Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

The Remake Project => General Suggestions => Topic started by: ErnstCoburg on July 08, 2019, 12:17:48 AM

Title: Dark Omen MUSIC
Post by: ErnstCoburg on July 08, 2019, 12:17:48 AM

i'm new in the forum.

but i know that some guys there been carrying ahead a REMAKE Project for Dark Omen and that is amazing i love this game and i play it every single day of my life.
I'm bad with a lot of technical stuff -you lads are many levels above my dumb arse- but for the future i have some ideas for working with the MUSIC of dark omen. Maybe its too early, but if you need me, i worked a few times with dynamic and adaptive music.

Ok goodbye thanks for working hard in DARK OMEN. and look at this, i came to the forum to post this:
my game buggged and skeletons archers fled lol

Title: Re: Dark Omen MUSIC
Post by: olly on July 08, 2019, 01:59:56 PM
Nice screenshot and Devast3d will probably love someone with musical talents to help with the remake.


Title: Re: Dark Omen MUSIC
Post by: ErnstCoburg on July 13, 2019, 07:48:14 AM
Nice screenshot and Devast3d will probably love someone with musical talents to help with the remake.


:) Thanks!
I will try to help in the sound department too. How can i contact the guys in charge of the project? i'm starting to reverse engineer and analyse the game behaviour so i can help with the documentation

Title: Re: Dark Omen MUSIC
Post by: devast3d on July 14, 2019, 09:02:49 PM
Music and sound have been decoded.

DO tracks are split into short patterns. These patterns are played according to the state machine files stored in DarkOmen\Sound\Script folder. They are text files, so pretty easy to read. Basically there are blocks which contain patterns to play and transitions to another blocks depending on the state controlled externally. The states are: deployment, normal, good, bad. The block can play random patterns to add more variety.

I was able to recreate this behaviour exactly using FMOD studio. The tracks can be played via FMOD plugin then.

So there's not much that can be done in terms of original DO music. But if you're able to create new tracks (in the same style, with patterns and transitions) that would be great! We can discuss it.

p.s. I'm project PIC

Title: Re: Dark Omen MUSIC
Post by: ErnstCoburg on July 14, 2019, 09:20:55 PM
Yeah i saw that. In the past days i documented everything about sound, still things to be done, along with the other details. Sound effects in H format coming soon after music.

If you wanna add that to the developer wiki. Sorry for the mess of the PDF file, it is still a WIP.

Title: Re: Dark Omen MUSIC
Post by: olly on July 14, 2019, 09:52:40 PM
Nice document and will add it to our wiki once completed.

http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Modding/Audio (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/DO/Modding/Audio)

Dark Omen 2005 Remix and Shadow of the Horned Rat Mod Music- set to play in Deployment Phase "Haunted Choir" and when Deployment phase ends, it waits a few seconds before playing an Oboe from SOTHR and when the enemy is sighted it kicks into the Dark Omen 2005 Trance music.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrNRAUcphZ8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrNRAUcphZ8)

Forgot to ask Aqrit about this  channels = 24->

https://sourceforge.net/p/dxwnd/discussion/general/thread/7900348c/?limit=25 (https://sourceforge.net/p/dxwnd/discussion/general/thread/7900348c/?limit=25)

Title: Re: Dark Omen MUSIC
Post by: devast3d on July 14, 2019, 10:00:45 PM
The whole point of my post was that you're doing work that is mostly known.

- All sounds/music patterns have been converted into wav and imported into UE4 already.

- Most of the DarkOmen\Sound\H files have been converted into UE4 CUE files. There are some parameters that I've not used, but particularly pitch and volume were deviced using FREQ, FREQDEV and VOLUME. Also TYPE and LOOP were used to specify the type of the sound and looping. ATTACK/RELEASE, PRIORITY and FLAGS are not used. The first ones correspond to the fade in/out I think. Priority should be used when many sounds are playing I guess. FLAGS are unknown.

- Music FSM files don't need to be converted directly since FMOD plugin is used to play the tracks (right now I've only created FMOD project for the first level track, but that's enough)

- Speech sounds of the allies have been mapped as well. Mapping greenskins and undead is a bit more complicated and has not been done yet (some of them are mapped, like charge and death sounds though).

Very useful task would be to create new music track for the beginning.