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1  Warhammer Dark Omen / Singleplayer / Bretonia - Loren Lake on: June 24, 2009, 01:16:39 PM

Greetings to you, my fellow forum members,

I have a question regarding the battle at Lake Loren, as the topic might have revealed. I wonder if there is any reward or better situation if I help the treeman to defend his brethren. I got the elven-bowmen, am I able to get the spelleater shield anyway? I'd like to.

Yours sincerely,

Pavis of Foul Presence
2  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Introduction / Re: Hi, I'm Wardner on: June 24, 2009, 01:00:11 PM
I bid you welcome, too.
3  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Tavern / Re: Which Country (/Continent) has most members on: June 23, 2009, 03:51:18 PM
I'm from north-west germany.
4  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Introduction / Re: yours sincerely, on: June 23, 2009, 03:39:24 PM

I'm sorry, but my father doesn't understand a single word english. I doubt he would have much fun with the forum, but thank you for the invitation anyway. ^^
5  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Introduction / Re: Hi all :)! on: June 15, 2009, 04:01:30 PM
I want to bid you welcome, too. Just as new as you are.
6  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Introduction / Re: yours sincerely, on: June 13, 2009, 04:50:37 PM
Thank you very much for your welcome.

I think I will be here regularly and occasionally post to a few threads, just to dispel your worries. And maybe I'll participate in a multiplayer match or two, even if it is no tournament. The singleplayer campaigns, though, are definitely on my list.

Yours sincerely,

Pavis of Foul Presence
7  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Introduction / yours sincerely, on: June 11, 2009, 12:04:46 AM

A few years ago my father played this game. Back then I was too young to understand entirely what it was about, so just charging at everything that moves was my favourite tactic. In the ethereal of time the game, sadly, got lost.

A few weeks ago memories of this game softly slipped into my mind and I decided to regain this interesting title, just as I did with Fallout 1 and 2 a few months ago. To prevent any asking - i love the first two ones, hate Bethesdas freak.

A few days ago I found this website, which I really appreciate, for it has helped me especially with finding and conquering these magical gadgets I never would have found on my own.

To introduce myself I might be supposed to say that I am 18 years old, just about to start my Abitur (I really have no idea what the equivalent in UK, Russia, Sweden... is) and, well, I think my english is about to be average.

I don't think I'll be active in any tournaments, for I don't like multiplayer one-on-one too much.

I'll be answering probably all, but definitely most of your questions, so you're free to ask me.

yours sincerely,

Pavis of Foul Presence
Pages: [1]