Title: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: Sparkee on February 18, 2015, 08:37:25 PM I hope it's ok for me to make a separate thread for information about the campaign content, but I don't want to have proper spoilers in the main topic.
This will be the thread for discussing individual missions and posting screenshots of what happens in the various battles, so don't look if you don't want to see how the story/missions develop. Feedback and suggestions regarding individual missions is welcome here, and I am very keen to hear player observations and comments. Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: URKA on February 18, 2015, 08:43:31 PM First image: Sparkee deployment... roses are red goblins are green.
Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: URKA on February 18, 2015, 08:45:56 PM Second image: my deployment... poor self confident kislevites...
[attachment=1] Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: URKA on February 18, 2015, 08:48:17 PM Sorry, I didn't take more screenshots...
This is the image of the 3 lasting units. [attachment=1] Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: olly on February 18, 2015, 10:35:42 PM Looks a tough campaign!
:) Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: URKA on February 18, 2015, 11:32:18 PM And once again commander URKA has lost against a bunch of goblins...
[attachment=1] Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: Sparkee on February 18, 2015, 11:49:10 PM That ice mage must really like getting shot!
Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: Sparkee on February 25, 2015, 10:53:27 PM An update to the campaign content, so avert your eyes if you want to experience the campaign first hand before seeing what's still to come!
There are 14 mission written so far, though there are still more to come, but here are the names of the missions are incorporated into the stroyline so far. Some are puns, many reference the mission itself and its content, some are simple play on words, and others are just amusing :) hope you like it Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: Sparkee on February 28, 2015, 01:47:10 AM I'm going to start uploading the mission files for now, so they are easily accessible, though I may change them in future, so beware!
mission 1:[attachment=1] mission 2:[attachment=2] mission 3:[attachment=3] Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: Sparkee on May 12, 2015, 09:16:35 PM Ok, I'm back to testing the campaign again, so keep an eye on Gameranger to see if the room is open!
Here are the next three missions, to make it easier for players to access them Mission 4:[attachment=1] Mission 5:[attachment=2] Mission 6:[attachment=3] Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: olly on May 12, 2015, 09:56:45 PM See you on the Battlefield soon!
:) Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: Sparkee on July 26, 2015, 02:14:22 PM Uploading a zip file of the first 9 missions
A few have been updated, with corrections to the map, player hosting, ai army make-up and some other balance tweaks. Title: Re: Multiplayer campaign - A Road to Darkness - missions and content(with spoilers) Post by: olly on July 26, 2015, 09:25:05 PM Nice thanks
:) |