Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Tactics => Topic started by: alavet on April 13, 2009, 06:31:04 AM

Title: Some "tactic" for making units flee
Post by: alavet on April 13, 2009, 06:31:04 AM
it's not very big tactic at all but just a small hint which might be usefull a little.

i still not sure in that but after about 4 tests in single player and multiplayer i've noticed that when enemy regiment flee you may follow it with any regiment within not very big radius and they very unluckily stop fleeing.

also, when they flee if you keep walking behind them (even not hurting but in radius like 1/3 of screen) they will flee forever after few rounds (each round 30secs). not sure its true but seems highly possible.

so you may use your mage/zombies to go behind fleeing cavalry and if u be lucky enough they will flee forever.

aslo yesterday ive noticed that my 15 biguns fleed after one of them were kileld by screamign scull, and they flee for about 1-2 rounds and then fleed forever (not taking any futher damage). there was another fleeing enemy unit behind them so maybe its possible that even fleeing enemies behind your will flee your fleeing troops forever.


Title: Re: Some "tactic" for making units flee
Post by: bembelimen on April 13, 2009, 11:24:57 AM
[...]They will then route to a safe distance before coming to halt, unless they are being relentless pursued by the enemy or have suffered to many casualties. If this is case, a white flag will appear on the regiment's banner indication, that they are unable to rally, and they will flee the battlefield.

I can confirm this, would be interesting to know, how far the enemy have to be. An other question we had few months ago was: Is it possible to use own regiments to make them stop fleeing? So if a regiment flees you move with an other regiment near to it and they will stop (= feel save). (see also commander leadership rule (http://forum.dark-omen.org/troops/commander-leadership-rule-t116.0.html))

Title: Re: Some "tactic" for making units flee
Post by: WarpGhost on April 13, 2009, 10:10:04 PM
I believe that even back in 4/5th edition, Screaming Skull Catapaults caused a Panic test even if only a single casualty was caused, rather than the usual 25%.

Something to add to the tools forums...

Title: Re: Some "tactic" for making units flee
Post by: alavet on April 14, 2009, 06:08:57 AM
I believe that even back in 4/5th edition, Screaming Skull Catapaults caused a Panic test even if only a single casualty was caused, rather than the usual 25%.
sorry i meant that spell of bright wizard. fire scull or w/e dont know exact name

as for topic, yesterday ive noticed that fleeing elves (about 14) stopped flee even in spite of my wraiths behind in ditance of 1,5 "charge". so im not sure this rule realy works (or maybe if there regiment have to sucess test to prevent futher panic  if there is any unit behind (at the distance)?

Title: Re: Some "tactic" for making units flee
Post by: olly on April 14, 2009, 01:36:12 PM
"These are tests performed by the game, based on the various TROOP CHARACTERISTICS.
In the tabletop WARHAMMER BATTLE, game tests are rolled by the players on two six sided dice.

For example, a leadership test is often performed to see if a regiment will rout (run away) from combat.
If the result is higher that the regiments Leadership value then the test has failed and the regiment will rout.
In Shadow of the Horned Rat the computer simulates these dice rolls".

So I don't think anything else is included, such as a Friendly Unit being Close to Calm them Fleeing.

Although I hope so and Great Addition for WARTBED Wish List!

http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/Wartbed:Brainstorming (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/Wartbed:Brainstorming)


Title: Re: Some "tactic" for making units flee
Post by: Ghabry on April 14, 2009, 09:37:12 PM
I used this tactic (running behind a unit a routing unit) in a tournament fight against Mikademus (before using the Wraiths):

3000/10 January Tournament - vs. Mikademus (Troll-Land) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWpYsLg9EdQ#ws-lq-lq2-hq-vhq-hd)