Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Help Section => Topic started by: sigro on May 02, 2009, 02:41:10 PM

Title: The ultimate hardware configuration for Dark Omen
Post by: sigro on May 02, 2009, 02:41:10 PM
After a few years not playing any games on my PC at all, and now using Ubuntu, I realize Dark Omen was the game I enjoyed the most. What I want to do is purchase an (old) PC dedicated for running Dark Omen. Can anyone give me a suggestion what I should buy ? A desktop with Windows 98 and a Voodoo 3DFX card ? Or are there even better solutions ? I never had a 3DFX card on my old PC (which is not functioning anymore) and Dark Omen was running quite smooth on it.

Title: Re: The ultimate hardware configuration for Dark Omen
Post by: Ghabry on May 02, 2009, 04:43:42 PM
(why are there no Dark Omen Fans in the Wine Team :( )

I can run Dark Omen without any problems under the following hardware (OS Win98):
192MB Ram
4MB Elsa Graphic Card (no 3dfx afaik)

Problems with Win98: No Hamachi (needs Services) and No Fraps (only the old 1.9D version but this version is crap ;))

(Has anybody ever tested Dark Omen under Win2000 (or older NT-Versions?)