Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Modifications => Tools => Topic started by: CrackBaby on April 23, 2017, 12:15:44 PM

Title: Multiplayer with DO2 Mods
Post by: CrackBaby on April 23, 2017, 12:15:44 PM
Hey guys,

I'm currently customising the DO2 mod to create a Dark Elf campaign adding the following:
- Witch Elves
- Har Ganeth Executioners
- Shades (Assassins)
- Plus a few heroes

Anyway, just wondering how the multiplayer aspect works with mods... I suppose I'll find out more over the next few weeks once the 24 maps plus new armies have been completed but learned quite a bit about customising banners, sprites and so on so far.

If one user is using custom sprites, banners etc... does that overwrite for the other user or do the files get swapped for that battle as I think I remember originally....

Had a few ideas for the tournament if they haven't already been sorted such as keeping records of tournament battles, experience, armies such as download/upload armies before battles (making sure they've been approved by the crew, Olly, Ghabry etc)...

Title: Re: Multiplayer with DO2 Mods
Post by: olly on April 23, 2017, 01:09:43 PM
Sounds good and yep wait a few more days for me to add the other maps, as I'm still tweaking the multiplayer map template (just adding in 19v19 ability thanks to Ghabry's 25 regiments mod). All new banners, shields and sprites will be added into the Dark Omen 2 mod template to match and ensure both players get the same.

19v19 Total War style (15v15 is preferred)


Title: Re: Multiplayer with DO2 Mods
Post by: CrackBaby on April 23, 2017, 10:58:16 PM
Awesome.... looks really good with that screenshot and the armies lined up!