Can someone explain to me how it is even possible to get past the first mission?! WIth 2 longbows, 2 greatssword 1 mage and a unit of halberdiers versus LOADS of greenskins, including artillery and shamans. Has anyone had any luck with this one? Im really curious about this campaign so id love to get a bit further
I had a room open on GR for a bit lastnight to see if anyone was keen But im up for a game or two if theres interest. Also that discord invite is invalid
Yeah something is def off, all my savegames disappeared over night apparently for some reason.. I can select mods still, but they are not applied. Im gonna do a reinstall after work and see if it gets any better.
Should i do something specific before starting these? At DO2 in singleplayer i just get a bunch of skaven vs high elfs, but maybe this is suppose to be? Expanded aswell was something funky, cant remember now but ill update when i get back home what the issue was.
I have noticed some missions does not work properly, but maybe they simply arent ready? For example the helmgart mission, if you are delayed (as in not defending) you simply get a black screen. But perhaps this is not finished yet, or is there something wrong on my end?
Hello! Im super happy to see so many mods available. However i would love to have some kind of summary of the campaign, maybe in some readme file or something of the like. Is this available somewhere?
Man i havent been here for some 8 years or so and iam stoked to see so much progress in the modding department!! However, how the hell do you get past the first mission in this mod?? 3 artillery units just demolish everything. Any tips?