Title: Windows Vista - Black ground Post by: aule on December 11, 2008, 01:38:06 PM Hi!
Have gone through the forum, but nothing i've found has helped me out. The game runs perfectly but i cant see the ground while in combat. there's only a black background which my units are placed upon. This is what ive done so far: Got Windows Vista 32bit, did a maximum install of WDO, ran tshoot to force MMX Render, copied the d3drm.dll into the PRG_ENG folder, checked CPU instead of 3D to remove the flickering, did NOT set to colored mousecursor. Lastly i also tried to apply a no-cd patch, but that didnt help me either. Anyone has any clue how to fix this issue? Thx in advance.. Title: Re: Windows Vista - Black ground Post by: bembelimen on December 11, 2008, 02:48:33 PM Hello
Did you try clicking "Unpatch" on the troubleshooter? sometimes this could help: (http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/9809/bodox9.jpg) Title: Re: Windows Vista - Black ground Post by: olly on December 11, 2008, 03:07:18 PM http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/ultimate-dark-omen-game-fixes-t111.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/ultimate-dark-omen-game-fixes-t111.0.html)
:) Title: Re: Windows Vista - Black ground Post by: aule on December 11, 2008, 03:13:36 PM Did all this im afraid =/ ... as i look through the different forums it doesnt seem that anyone knows what causes this issue or how to fix it