Title: Resources on Warhammer Tactics Post by: Mikademus on April 14, 2009, 09:09:58 PM http://www.dysartes.com/tactics/index.php (http://www.dysartes.com/tactics/index.php)
Though the first section are to WH40K tactics, the second are about Fantasy Battle, and especially the Dwarf, Empire and Tomb Kings sections contains some interesting material. Title: Re: Resources on Warhammer Tactics Post by: bembelimen on April 14, 2009, 09:58:58 PM Where can I find the Warhammer Dark Omen (http://forum.dark-omen.org/index.php#3) Multiplayer (http://forum.dark-omen.org/multiplayer-b14.0/) Tactic (http://forum.dark-omen.org/tactics-b35.0/) :P
Title: Re: Resources on Warhammer Tactics Post by: Mikademus on April 15, 2009, 12:39:57 AM Where can I find the Warhammer Dark Omen ([url]http://forum.dark-omen.org/index.php#3[/url]) Multiplayer ([url]http://forum.dark-omen.org/multiplayer-b14.0/[/url]) Tactic ([url]http://forum.dark-omen.org/tactics-b35.0/[/url]) :P Nowhere. That doesn't mean that you can't find stuff that'll help you in Dark Omen, you know. I feel obliged to gently remind you that out favourite game IS based on the Warhammer Fantasy rules, and one thing that makes it fantastic is that you can still employ the table top tactics in the computer game. |