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1  Warhammer Dark Omen / Tournaments / Re: Tournament November 2010 on: November 27, 2010, 12:28:01 AM
Dang^^ Wanted to say that I can't participate, gotta work

next time ...

cheers and have fun!
2  Warhammer Dark Omen / Tournaments / Re: Tournament November 2010 on: November 08, 2010, 06:17:59 PM
I'd like to participate, too!

3  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Tavern / Re: Music on: September 09, 2010, 11:59:23 AM
I absolutely love Deathmetal. The more brutal, than better imo. ... I'm playing in two bands myself. as the vocalist. or gurgler, growler, I can't sing, I make noises xD

That's the very definition of Death Metal, isn't it? Cheesy

at least it's important to mention xD
4  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Tavern / Re: dark omen- the movie on: September 08, 2010, 08:40:23 PM
haha this is so good  Grin

as any zombie: Doug Jones http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0427964/ http://f.imagehost.org/0457/doug_jones_3.jpg <--- from the movie [rec] !!! sick stuff

for the dread king: http://www.serienoldies.de/images2/heman_skeletor1.jpg
5  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Introduction / Ermitdemhut from Germany, loves your site! xD on: September 08, 2010, 07:21:06 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm born in 1989 in Germany (Baden-Württemberg), I'm more of an orc than a man (love the greenskins since 1998, when I first got a White dwarf in my hands) and I love Dark Omen.

Nevery played its Multiplayer, but I'm doing the campaign regularly.

I love death-metal, live in Austria, hate fascism, and I'm here for some cool mutliplayer-experiences!


cheers and let's have some nice games!
6  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Tavern / Re: Music on: September 08, 2010, 07:13:15 PM
hey, new in the forum, first post Wink

I absolutely love Deathmetal. The more brutal, than better imo.

maybe there are some other deathmetalers round here? Wink

Bolt thrower is cool indeed.

I'm playing in two bands myself. as the vocalist. or gurgler, growler, I can't sing, I make noises xD


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