap! Ghouls retreated into the mountains, to back to our territory...Master, your apprtentice Zanth and his Wights has got a brave fight, they killed many of mercenary soldiers...But, Zanth can't kill with wights all of mercenary soldiers, they are defeated my master...I'm now will take his place... From Darkliman von Nitrox to Grand Heiklich von Nitrox (Bembelimen win) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 09, 2009, 09:17:17 PM Goblins attacked and captured Black Water. foolish empire peasants on horses , so-called "knights" and few monks were absolutely unable to stop green hordes. they hurried up so fast to defend this place, that even didnt take any artillery. fanatics did a nice job killing like 1/3 of poor humans and another 1/3 was killed by rain of arrows.
half citizens of Black Water were slaved, another half were killed or feeded to beasts, indeed. unfortunately no artifacts were found, but maybe we will find it on other towns of this country? our fortieth master goblinsh appy to be at this land - enough food and slaves, dont need to do anything by themselves. human woman might get nice cook, hehe... not a problem that most of them refuse to be a slave - soon we will have enough of them who will slave us! Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 09, 2009, 09:59:23 PM Now I have time to write a Nitrox vs. Ghabry story too.
The "Forest Fighters" tried to trap the Vampire hordes moving on the mountains to the North. But the Elves were too slow and the Undead were placed some hundred meters higher then the elves. They tried to reach the enemy but the screaming catapults causes many looses and when the death on horses known as Black Grail appeared the Moral has been broken and the army tried to retreat but was unable to and has left the battlefield with heavy looses and is unable to fight anymore. (Nitrox won as already said in his post) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 10, 2009, 02:53:36 PM TURN 3, ORDERS 1-2 Orders *1st Diplomacy *2nd Moves (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/8292/turn3move.png) (http://img199.imageshack.us/i/turn3move.png/) (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/turn3move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img199/turn3move.png/1/) SIPAX is joining as RED WHF and Alavet please move any units you need this turn north that you need, you get +1 movement north in own lands this turn for this purpose Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 10, 2009, 02:58:28 PM Cholios empire
Diplomacy none Moves HE1 attacks 2-5-G from 2-4-I HE2 moves to 3-5-I from 3-3-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 10, 2009, 03:07:03 PM Vampire Counts from Luccini
Diplomacy None Moves VC2 moves from 2-16-B to 1-2-D VC1 moves from 3-3-F to 2-1-F VC3 moves from 2-2-F to 1-1-C(? can't see this letter) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 10, 2009, 03:22:26 PM Flak Necromancer Moves
Diplomacy none Moves Counter-Offensive UN2 Attacks from 2-3-C to 2-8-B, vs Orc2 UN3 Attacks from 4-8-C to 2-10-C, vs Orc1 Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 10, 2009, 04:02:31 PM WHF's ORCS
I think you can't attack the depot army because you aren't against to it. Diplomacy None (why is the zone on top red??) moves Army1 will defend army2 willl defend army3 will help defend army one Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 10, 2009, 04:11:21 PM Alavet Goblin Hordes
Diplomacy none Moves/Attack GB1 attacks from 3-8-I to 3-5-I GB2 perfoms double defence from 3-18-B to 2-5-G. if not needable moves to 1-6-G (is it possible?) GB3_2 defends at 2-5-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 10, 2009, 10:06:02 PM Ghabrys Alliance
Diplomacy No Changes Moves/Attack EA1 waits on the depot at 2-9-E (and will get a Druid after this round) EA2 moves from 2-7-E to 3-6-F (EA3 is currently unavailable (when do will I get it back?)) GM: end of this turn (order 6) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 10, 2009, 10:44:31 PM bembelimen mercenaries
Diplomacy none Moves A1 moves from 3-1-H to 1-1-G and attacks the depot A2 moves from 2-3-G to 1-1-G and attacks the depot/if not possible/needed then moves to 2-4-G A3 moves from 4-6-H to 3-1-H Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 10, 2009, 11:04:13 PM TURN 3, Orders 3-6 Orders *3rd Battles *4th Post battle army upgrades *5th Re-fit unmoved armies *6th Create new armies WHF, Alavet & Ghabry if they defend depot's If alavet defends his depot he also gets the 12 territory bonus army of 7000gc Bembelimen has earned the mystic bonus and may use 2 free items in his armies tho 5 is still max. (http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/3056/turn3battle.png) (http://img22.imageshack.us/i/turn3battle.png/) (http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/turn3battle.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img22/turn3battle.png/1/) Battles Flak vs WHF 2-8-B UN2 (host) vs Orc2 at Basin of Frozen Blood Multi Defense 2-10-C UN3 (host) vs Orc1 at Town of the dead & UN3 (host) vs Orc3 at Drakenhoff Castle Alavet vs Cholio 3-5-I HE1 (host) vs Goblin1 at Road to Moussillon Multi Defense 2-5-G HE2 (host) vs Goblin3 at Basin of Frozen Blood & HE2 (host) vs Goblin2 at Northern Waste Bembelimen vs Nitrox Multi Attack 1-1-G VC3 (host) vs A1 at Loren Forrest the Shine & VC3 vs A2 (host) at Loren Forrest the Clearing Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 11, 2009, 06:13:05 PM 3-5-I HE1 (host) vs Goblin1 at Road to Moussillon
alavet wins, HE1 disbands (Could you switch the 1 to a 3 flak? Alavet accidently used the wrong army, but there wasnt much difference between them so it didnt matter that much. :)) Multi Defense 2-5-G HE2 (host) vs Goblin3 at Basin of Frozen Blood & HE2 (host) vs Goblin2 at Northern Waste HE2 wins the first battle vs GB3, gb3 retreats. HE2 wins the second battle as well, gb2 disbands. The armies of the emperor has remobilized and succesfully retaken the depot from the vicious greenskins in the name of the empire, even though heavily outnumbered by the green hordes. However the army that was set out to meet the goblin army that was heading for the capitol was crushed and run down completely before the rampaging goblin horde. Let us prey that the army in the north makes it back in time to defend the capitol.. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 11, 2009, 10:54:30 PM After an hard fight, VC3 was disbanded.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 12, 2009, 03:07:27 PM TURN 4, Orders 1-2 Orders *1st Diplomacy *2nd Moves SIPAX HAS JOINED (http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/1688/turn4move.png) (http://img193.imageshack.us/i/turn4move.png/) (http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/turn4move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img193/turn4move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on September 12, 2009, 03:21:05 PM Diplomacy:
No. Moves: UD1 moves from 4-3-A to 3-4-A UD2 moves from 3-1-A to 3-8-A (and if able) to 3-6-A (I think he means 3-5-A because there is no 3-6-A, ghabry) UD3 moves from 2-11-A to 2-13-I destination. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 12, 2009, 03:23:38 PM Diplomacy
none Moves A1 stays at the depot A2 moves from 3-2-G to 2-4-G A3 moves from 3-1-H to 1-6-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 12, 2009, 03:35:20 PM Diplomacy
No Changes Moves EA1 Moves from 2-9-E to 2-1-F, attacks Nitrox if UV1 doesn't move away EA2 Moves from 3-6-F to 4-5-I, captures the Capitol EA3 Moves from 4-5-E to 2-9-E, defends the Depot if UV1 attacks it Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 12, 2009, 04:05:06 PM Flaks Move
Diplomacy none Moves UN2 moves from 2-8-B to 2-10-C, attacks Orc1 Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 12, 2009, 04:35:50 PM why there is no battle reports of WHfreak & Flak?
Alavet Goblih Hordes Diplomacy: great shaman of goblins, Eated-the-Three-Hundred-Bulls, Killed-One-Thousand-Men, the |Horrific Ynda|, suggests alliance with Sipax brave drows. Greenskins & Dark side should be in peace, against stupid hummies and their dead bodies. With our allied power we might conquire whole word! Currenly our alliane includes might orcs (green), horrific Vampires (orange) and deadly Goblins (green lime). Moves/attacks: GB1_1 at 2-6-I (flak pls change map to "1" as we agreed with CHolio) attacks to 2-5-C GB2_0 moves from 2-12-I to 3-12-A GB3_3 (pls change map) attacks from 3-5-I to 3-3-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 12, 2009, 04:57:24 PM Cholio's empire orders:
(should i not get a new army this turn? since i lost one army 1-2 turn ago i think) Diplomacy None Moves (If i dont get a new army) HE2 moves to defend the capitol (If i get a new army) HE2 stays to defend the depot, and the new army mobilizes at the capitol Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 12, 2009, 06:43:16 PM Vampire Counts from Laccini
Diplomacy None Moves VC 1 attack from 2-1-F to 2-9-E GM: VC1 is under attack VC3 attack from 1-2-D to 3-3-D Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 12, 2009, 07:17:16 PM (Flak, VC1 isn't under attack, my move command is:
EA1 Moves from 2-9-E to 2-1-F, attacks Nitrox if UV1 doesn't move away So Nitrox moves away and I get the field so there is no combat But on his goal (2-9-E) is the EA3 now defending so he moves on the depot and has a fight against EA3) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 12, 2009, 08:19:46 PM you made your moves first so you attack VC1, 2 armies cannot pass eacother
but if you prefer you can make a multi defense of you depot Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 12, 2009, 08:30:23 PM hmmmmmmm. k.
I change my Move Commands: EA1 Moves from 2-9-E to 2-1-F and attacks Nitrox So I just attack nitrox before he can move... Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 12, 2009, 09:06:06 PM i dont get it. i think your move gharby makes no sense. or its not stated in rules.
in my opinion in this battle between 2-9-E & 2-1-F if any side win it will process to this territory, either 2-9-E ifu win or 2-1-F if Nitrox win. you cant just "defend it on the border". if any army win, it process futher to the land (if army wants to). sometimes u will jsut defend some land and not process futher, if you want to safe some "move" points for the next turn. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 12, 2009, 09:14:08 PM ok how about we solve it this way, if Nitrox wins in 2-1-F then he may attempt to attack 2-9-E
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 12, 2009, 09:17:17 PM ah oh ive just noticed that gharby is able to defend it with 2 armies... uhm.. i dont know how to solve it. i mean, if double defence allowed, (=2 attacks per turn with one army) then how to decide when it iwll be double defence or not... really wired - we need think about it.. need something like initiatie for that case.
i agree with flak if double defence allowed then we should allow nitrox to perfom double attack, but rules not very good in that case... does any1 know some sites or 3rd parties which might get random figures for us to decide initiative each turn? Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 12, 2009, 09:20:59 PM i think we will just have to do is this way, nitrox will counter-attack ghabry's depot if he wins first battle
NOTE: I am out sunday but if WHF will make his moves i will update the map tonight Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 13, 2009, 10:43:26 AM Sorry I posted this late.
WHF ORC ORDERS diplomatics ask alliance with sipax moves Army 1 from:2-10c to 1-9c Army 2 from:4-9b to 2-10c (to defend vs Flaks army) Army 3 from:2-11c to 2-10c (to defend vs Flaks army, this one fights second Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on September 13, 2009, 11:01:29 AM Diplomacy (update)
Accept alliance with Alavet & Warhammerfreak (green ally) to make battlefield balanced. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 13, 2009, 05:38:32 PM TURN4, Orders 3-6 Orders *3rd Battles *4th Post battle army upgrades *5th Re-fit unmoved armies *6th Create new armies (Flak, WHF, Cholio & Bembelimen) (http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/8777/turn4war.png) (http://img41.imageshack.us/i/turn4war.png/) (http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/turn4war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img41/turn4war.png/1/) Battles Flak vs WHF 2-10-C UN2 (host) vs Orc2 at Basin of Frozen Blood and UN2 (host) vs Orc3 at Troll Land Alavet vs Cholio 2-5-C Goblin1 vs Empire Militia (host) at Axebite Pass 3-3-1 HE2 vs Goblin3 (host) at Trading Post (NOTE: Goblin special rule for attacking Capitols) Nitrox vs Ghabry 3-3-D VC2 (host) vs Allied Militia at Vingtienne 4-5-I EA2 vs Vampire Militia (host) at Loren Lake 2-1-F VC1 (host) vs EA1 at Return to Axebite Pass If VC1 wins 2-9-E EA3 (host) vs VC1 at Town of the dead Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 13, 2009, 09:14:50 PM Empire militia vs GB1
GB1 wins HE2 vs GB3 HE2 wins ( dont know if GB3 disbands, but i dont think so?) The imperial militia that was summoned to defend the depot near axebite pass put up a brave fight, slaying many of the evil greenskins, however the grim goblin shaman unleashed wave after wave of its diabolic magic, resulting in the bitter end for the brave militia. The imperial army lead by the Emperor himself charged out on the goblins, refusing to let them taint the earth of the holy captiol. The goblins trembled in fear as they heard the mighty voice of the Emperor echoing over the battlefield as he cried out mighty battle prayers to encourage his men. And so he did, for the armies of the empire defeated the goblins and chased them away from the capitol. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 13, 2009, 09:30:13 PM UV2 had no problems to capture the Depot. The Miliz flew in fear when they saw the undead.
(Nitrox won) (The other fights take longer because of disconnects) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 14, 2009, 08:05:46 AM Empire militia vs GB1
GB1 wins our second swarm, the greatest GB1 won humans again in very hard battle! our warriors suffered from the first battle where covard humans used splashing mortairs, so at this battle we had only several gobbos archers and few spiders. but big shaman was with us so we have no fear in our hearts! we started battle and sky became dark of our arrows and ground red of hummies blood, haha! hovewer there was so many humans, even more than goblins! more, much more! spiders atatcked with fury, fannatics killed hundreds of hummies but their monks were like crazy they come and kill come and kill and kill! AARGH!! ! shaman went in fury and pushed lightings from his eyes, killed thouthands of them! but they still not fleed ! then big hands of Mork appeared about shaman and were killing enemies with strenght they never seen before. so they fleed away and just few monks stayed and few spdiers with shaman killed them... HE2 vs GB3 HE2 wins ( dont know if GB3 disbands, but i dont think so?) |Great shaman Ynda notes| we dont know what happened, we have only few crazy goblins survived from this battle. stupid creatures said that everyoen fleed over the battle! and this is after our great plan when we tricky taken control of their capitol!!! how can shaman Hongo make so big mistake?? bah... he was experienced warrior.. survived goblins says that everything went wrong after shaman Hongo went in front of gobbos horde and started xastinfg mighty spells and lightings of humans. but these insidious rats just waited for that and mortair shot taked off his brave head! then all legions of empire attacked at the same time. goblins said they Empire were in great number, triple the goblin army, but i dont belive this lying bastards. but we know that lately empire using big crowds of peasants to counter or fanatics so it can be true that they might overhelm us... fanatics went out and killed dozens of swordmen and peasants but then monks came and goblins, without leader fleed easilly. spdiers attacked from all sides but desperate infantry hvnt scared and fought as a knights.. very few goblins escaped and we have to repalce GB3.. hope we will come back there soon with our new ally and few growing regiments.. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 14, 2009, 08:08:13 PM (Return to axebite Pass disconnect counter is at 5 now 3 in middle, 2 during end)
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 14, 2009, 08:52:40 PM this turn has been particular cursed, if the crash is so close to the end that the winner is not in doubt then end the games and decide a fair way for the armies to look after the battle, if the near end crash is not to such a point i guess only a rematch is fair
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 15, 2009, 06:11:10 AM the probem with them that either one or another side wins. like a random :D
hovewer rando mgeneration is not an option there Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 15, 2009, 03:55:51 PM Vampire Counts 2 vs Citiziens from Quenelles
We attacked at the night, me, black grails and scream catapult made a bloody fight...Other regiments has been hungry, and only looked on a meat that has been killed. Citizens from a Quenelles made a good fight, but their has been killed my brother. Zombies, ghouls and the wights only watched at it, and waited for theirs meat....Scream catapult perfectly hit the archers of this bastard elves, their corpsed was burned by this hit....Other, dwarfs and archers has been easilly killed my brother, that was easy but bloody fight. From Carlan von Nitrox to Grand Heiklich von Nitrox (Nitrox won) The Royal Heiklich von Nitrox army vs Orion Guards My new master, Grand Carlan....I saw this battle, it started with the battle mage, theirs...Wizard vs our Grand Heiklich...They made a good show, but...HEIKLICH WAS KILLED BY THAT BASTARD! BY THEIR'S MAGE! I SO SORRY GRAND CARLAN! We can't do nothing, Heiklich wanted a mage battle.... After our master dead, they mage wanted to do a Black Grails vs the Glade Guards duels, our BG accepted this fight and won it....But after that, our black grails have been charged by the treeman, theirs mage and archers do many lose for our black grails and later killed them, but our Black grails made to rann one of the elven archers regiment and killed dwarfs with the Wights, but after it...Grails have been killed, by archers and mage...Wights and ghouls made many losses to another's glade guards regiment, but after it....We need to retreat, into the mountains....That was a....I dont want to say what was that my new Grand Master... From the Apprentice Karklin von Nitrox to Grand Carlan von Nitrox (Ghabry Won) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 15, 2009, 04:24:26 PM The Loren Infantry reached the Vampires Capitol
when they reached the city they couldn't believe what they saw. Burned down houses and no villager anywhere. It was like a ghost city. The Alliance sent some workers to rebuild the city... Loren Infantry captured it without any fight! Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 15, 2009, 05:19:13 PM TURN 5, Orders 1-2 we finally got the disconnected battles done, thanks for the hard work guys Orders *1st Diplomacy (Yeah right lol) *2nd Moves (http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/3076/turn5move.png) (http://img40.imageshack.us/i/turn5move.png/) (http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/turn5move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img40/turn5move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on September 15, 2009, 05:53:17 PM Diplos-> .
Moves->Propose alliance for NitroX! Our dark races must win the great war. UD-1 moves from 3-4-A to 1-7-b (hope it possible by alli land) UD-2 moves from 3-5-A to 3-12-A UD-3 moves from 2-13-I to 4-11-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 15, 2009, 06:00:01 PM Alavet Goblin Hordes
Diplomacy: |Great shaman Unda| proposes peace with Cholio brave Emperor. We were amazed by your strenght, lets not kill each other! There is enough land for all of us! Moves/Attack GB1 defends at 2-5-C Gb2 moves from 3-12-A to 3-14-B Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 15, 2009, 06:20:24 PM WHF's ORCS ORDERS
diplo I would like to have a UU territory, it would be great if SIPAX could capture it and give it to me. Moves Army 1: attack FLAK's capital second Army 3: attack FLAK's capital first Army 4: move to 2-10c Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 15, 2009, 07:02:21 PM Moves
EA2 moves from 4-5-I to 3-4-F EA3 moves from 2-9-E to 2-2-F ATTACK Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 15, 2009, 07:05:28 PM Army 1 moves from 1-1-G to 2-2-F
Army 4 moves from 2-4-H to 3-9-F Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 15, 2009, 07:05:55 PM Next Move
EA1 moves from 2-1-F to 2-2-F Triple Attack Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on September 15, 2009, 07:16:37 PM I was meaning Diplomacy: Propose alliance for NitroX! Our dark races must win the great war.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 15, 2009, 08:14:22 PM Flaks Orders
Diplomacy: Offers WHF the chance to surrender ;) Moves: none Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 15, 2009, 08:33:35 PM Cholios Empire
Diplomacy Declines the goblins peace proposition, they shall pay for all the innocent souls they have slain! Moves HE1 moves from 3-9-H to 3-3-I HE2 attacks 2-5-G from 3-3-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 15, 2009, 08:40:09 PM Vampire Counts from "Laccini"
Diplomacy Accept alliance with mighty drows, kill all of non greenskins-dark races! Moves VC1 escape to the 2-16-B from 2-2-F VC2 moves from 3-3-D to 1-4-D Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 15, 2009, 08:55:44 PM Turn 5, Orders 3-6 Orders *3rd Battles *4th Post battle army upgrades *5th Re-fit unmoved armies *6th Create new armies (http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3580/turn5war.png) (http://img21.imageshack.us/i/turn5war.png/) (http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/turn5war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img21/turn5war.png/1/) Battles Flak vs WHF 4-8-C UN1 (host) vs Orc3 at Loren Lake and UN1 vs Orc1 (host) at Road to Kislev Cholio & Bembelimen vs Alavet Multi Attack 2-5-G Goblin1 vs HE2 (host) at Return to Axebite Pass, Goblin1 vs A2 (host) at Drakenhoff Castle, Goblin1 vs A3 (host) at Town of the dead Ghabry & Bembelimen vs Nitrox Nitrox retreats and ghabry will advance Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 15, 2009, 09:13:58 PM hu? i wasn't finished with my moves, i waited for cholio, that he attacks alavet, so he has the first chance to conquer his depot back
i have still 2 armies left: Army 2 moves from 2-4-G to 2-5-G Army 3 moves from 1-6-C to 2-5-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 18, 2009, 06:48:51 AM Cholio & Bembelimen vs Alavet
Multi Attack 2-5-G Goblin1 vs HE2 (host) at Return to Axebite Pass //from the writings of one human slave of great shaman |Karah|// Black Water, foothills of World Edge Mountains, late autumn I've just wake up after sleepless night. Horrific pictures of yesterday evening' night still stand in my mind, I think i will never forget it. It was a massacre of Emperor armies... Goblins closed us in cages so we wasn't able to help our brothers, and only thing we can see its murder, murder of hundreds people. Where is the Emperor, when we need him so much? I must say this shaman not that stupid as i thought. Before the battle he moved his army back to the mountains, to the narrow pass, to take advantage of fanatics. When Empire army marched on the other side of pass, everything was ready to take them. Without much delay, our army with leading mitilia regiments moved for the goblins. Shaman moved forward and started shooting lightings over the battlefield (where the hell they get such a strong magic? it's really damaging everything and everyone, noone can escape!). Just after that, fanatics charged and goblins launched hundreds of arrows to the sky. Few regiments of militia fleed immediately, the second one just minutes later. The second wave, swordmen were attacked with half dozen of spdiers & scorpions and fleed in panic. Only monks fought with glory, but green magic and hordes of mad goblins killed holy brothers. As far as i know only one goblin regiment was killed, and it was a great victory for them and sorrow day for all humans. All camp of goblins drunk and crazy, few fanatics killed like half hundreds of goblins, but they have such a big hordes that i think they willn't ever notice that. I've heard from shaman that there is will be another battles soon, like Merc Lord agreed to support Emperor. I hope so much that it's true, can't wait for their armies come and release us. Stink of the spider excrements chokes me, and this fat dirty beast calls me again, cant write anymore.. //HE2 lost and disbanded. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 19, 2009, 12:56:17 PM we have a small delay due to, a busy schedule for both me and WHF the new turn will be monday, unless the unlikely event another chance appears
sorry guys Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 19, 2009, 03:12:50 PM The goblins lightened, shoot and send their fanatics, so the mercs were decimated and were eaten by the spiders. So no chance for the mercs, both armies were destructed.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 19, 2009, 10:00:40 PM Just found some time to get on my pc, I'm playing a 2 day blood bowl tourney so... I'll play monday evening.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 21, 2009, 05:17:41 PM TURN 6, Orders 1-2 we are back on the move guys Orders 1st Diplomacy 2nd Moves/Attacks (http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5268/turn6move.png) (http://img29.imageshack.us/i/turn6move.png/) (http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/turn6move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img29/turn6move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 21, 2009, 05:46:03 PM Moves
EA1 moves from 2-1-F to 2-3-G EA2 moves from 3-4-F to 3-3-F Capturing Depot EA3 moves from 2-2-F to 3-2-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 21, 2009, 05:47:07 PM Diplomacy
none Moves Army 1 moves from 1-1-G to 2-1-F Army 4 moves from 3-9-F to 2-2-F Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on September 21, 2009, 06:43:55 PM Diplos:
Declare war to Flak. Moves: UD1 moves from 1-7-B to 4-9-B (if it possible to have 2 rmies in territory, if not and whf will not move his troops: 1-6-B) UD2 moves from 3-12-A to 3-9-I UD3 moves from 4-11-I to 2-10-I (and if alavet will move his troops away: 2-7-I) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 21, 2009, 06:56:28 PM Flak Moves
Diplomacy Considers the war with the green plague a dirty war after violation of ROW Moves UN2 attacks from 3-2-C to 4-8-C, vs Orc1 Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 21, 2009, 07:19:23 PM Vampire Counts from Laccini[/b]
Moves We are in retreat to the north my brothers! VC2 Move from 1-4-D to 1-2-D then to 1-1-D VC1 move from 2-16-B to 3-17-B Diplomacy None Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 21, 2009, 09:26:44 PM Cholios empire
Diplomacy none Moves HE1 moves to retake the depot from GB1 Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 22, 2009, 09:15:20 AM Alavet Goblin Hordes
Diplomacy: We propose surrender to Empire army and annexation Empire land by Goblins. Then all armies of Empire will be dissmissed and new armies of current Empire depot will produce Goblins and can be controlled by Cholio but he willn't be able to declare war to goblins for at least 15 turns. (i think it's not much out of rules? if agreed i think we need 1-2 turns for total annexion). Moves/Attack GB1_5(5 battles survived! be scared!) defends at 2-5-G and counter attack to 4-2-I if successed GB2 moves from 3-14-B to 2-4-G GB3 moves from 2-12-I to 2-10-I GB4 moves from 2-7-I to 2-4-I P.S. Flak, "green plague" - do u see anything bad in plague, you, necro? :) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 22, 2009, 01:43:07 PM Goblins conquered only one depot and are surrounded by three nations....I think we propose, that Goblins surrender and the Goblin land will be annexed by Empire/Mercenary/Alliance. Sadly we cannot offer any regiments which can be controlled by alavet, but he can be proud, that his depots/capital are part of the big alliance!
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 23, 2009, 09:28:46 PM i only like dark plague ;D
we still need WHF to make his moves, but since we have so many fast movers i think ill have to put a time limit on, 24 hours to make last changes and for WHF to move and we will progress, to battle turn Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 24, 2009, 09:08:32 PM TURN 6, Orders 3-6 Due to inactivity for 3 days WHFs armies remain unmoved, if WHF appears within the end of the battle turn, it can be changed but i dont wanna hold up all ther other active players any longer. Orders *3rd Battles *4th Post battle army upgrades *5th Re-fit unmoved armies *6th Create new armies (http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/7386/turn6war.png) (http://img8.imageshack.us/i/turn6war.png/) (http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/turn6war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img8/turn6war.png/1/) Battles Alavet vs Cholio 2-5-G HE1 (host) vs Goblin1 at Drakenhoff Castle, if Goblin1 wins it will counter-attack 4-2-I Ghabry vs Nitrox 3-3-F EA2 (host) vs Vampire Militia at The Black Pyramid Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: warhammerfreak on September 25, 2009, 10:32:56 PM My pc= broken, I'm on the pc of my bro atm. So you can give my lands to someone else. I'm so sry I have to leave the conquest for the second time wile I'm doing well. Good luck to you all, especially to the green.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 26, 2009, 10:40:50 AM i might take this land ^^
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 26, 2009, 03:02:47 PM I would suggest, that Nitrox will get 2-2-B + 4-9-B + 1-13-B and lose 3-3-D so he can start playing again with his 2 armies...Flak will get his Depots+Capitol back.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 27, 2009, 07:33:52 PM Bembelimen is this a diplomatic offer to the green's or a game suggestion?
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 27, 2009, 07:43:49 PM Game suggestion, when WHF will stop playing, then could Nitrox take his part and have a new chance for playing.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 27, 2009, 07:52:58 PM so me and nitrox who is in a bad position will get a piece each and because of WHFs conquest the rest is shared between Sipax and Alavet his allies.
Well that would boost the conflict somewhat, if there are no major objections then that i think is a good way to get the game back on track. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 27, 2009, 08:19:56 PM WHFs land will be made neutral, that will give me and nitrox a little helping hand but also give Sipax a bonus of WHFs capitol
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 28, 2009, 08:53:00 AM Let us get back in the Game
Nitrox are you gonna use a militia army? if so, Ghabry fight him! NO MILITIA BATTLE Cholio finish your attack on Alavet! Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 28, 2009, 09:28:23 AM I will not use the militia
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 28, 2009, 07:37:25 PM goblin horde won after hard battle, when remaining knight+his peasant with banner of defiance faced with regiment of evil goblin archers, which surroudnded and killed knight after his madness killing of 5 goblins
(acutally we got disconnect) Gb1_6 stands and counter attack cholio land. HE1 possibly disbanded. //since we had disconnet but victory was most possibly mine, i did the following: sold all but 2 regiments at goblin army and rebought them again. still have 3,9k spares though (initialy it was 5k). Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 29, 2009, 01:59:28 PM TURN 7, Orders 1-2 Orders *1st Diplomacy *2nd Move/Attack Note WHFs land is now neutral. Sipax has no land link to his homeland but has WHFs capitol and because of that is able to capture land with no link to the homeland, his new armies however must still be build in his own capitol. (http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/8594/turn7move.png) (http://img23.imageshack.us/i/turn7move.png/) (http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/turn7move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img23/turn7move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 29, 2009, 03:36:09 PM I think I should get 2 new armies, cause I lost them last but one turn before and waited now a whole turn for creating.
GM: Yes correct and Done Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on September 29, 2009, 03:48:05 PM Diplos- no changes.
Move actions: UD1 moves from 4-9-B to 2-8-B. (and captures it i think, if flak will not reinforce 2-8-B?) UD2 moves from 3-9-I to 3-5-I. UD3 moves from 2-7-I to 2-5-G. UD4 crated in my old (1st one) capitol? GM: Next turn yes Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 29, 2009, 03:50:01 PM Moves
EA1 moves from 3-2-G to 4-2-I EA2 moves from 3-3-F to 2-10-F GM: My mistake this land is now neutral, maybe you want to alter this move EA3 moves from 2-3-G to 2-4-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on September 29, 2009, 04:59:47 PM Vampire Counts from "Laccini"
VC1 moves from 1-1-D to 2-10-C VC2 moves from 3-17-B to 1-13-B Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 29, 2009, 05:12:13 PM Flak Moves
Diplomacy None Moves/Attacks UN1 Attacks from 4-8-C to 2-8-B, vs UD1 Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on September 29, 2009, 05:23:18 PM Thanks Flak
Moves Army 1 moves from 2-1-F to 1-4-D Army 4 moves from 2-2-F to 2-16-B Army 2 moves from 2-4-H to 3-9-F Army 3 moves from 3-1-H to 2-4-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on September 29, 2009, 07:16:39 PM Alavet Goblin Hordes
Diplomacy: the proposal of annexion of the Empireis still in power. Moves/attack: Gb1_6 attacks from 4-2-I to 3-3-I Gb2 moves from 2-4-G to 3-14-B Gb3 moves from 2-10I to 3-15-B Gb4 attacks from 2-4-I to 3-3-I, if not needable then moves to 4-2-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on September 29, 2009, 07:20:34 PM EA2 moves from 3-3-F to 2-10-F GM: My mistake this land is now neutral, maybe you want to alter this move k I change the move:EA2 moves from 3-3-F to 2-2-F Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on September 29, 2009, 07:43:21 PM Cholios empire
diplomacy none moves HE1 charges out on GB1 to defend the capital Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on September 30, 2009, 09:09:42 AM TURN7 Orders 3-6 Orders *3rd Battles *4th Post battle army upgrades *5th Re-fit unmoved armies *6th Create new armies (Cholio maybe, Flak, Sipax, Ghabry) 3rd Correction Made, so many armies moving Please in future when an attack-move is made the note which army you are attacking (http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/6751/turn7war.png) (http://img28.imageshack.us/i/turn7war.png/) (http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/turn7war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img28/turn7war.png/1/) Battles Flak vs Sipax 2-8-B UN2 vs UD1 (host) at Town of the dead Bembe & Ghabry vs Alavet EA3 (host) vs Goblin2 Town of the dead & 2-4-G Army3 vs Goblin2 (host) at Drakenhoff Castle (if Goblin2 wins it will counter-attack into 3-14-B as ordered) Ghabry vs Alavet 4-2-I EA1 (host) vs Goblin1 at Return to Axebite Pass (if Goblin1 wins it may counterattack HE2 noted as below) Alavet vs Cholio HE2 vs Goblin4 (host) at Helmgart Keep & maybe 3-3-I HE2 (host) vs Goblin1 at Blighted Towers Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on September 30, 2009, 01:32:44 PM It was hard battle for us. In the begining it was pretty good at all. We routed zombies with few seconds (1-2 i think) and necro killed some of enemy UU units (1-2 strikes with death spasm magic, it kills 5-6 with shot). After great melee fight begins (when all my troops were fighting) my necro tried to survive. It was horrible! He was surrounded!!! But even in this state, he killed some enemies. After necro fall, only hope was to rout mummies (w/o baner) with archers, i tried to attack them in flank, but it doesnt worked. Unfortunately, my cavalry was razed with his defiance mummies, did they explosed or no, i dont know (they had a WOE but doesnt kill any mummies! They wasnt rout, so they were must explose!).
With such unluck situation and dead leader (necro) all my melee troops routed in the same time. Last fighters fight not too hard as well. It was horrible defeat, which our lord will not forgive. He will kill all of us, who survived. Gracias to the Flak, tomorow we will all dead, so we cant avenge our shame. **UD1 disbanded** Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Jim on October 03, 2009, 02:14:44 AM Hey guys, where can I read anything about Conquest?
Couldn't find it neither here nor in the wiki. What are the rules, how should it be played, what patch needs to be installed (if required) etc. etc. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 03, 2009, 12:56:52 PM Hey guys, where can I read anything about Conquest? Couldn't find it neither here nor in the wiki. What are the rules, how should it be played, what patch needs to be installed (if required) etc. etc. The Conquest Game Book holds all the rules and related info. The Game Book is a sticky Topic in the Multiplayer Campaign Subcategory. http://forum.dark-omen.org/dark-omen-conquest/conquest-game-book-t352.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/dark-omen-conquest/conquest-game-book-t352.0.html) There is a pretty recent Download file in the 2nd Conquest Chatroom, as we update along the way and soon i will update again i would advise to DL the latest version from the Chatroom topic, then you are able to see unit stats and so on. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 03, 2009, 03:26:16 PM EA1 vs Goblin1 on Return to Axebyte pass:
The Elfs arrived at a long pass which had 2 ways. Greenskins were moving on both paths. On one path many monsters attacked and the other path was filled with greenskisn. Our treeman was ordered to attack the monsters and together with "Ere we go" spell by our mighty druid he was able to kill them all and then eat there brains! Fanatics launched on the left side, caused heavy looses against the hundreds of goblins. But at the end we survived and only one ballista was remaining far away. Our treeman moved to it, was hitted 5 times but finally he reached it and killed it. EA1 Won and Goblin1 survived and retreats EA3 vs Goblin 2 on Mousillion Goblins sighted! Goblins were rushing to us. Our treeman blocked one monster but the rest came through. A enemy mage killed nearly everything and there remaining monsters retreated nearly all. At the end only the treeman and lots of enemies were remaining. After a really long fight he killed them all. EA3 won, Goblin 2 disbanded. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 03, 2009, 05:45:09 PM thanks ghabry for the report, now we just need Alavet and Cholio to fight and this turn is done
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on October 04, 2009, 09:50:17 AM The imperial army succesfully defends the capitol against the greenskins.
HE2 wins, GB4 Retreats Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 04, 2009, 11:00:12 AM TURN 8, Orders 1-2 Orders *1st Diplomacy *2nd Move/Attack (http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/9241/turn8move.png) (http://img3.imageshack.us/i/turn8move.png/) (http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/turn8move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img3/turn8move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on October 04, 2009, 11:22:55 AM Alavet Goblin Hordes
Diplomacy: none Moves/attack Gb4_1 attacks from 2-4-I to 3-3-I vs EM2 Gb3_0 takes 3-14-B (why did i owned it on the map? seems like i shouldnt) Gb1_7 attacks from 2-5-G to 3-3-I vs EM2 Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 04, 2009, 01:44:04 PM Vampire Counts from "Laccini"
Moves VC1 moves from 2-10-C to 1-2-D then to 3-3-D GM Invalid Move, there is too far, 1-1-D to 1-2-D is only possible Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 04, 2009, 02:24:54 PM Sorry mate thats not possible, no corner moves
Look in the Game Book under Movement: When moving in a nations own and allies lands then an army has 2 moves, when entering hostile or neutral lands then an army has 1 move. Move over corners are not allowed a territory need a flat piece of border to be crossable. Example: 2-3-E to 3-6-D is invalid, 2-4-I to 3-3-I is allowed. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on October 04, 2009, 03:24:59 PM Diplomancy
Declares war to Sipax Moves Army1 moves from 1-4-D to 3-3-D and attacks the depot Army2 moves from 3-9-F to 2-2-F Army3 moves from 3-2-G to 3-18-B Army4 moves from 2-16-B to 1-2-D Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 05, 2009, 06:55:28 PM Come on Cholio, you are the next ^^. And Nitrox: correct your move ;).
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 05, 2009, 06:58:58 PM I will not move then ;), VC 1 stay on their's position.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 05, 2009, 09:26:00 PM maybe this is too slow a way to make moves :o
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 06, 2009, 06:21:32 AM maybe this is too slow a way to make moves :o The problem is: If one player is slow he will block the others with lower numbers ;)Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 06, 2009, 02:42:15 PM Because of rulechange I will make my moves now ;)
Moves EA1 moves from 4-2-I to 3-3-I, support Cholio in defending EA2 moves from 2-2-F to 3-17-B EA3 moves from 2-4-G to 2-5-G, attack Goblin1 and capture Depot EA4 moves from 4-5-E to 3-6-D btw I'm quite sure that I know the moves of Cholio ;) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 06, 2009, 04:32:45 PM if any previous mover wish to change then do it now
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on October 06, 2009, 07:01:36 PM control of Goblins armies goes to Nitrox.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 06, 2009, 08:42:43 PM Flak Necromancer Moves
Diplomacy none Moves/Attacks UN1 Moves from 4-8-C to 1-9-C UN2 Attacks from 2-8-B to 4-9-B, Drow Militia (Capital) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 06, 2009, 11:07:16 PM Look Lively Now Lets Get Moving Again
The Battle Turn starts in 48 hours make your moves before then Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 07, 2009, 11:35:02 PM Thats less than 24 hours left for SIPAX and Cholio to finish moves
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on October 08, 2009, 01:10:09 PM Cholios empire orders
Sorry for the delay, been pretty busy lately. Diplo None Moves HE1 moves from 3-9-H to 3-3-I HE2 attacks from 3-3-I to 3-5-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 09, 2009, 07:31:40 AM Sipax Drows moves
Diplomacy ?? (This will make Sipax, not me) Moves UD4 Moves from 4-5-A to 3-1-A then to 1-1-B UD3 help to defend GB1 with protect depot (I can't see numbers on school so plz, wirte number of this territory or wait for me back from school to home i will be on home 12:45) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 09, 2009, 07:42:32 AM TURN 8, Orders 3-6 Due to Inactivity for 9 days, Sipax's has no moves, if there is no activity in the battle round either then all his armies will retreat from battle if attacked. Nitrox has taken charge of Sipax's moves and possibly his battles also. If Sipax continues to be inactive we will have to make some changes as Nitrox cant run it all alone. (http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/5008/turn8war.png) (http://img196.imageshack.us/i/turn8war.png/) (http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/turn8war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img196/turn8war.png/1/) Battles Bembe vs Nitrox 3-3-D Merc1 vs Vampire Militia (host) at The Empire Now it gets complicated, the battles must be fought in this exact order Alavet & Sipax vs Cholio & Ghabry 2-5-G EA3 vs Gob1 (host) at Return to Axebite Pass (if Gob1 wins it may continue to next battle), If EA3 wins then UD3 takes over: 2-5-G EA3 (host) vs UD3 at Axebite Pass 3-3-I HU1 (host) vs Gob4 at Sylvania (Cholio vs Nitrox) 3-3-I EA1 (host) vs Gob4 at Sylvania (Ghabry vs Nitrox) 3-3-I HU2 (host) vs Gob4 at Bogenhafen extreme (Cholio vs Nitrox) If The goblins are defeated, then HU2 will counterattack 3-5-I UD2 vs HU2 (host) at Road to Moussillon (Sipax vs Cholio) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 09, 2009, 08:16:45 PM EA3 vs. Gob1
Again Goblins on the axebyte pass! They attacked first with a mage and killed our ballista :( then our Epic Archers killed him and he dropped a B.o.W. There was a huge fight in the middle of the map for it but finally we got it. Then the attack started and we were able to disband the enemy army. But we had looses too, our glade guards were not able to survive against the fire sword swinging goblin armada... But the fight is not over, Drow-Units are already waiting for us... EA3 wins, Gob1 has been disbanded Army is ready for next part of double defense Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on October 11, 2009, 07:04:56 PM UD3 vs EA3.
UD3 won in bad condition and only because their "trap" for treeman worked perfectly. (treeman died in 40 seconds after battle starts, he killed no one) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 11, 2009, 07:16:15 PM Thank you
Now the Battle for Cholio's capital can begin, ive updated the battlefields Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 11, 2009, 07:22:20 PM (and I add that EA3 has been disbanded)
ok, Cholio, Ghabry, Cholio... Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on October 12, 2009, 08:45:11 AM Im a bit confused..:-X Who is it that im supposed to fight ?
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 12, 2009, 11:12:03 AM sorry mate
ive updated the battlefields again should be easier to see now http://forum.dark-omen.org/dark-omen-conquest/conquest-battleground-t513.0.html;msg5011#msg5011 (http://forum.dark-omen.org/dark-omen-conquest/conquest-battleground-t513.0.html;msg5011#msg5011) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 14, 2009, 10:26:35 PM I have sent PM's to both cholio and Nitrox to get moving
If not then ill just have to make a random draw (50-50) to see who wins the un-fought battles for us to continue the game I wouldnt want to do that but i might be forced to or the rest of us also gets slowed down and will start to lose our good speed and devotion. Very soon ill be making a deadline Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 15, 2009, 05:49:50 PM I can't meet Cholio on Hamachi :/
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Cholio on October 15, 2009, 06:00:14 PM I know im pretty swamped atm, work, study and practices takes up lots of my time .. =(
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 15, 2009, 07:22:18 PM in that case I will assume command as your ally and fight for you for a awhile as we agreed on
Nitrox we fight Asap Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 17, 2009, 05:43:35 PM 3-3-I HU1 (host) vs Gob4 at Sylvania
The Imperial armies crushed the goblin invaders in a short and decisive battle. The goblins ran for the hills and escaped being destroyed. Sipax its us now 3-5-I UD2 vs HU2 (host) at Road to Moussillon (Sipax vs Flak) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 17, 2009, 05:59:51 PM Flak post says something like GB4 disband, no no i dont disband them.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 17, 2009, 07:10:37 PM no no i sayd GB4 escaped not disbanded
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 17, 2009, 07:34:33 PM oh i thought "Being destroyed" mean that they was destroyed, sorry my mistake :).
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 18, 2009, 09:58:08 AM 3-5-I UD2 vs HU2 (host) at Road to Moussillon
The drow hordes closed in on the Imperial army and pitched a tough battle, with too little time to make full effect of the superior Imperial artillery the Imperial army was unable to defeat the drow, they did inflict heavy casualties on the enemy only allowing a Pyrrhic victory for the dorw, before going dying a warriors death. Only 5 warriors survived to report the battle and the army was disbanded. The drow also disbanded the army as the drow king had the survivors executed for incompetence. Sipax win both armies disbanded Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 18, 2009, 10:09:01 AM TURN 9 Orders 1-2 Alavet is still under Nitrox's command and Cholio is under Flaks command Orders *1st Diplomacy *2nd Move/Attack (Alavet has a new army) (http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/9582/turn9move.png) (http://img4.imageshack.us/i/turn9move.png/) (http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/turn9move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img4/turn9move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 18, 2009, 04:17:33 PM Elven orders:
Moves EA1 moves from 4-2-I to 2-5-G (attacks sipax3) EA2 moves from 3-17-B to 3-14-B (attacks Goblin3) EA4 moves from 3-6-D to 2-16-B Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on October 18, 2009, 04:22:52 PM Diplomancy
The mercenaries suggest to the Vampire lords, that they will move to 2-11-C or another neutral land, otherwise the army will be destroyed! Moves Army 1 moves from 3-3-D to 1-1-D Army 2 attacks from 2-2-F to 1-13-B Army 3 attacks from 3-18-B to 1-13-B Army 4 attacks from 1-2-D to 1-13-B Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on October 18, 2009, 07:50:55 PM Diplos: no changes.
Moves/actions/other nasty things: UD3: defence. UD4: moves from 1-1-B to 3-14-B. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 18, 2009, 07:56:09 PM Vampires from Laccini
Diplomacy None Moves VC1 moves from 2-10-C to 1-1-D GM: And The Goblin Moves? Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 18, 2009, 08:11:34 PM Necromancers
Diplomacy Flak and Nitrox signs a defensive Alliance, all attack on The Vampires lands is hereby considered an attack on the Necromancers and all Undead. The full weight of the Undead Legions will fall upon any who violate the borders of the undead. Moves UN1 moves from 1-9-C to defend 2-10-C UN2 moves from 4-9-B to defend 1-13-B vs Mercs Empire Diplomacy none Moves none Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 18, 2009, 09:51:20 PM Green Alavet Nations
Diplomacy None Moves GB4 moves from 2-4-I help to defend 2-5-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 19, 2009, 01:14:26 PM TURN 9 Orders 3-6 (http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8960/turn9war.png) (http://img4.imageshack.us/i/turn9war.png/) (http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/turn9war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img4/turn9war.png/1/) Battles Nitrox vs Bembe 1-1-D Merc1 vs VC1 (host) at Loren Forrest the Shine Multi Battle Nitrox & Sipax vs Ghabry 3-14-B EA2 vs Gob3 (host) at Great Forrest & EA2 (host) vs UD4 at The Empire Multi Battle Nitrox & Sipax vs Ghabry 2-5-G EA1 vs UD3 (host) at Drakenhoff Castle & EA1 (host) vs Gob4 at Return to Axebite Pass Multi Battle Nitrox & Flak vs Bembe 1-13-B This battle is complicated, the progress of the battle depends on VC2's survival so it will be updated when/if VC2 is lost and UN2 will take over and new maps drawn. VC2 (host) vs Merc2 at Road to Bogenhafen VC2 (host) vs Merc3 at Tutorial VC2 vs Merc4 (host) at Road to Bogenhafen Merc4 wins VC2 Retreats UN2 vs Mec4 (host) at Great Forrest at Night Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 21, 2009, 07:21:36 PM EA1 vs UD3 at Drakenhof Castle
The Elfs had no chance against the drows. The army was small but they had a drow swinging a fear sword. All regiments routed while trying to fight against the magic sword (yes, 3 regiments routed by skabskrath ;)). Well was a quick fight with huge looses on both sides. EA1 is disbanded. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 23, 2009, 10:54:05 AM That now means that Nitrox and Bembe and Alavet and Ghabry has to find eachother for the next battles and Flak and Sipax stay ready for the results and see of they also have to fight
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 24, 2009, 06:34:14 PM 3-14-B EA2 vs Gob3
The Alliance was blocked by greenskins. They were attacking from all sides. It looked like the Greenksins will win but in the last minute the Alliance was able to turn the fight and they won with hugh casualties. Both armies survived, Alavet was able to buy whole army back. My conclusion: If you win against goblins you lose and if you lose against goblins you lose too ;). Part 2 of the Double Defense: EA2 vs UD4 EA2 had only 4 regiments left and was just rushed. (disbanded) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 24, 2009, 09:22:22 PM very nice thanks guys
re: goblins yes that is their strength, also remember that an army needs 4 survivors in order to be rebuild even if it can replace all its loses if it has 0-3 regiments surviving only then its still disbanded. Some cases like me and Sipax last turn both armies where disbanded due to heavy losses. Bembe and Nitrox plz state the times of day you expect to be online for battles Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 24, 2009, 09:48:48 PM Merc1 vs VC 1 = Mercenaries win
VC1 disband. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 25, 2009, 09:55:44 AM ok good
the other nitrox vs bembe battle must be fought today sunday or tonight i will command both vampire and necro armies so that we can end this turn before its further overdue Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 25, 2009, 05:23:58 PM VC2 (host) vs Merc2 at Road to Bogenhafen VC2 wins M2 disbanded
VC2 (host) vs Merc3 at Tutorial VC2 wins M3 disbanded VC2 vs Merc4 (host) at Road to Bogenhafen Merc4 wins VC2 disbaned UN2 vs Mec4 (host) at Great Forrest at Night UN2 wins Merc4 disbanded Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 25, 2009, 05:34:25 PM I give my UU because of tactical reasons to bembelimen.
(is allowed according to Flak, bembe said) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 25, 2009, 07:32:27 PM TURN 10, Orders 1-2 Orders *Diplomacy *Moves Ghabry, Flak, Cholio, Sipax, Alavet and Bembe gets new armies. Bembe receives a bonus 5k army for being the first to get 3 UUT's. Ghabry has ceded 3-1-E to bembe Hence forth to keep a certain pace and not only get 2 turns in 2 weeks there is a max of 72 hours to move and fight. If more time is needed due to private reasons, then post it and a delay will be allowed. If no request for delay is posted and 72 hours pass then an ally will be asked to move/fight instead. If it was impossible to post a the reason for a delay then ofcourse we will figure out a fair settlement if say special armies where lost or such. (http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/6731/turn10move.png) (http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/6731/turn10move.png) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on October 25, 2009, 08:08:02 PM ot: i see you changed your filehosting. but how to see the full large size of the map now?
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 25, 2009, 08:18:28 PM click on it ;)
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 26, 2009, 07:16:58 PM Necro Orders
Diplomacy Signs peace with the Goblin War-chief Alavet (No war exist between flak and bembe, a war still needs to be declared for a legal war to start) Declares War on Bembelimen and Ghabry Moves UN3 moves from 4-8-C to 3-5-C so far Empire Orders Diplomacy none Moves HE1 attacks from 3-3-I to 2-4-I, vs Gob4 HE2 moves from 3-9-H to 3-3-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: bembelimen on October 27, 2009, 10:16:44 AM UD1 attacks from 2-10-C to 1-1-D, vs Merc1 Did you declare war? ??? I don't think so! So do it first... Diplomacy Gives 2-10-H to Ghabry Offers Sipax peace (no alliance) for 5 turns Moves Army 1 attacks from 1-1-D to 1-13-B Army 4 moves from 2-4-H to 3-1-H Army 5 moves from 1-1-G to 2-16-B Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on October 27, 2009, 08:49:21 PM Alavet Goblin Hordes:
Diplomacy: suggest peace with Flak Moves/Attacks: Gob1 moves from 2-12-I to 2-10-I Gob2 moves/attacks from 2-7-I to 3-18-B Gob3 moves/attacks from 1-11-B to 3-17-B Gob4 moves from 2-4-I to 2-5-C Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 28, 2009, 05:23:46 PM Diplomacy
No Chances Moves EA4 moves from 2-16-B to 3-17-B EA5 moves from 4-5-E to 2-9-E Is it allowed to change the spawn point Flak? Because you said in chat that you will think about it ^^ If allowed, I change Spawnpoint to 4-5-I (thats Nitrox capitol on Italy) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on October 28, 2009, 05:50:58 PM Diplomacy:
Disagree peacy with mercenaries. (this is war) Moves: Udrow4: interupt allied army in 2-16-B (so, we will both get there at the same time) Udrow3: disbanded. NewUdrow5: moves from 4-3-A to 1-1-B. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 28, 2009, 09:19:30 PM TURN 10 Orders 3-6 Nitrox assumes command of the Mercenary Nation from today onwards Flak will annex nitrox's lands as the vampires join their undead cousins in the war (http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/2517/turn10war.png) (http://img682.imageshack.us/i/turn10war.png/) (http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/turn10war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img682/turn10war.png/1/) Battles 1-13-B UN2 vs UD4 (host) at Great Forrest at Night Sipax vs Bembe 2-16-B Ghabry vs Alavet (if EA4 is victorious) 3-17-B EA4 vs Gob 3 (host) at The Black Pyramid Cholio vs Alavet 2-4-I Gob4 vs HU1 (host) at Town of the dead Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on October 28, 2009, 10:27:24 PM Vampires from Laccini to Great Flak Necromancer
My Dear Flak You see, how the battle's going, we the vampires from Laccini lost our territory, so many battles..So many losses, two of our leaders have fallen here. We need to retreat now, retreat from here we got the letter from the Karlon von Nitroxen that he will need us in the other part of world, for now we leaves you and your armies for fight alone without us, but we will remember what necromancers do for us. All territory from vampires will be Necromancers now. See you in future Great Vampire Herlan von Nitroxen. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 29, 2009, 11:42:19 AM If I understand it correct sipax moved over Flaks 1-13-B territory on 2-16-B. With this tactic he blocks the path of my EA4 to alavets territory so I have to fight him first and then alavet, correct? This doesn't count as double defense I guess?
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on October 29, 2009, 12:14:09 PM Udrow4-
1)I have to fight with Flak first. 2)After Flak i can fight with you. 3)After our battles i have to move to the 2-16-B. Wow, im already miss my Udrow4. //can i stop my troops after 2 battles? Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 29, 2009, 07:09:05 PM Sipax is correct
UD4 fight in this order, vs Necro2, Merc1, EA4 and Merc5 so EA4 has to wait for UD4 before attacking Gob3 yes Sipax you may retreat after fighting one battle but wheres the fun in that ;) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on October 29, 2009, 07:42:19 PM lol and now it doesnt matter anyway
The Necromancers and Drow engaged in a new hard battle, the Drow where more determined this time but still could not resist the crushing might of the necromancers and their mummy spearhead. UN2 wins and UD4 was disbanded by the angry Drow commander Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on October 29, 2009, 07:55:52 PM ok, this was fast :D. afaik UD4 is the army I already fighted 2 times so it had already heavy casualties.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on October 29, 2009, 07:59:25 PM No, Udrow 4 is army which was fighted with your wounded army. So it was fully prepared for battle.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 02, 2009, 09:59:28 PM 4th remake and we finished it
The goblins where cornered against a castle that Empire spies had locked, so the goblins had to fight in the open. The Imperial artillery opened the battle with a deadly barrage. Facing superior artillery the goblins counter attacked the imperial besiegers. A well placed cannon ball killed the goblin shaman-general and the goblins soon lost all will to fight and fleed the field or died in the mud. 35 goblin prisoners and wounded have been convicted of war crimes and will be executed as part of the Imperial victory parade. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on November 03, 2009, 09:46:52 PM Alliance 4 vs. Goblin 3
The goblins found they Dread King (= Druid) at the Black Pyramide. Huge masses of goblins combined with monsters tried to kill him. But thx to our 2 Treemans we were able to survive and have to wait for the next rain in the desert to wash away the green blood... Alliance 4 wins, Goblin 3 disbanded Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 03, 2009, 10:20:47 PM TURN 11 Orders 1-2 Orders *1st Diplomacy *2nd Moves (http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/239/turn11move.png) (http://img17.imageshack.us/i/turn11move.png/) (http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/turn11move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img17/turn11move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on November 03, 2009, 11:46:31 PM (I change spawnpoint back to Spain)
Diplomacy Ghabry welcomes the new Mercenary Commander Nitrox, let's conquer the world together Declare War to Flak Moves EA1 moves from 4-5-I to 1-8-F EA4 moves from 3-17-B to 3-14-B EA2 moves from 4-5-E to 3-12-C EA5 moves from 2-9-E to 3-12-C If any other race wants to conquer 3-12-C I will double attack it If no other race wants it EA5 moves from 2-9-E to 3-6-D Edit: Cmdr. bembelimen gave me 2-10-H btw but on the map it's not in my color GM: Thats a mistake, consider it yours despite the color Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 04, 2009, 06:48:28 PM Necromancer Moves
Diplomacy A state of war now consist between Flak and Ghabry/nitrox Moves UN1 attacks 1-1-D vs Merc1 UN2 attacks 2-16-B vs merc5 UN3 attacks 3-3-D Empire Moves Diplomacy none Moves HE1 & HE2 multi attacks 2-5-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on November 04, 2009, 07:06:23 PM As far as I know war applies one round after declaring it. Guess why I "attack" 3-12-C... (because I am not allowed to attack your territory until next round) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on November 04, 2009, 07:07:35 PM Quote Declares War on Bembelimen and Ghabry - he declared in previous turn.Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on November 04, 2009, 07:13:24 PM Oh ok hadn't seen this...
I want to alter one move EA5 moves from 2-9-E to 3-5-C, attack UN3 Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on November 04, 2009, 07:19:03 PM Diplomacy
Nitroxus Welcomes his allied friends. Moves Merc 4 moves from 3-1-H to 2-3-G Merc 2 Moves from 4-6-H to 3-1-H Merc 3 moves from 2-4-H to 3-9-F Merc 1 Moves from 1-1-D to 1-13-B Merc 5 Moves from 2-16-B to 2-10-C Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on November 05, 2009, 11:13:27 AM Alavet Goblin Hordes
Diplomacy: suggest peace between Sipax & Flak Moves/attack: GB1 moves from 2-10-I to 3-15-B GB2 moves from 3-18-B to 3-14-B Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on November 05, 2009, 11:18:54 AM Diplomacy:
Moves: UD2 moves from 4-3-A to 1-1-B UD5 moves from 1-1-B to 3-14-B and fight against EA4. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 05, 2009, 04:25:31 PM TURN 11 Orders 3-6 (http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/4690/turn11war.png) (http://img685.imageshack.us/i/turn11war.png/) (http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/turn11war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img685/turn11war.png/1/) Battles Multi defense Ghabry vs Alavet and Sipax 3-14-B EA4 (host) vs Gob2 at Bretonian River & EA4 vs UD5 (host) at Border Countries Flak vs Nitrox 1-1-D UN1 vs Merc1 (host) at Road to Bogenhafen (if Merc1 wins) 2-10-C Merc1 vs Necro Militia (host) at Troll Land 2-16-B UN2 (host) vs Merc5 at Drakenhoff Castle (if Merc5 wins) 1-13-B Merc5 (host) vs Necro Militia at Forrest Before Kislev Flak vs Ghabry 3-5-C EA5 (host) vs UN3 at The Empire (if UN3 wins) 3-3-D UN3 (host) vs Merc Militia at Road to Moussillon Multi Attack Cholio (flak) vs Alavet 2-5-G HE1 vs Gob Militia (host) at Northern Waste & HE2 (host) vs Gob Militia Drakenhoff Castle (Militia armies facing multi attack are not saved, a new militia is used in each battle) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 07, 2009, 12:03:02 AM 3-5-C EA5 (host) vs UN3 at The Empire
In a tough pitched battle the titans clashed, mummies vs treemen and with a bloody battle following, the necromancers won a hallow victory as the elves tho routed (maybe disbanded ghabry?) did serious damage to the necromancers. UN3 won EA5??? Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 09, 2009, 08:45:03 PM 1-1-D UN1 vs Merc1 (host) at Road to Bogenhafen
Merc1 won UN1 disbaned 2-5-G HE1 vs Gob Militia (host) at Northern Waste HE1 defeated a horde of goblins militiamen Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on November 10, 2009, 09:43:38 PM In a great battle between goblins & alliance goblin hardly held 4 regiments and stayed. there was 2 treemen deployed and great shaman had to face them in tough fight! he stepped in battle and fists kileld 1 treeman, while second one were engaged with other brave golblins with banner. shaman managed to kill treeman (killed half of goblin archers and spiders during that) but were shooted down by elvens. meanwhile other goblin horde was able to process futher and another regiment of goblins attacked and make treeman flee! (haha).
rom other hand there was bunch of elvens arcehrs and spearmen alive but in a hard battle, after sacrificing one goblin regiment for the big kaboom victory came for gobbos Multi defense Ghabry vs Alavet and Sipax 3-14-B EA4 (host) vs Gob2 at Bretonian River Gob2 win, EA4 disbanded Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 11, 2009, 02:08:16 PM 2-16-B UN2 (host) vs Merc5 at Drakenhoff Castle
The smaller mercenary army had withdrawn to a cave in the mountains to not allow the bigger undead force to gain an advantage, alas the humans had little chance as troops immune to both magic and arrows lead the charge. The Knights put up a valiant resistance but where overun by the undead and died fighting. UN2 won, Merc5 disbanded Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 13, 2009, 09:17:27 PM TURN 12 Orders 1-2 Orders 1st Diplomacy 2nd Move (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9827/turn12move.png) (http://img5.imageshack.us/i/turn12move.png/) (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/turn12move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img5/turn12move.png/1/) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on November 15, 2009, 04:55:56 PM Diplomacy:
no changes. Moves: UDrow1: moves from 4-3-A to 1-1-B UDrow2: moves from 1-1-B to 1-7-B UDrow5: moves from 1-11-B to 1-10-B Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 15, 2009, 08:39:46 PM Necro Orders
Diplomacy none (Flak changes Spawning to Altdorf 4-9-B) Moves UN1 attacks from 4-8-C to 3-12-C vs EA2 multi attack UN2 moves from 2-16-B to 1-1-D UN3 attacks from 3-3-D to 3-12-C vs EA2 multi attack UN4 attacks from 4-9-B to 2-10-C vs Merc1 Empire Orders Diplomacy none Moves HE2 moves from 2-4-I to 2-6-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on November 16, 2009, 08:34:40 AM Alavet Goblin Hordes
Diplomacy none Moves/Attack GB1 moves from 3-15-B to 3-18-B GB2 moves from 3-14-B to 3-17-B GB3 moves from 2-12-I to 3-9-I Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on November 16, 2009, 12:06:01 PM Nitrox Mercenaries
Diplomacy None Moves Merc4 moves from 2-3-C to 2-16-B Merc3 moves from 3-9-F to 2-2-F Merc2 moves from 3-1-H to 1-6-G Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on November 16, 2009, 02:35:32 PM Alliance Orders
Moves EA1 moves from 1-8-F to 1-1-G EA2 retreats to 3-6-D GM: EA2 can now only field a max of 9 regiments in the next battle as 1 regiment is spend to secure the rearguard Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on November 16, 2009, 03:25:09 PM EA2 retreats to 3-6-D Haha! Coward elves! Catch & cut them down, Flak. ;D **Sorry. little comment. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 16, 2009, 04:02:06 PM TURN 12 Orders 3-6 (http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/2910/turn12war.png) (http://img97.imageshack.us/i/turn12war.png/) (http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/turn12war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img97/turn12war.png/1/) Battles Flak vs Nitrox 2-10-C UN4 (host) vs Merc1 at Drakenhoff Castle 2-16-B Merc4 (host) vs UN2 at Axebite Pass Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 17, 2009, 07:50:59 PM In the small mountain passes the necromancer armies where able to ambush both Mercenary armies and defeat them in the narrow terrain the human ranged weapons didnt have the normal effect and they got overrun.
Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 17, 2009, 08:07:32 PM TURN 13 Orders 1-2 (http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6269/turn13move.png) (http://img685.imageshack.us/i/turn13move.png/) (http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/turn13move.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img685/turn13move.png/1/) Fastest turn yet Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on November 18, 2009, 09:10:40 AM Alavet Goblin Horde
Diplomacy: asking Drow for support agaisnt empire legions Moves/Attack: GB1 moves from 3-18-B to doudble defence 2-7-I OR double atack after GB3 to 2-6-I, if they EM2 decide stay ALONE. GB2 moves to 3-18-B GB3 moves from 3-9-I to 2-7-I for double defence OR double attack to 2-6-I, if they EM2 decide stay ALONE. if goblins will see that there is going to be double defence at 2-6-I, they willn't double attack and stay back. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 18, 2009, 04:49:39 PM Necromancer Orders
Diplomacy Issues warning to the Drow, a little dispute could turn to open all out war unless the drow stops moving aggressively on the necromancer borders. Moves UN1 moves from 3-5-C to 3-3-D multi defense UN2 moves from 1-1-D to 1-13-B UN3 moves from 3-12-C to 3-3-D multi defense UN4 will multi defend 4-9-B UN5 counterattacks 1-7-B Empire Orders Diplomacy none Moves HE1 asks for support from Merc2 to defend vs GB2 HE2 attacks from 2-6-I to 2-7-I multi attack HE3 attacks from 3-3-I to 2-7-I multi attack Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Ghabry on November 18, 2009, 05:47:37 PM UN1 moves from 2-10-C to 3-3-D multi defense (your UN1 is on 3-5-C)
Ok time for my moves... EA1 moves from 1-1-G to 2-16-B EA2 moves from 3-6-D to 3-5-C vs. UN1 EA3 moves from 4-5-E to 3-12-C vs. UN3 EA4 moves from 2-9-E to 3-5-C vs. UN1 Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: sipax on November 20, 2009, 02:17:00 PM Diplomacy:
We at war, Flak. Whats the problem? Alavet, i havnt too much armies. Also they are far away from your armies. So, if only i will beat Flak some, i will set reinforcements to you. Moves: UDrow1 attacks from 1-1-B towards 4-9-B (multi attack) if Flak will move his UN5 to 1-13-B, this army will attack it. UDrow2 attacks from 1-7-B towards 4-9-B (multi attack) UDrow5 attacks from 1-10-B towards 1-13-B Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Nitrox on November 20, 2009, 05:30:16 PM Nitrox Mercenaries
Diplomacy None Moves Merc2 moves from 1-6-G and attack 3-18-B Merc1 moves from 2-2-F to 3-5-C (Triple Attack UN1 with Alliance help) Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 20, 2009, 08:16:28 PM TURN 12 Orders 3-6 (http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/4317/turn13war.png) (http://img18.imageshack.us/i/turn13war.png/) (http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/turn13war.png/1/w1491.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img18/turn13war.png/1/) Several Battles are multi battles and the battles need to be updated to be finished Battles Flak vs Sipax Multi 4-9-B UD1 vs UN5 (host) at Loren Lake, UD2 & UN4 will also fight but depends on the result 1-13-B UN2 vs UD5 (host) at Road to Bogenhafen Flak vs Ghabry & Nitrox 3-12-C UN3 (host) vs EA3 at Vingtienne Multi3-5-C UN1 (host) vs EA2 at Great Forrest, UN1 vs EA4 (host) at Grissburg Town, UN1 vs MC3 (host) at Vingtienne Cholio (Flak) vs Alavet Multi 2-7-I HE2 (host) vs GB1 at Drakenhoff Castle, HE3 and GB3 will also fight but depends on the result Nitrox vs Alavet 3-18-B MC2 (host) vs GB2 at Northern Waste Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on November 21, 2009, 02:16:40 PM Alliance Orders Moves EA1 moves from 1-8-F to 1-1-G EA2 retreats to 3-6-D GM: EA2 can now only field a max of 9 regiments in the next battle as 1 regiment is spend to secure the rearguard I was mistaken in this comment, the rules are as following: A retreat order will have to be declared and the army can retreat altho not without cost. To secure its safe retreat the army has to leave behind a rearguard to be sure they are not being pursued. The retreating army is forced to sell 1 regiment and may not restore this regiment until after it has been in battle again. Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: Flak on July 23, 2010, 04:23:05 PM I think we can declare his War ended, so i have calculated a score as no side was eliminated
FINAL SCORE TABLE Nation----Player--Rounds Alive----Best Round----Worst Round----Avg Pts p. Round----Final Score ORC-------WHF----------6-----------Rd 6=24pts-----Rd 1=12 pts-----------18 pts-----------108 pts Goblin----Alavet---------13----------Rd 8=27 pts-----Rd 1=12 pts-----------21.4 pts---------279 pts Necro-----Flak----------13----------Rd 13=30 pts----Rd 6=11 pts-----------19 pts-----------247 pts Allied-----Ghabry---------13----------Rd 9=29 pts-----Rd 1=12 pts----------23 pts-----------299 pts Vampire--Nitrox----------10----------Rd 3=15 pts-----Rd 10=4 pts----------10.1 pts----------101 pts Merc-----Bembe---------13---------Rd 12=34 pts------Rd 1=12 pts----------26.5 pts---------344 pts Empire----Cholio---------13---------Rd 13=13 pts------Rd 8=8 pts-----------10.8 pts---------141 pts Drow-----Sipax----------10---------Rd 4=20 pts-------Rd 1=12 pts----------16.4 pts---------164 pts Title: Re: Conquest Battleground Post by: alavet on July 23, 2010, 07:16:49 PM lol such a badass