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16  Warhammer Dark Omen / Empire Armybuilds / Re: July Tournament - Empire Armies on: July 29, 2009, 04:48:44 PM
thx for post your armies , i am still a little confused on 9k/30 ruleset.  Very helpfull topic.
17  Warhammer Dark Omen Community / Tavern / Re: Which Country (/Continent) has most memebers on: June 20, 2009, 01:01:11 AM
Santiago, Chile
18  Warhammer Dark Omen / Tournaments / Re: Timezones/Where do I live? on: June 16, 2009, 01:18:18 AM
There is a clock in the top right corner of the forum, you can adjust it in your profile.

OMG !!  didnt noticed !!

so its easier than i thought, just tell us the official clock is that one over the top right corner of the forum and no matter where tha hell we come, we only have to see that ***** clock and sincronize ours according to it.

right now my clock marks 20:13 hrs. and forum clock marks 01:13 hrs

....not nice
19  Warhammer Dark Omen / Tournaments / Re: Timezones/Where do I live? on: June 15, 2009, 12:10:52 AM
hi guys

dont know where exactly find it but surely there are many on internet. I'm talking about "virtual time clocks" and u should add one on the main page ( or anywhere ) so that way all of us could follow an unique time clock no matter continents, countries, islands, bridges, closets...

these cloks are offered freely by many providers using some kind of java code to be insert on any website, bad point is that almost always u must accept some kind of publicity on your website.

pls check this point, surely is very usefull for everybody.
20  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: 9000 gc ruleset on: June 10, 2009, 01:29:50 AM
my propositions are 27 points for 9k armies but are only porpositions, 30 points isnt so far so i believe its a good amount of points for 9k armies.

core, uniques, etc, are well defined and i think its a good classification as well the amount of troops relative to those terms.

i have been remarking this point cited by olly constantly:
I would make the Host always Deploy first and each Player should have 2 armies per Race,

1 Attack and 1 Defensive

and players should Ideally take turns Hosting on the same Map to allow maximum fairness, where possible.

...im completely agree and in my opinion this should be added to Mika's rules.

im not agree whit the items points table, in 9k games the items point table should be more specific, maybe the table that i did could be usefull this time, at least like an base idea.
21  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: 5000/15 on: May 21, 2009, 03:47:27 AM

Name                  1st  2nd  3rd 
Strength Potion
Enchanted Shield
Dragon Helm          1     0    1 


(yes its possible, just editing your army replacing the experienced one for a new lvl 1 regiment/s)
22  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: hit&run and artillery solution - limited battletime on: May 12, 2009, 04:02:03 AM
This is my version 4.0 of this (some editions added):

"....AND AGAIN, i have been remarking this point since.... 

Solution is very simple,
A.- the host deploys first and ...  (so this one is the attacker)
B.- the invited deploys after host so that means he has the ability to see all hidden units (if they arent well hidden) just like when u play against the AI.    (so this person is the defender)

The order for attack should be:
1- both in charge at once (this would be always active no matter who hosts, deploys first or what kind of unit they have)
2- host should attack first (it suppose that host normally choose a good map for his troops so he may assume the risk)***
3- invited shoud attack in second place (only if he wants to do it just because he is the defender)

***Players should never knows what kind of troops does the other player has.
***This mode of playing should no be affected by artillery units.
***if host choose artillery armies knowing that he has the obligation to attack first (because he is the attacker) then he must assume the risk, he must be prepared for engage the enemy.

...obviously this is someted to erros, pls review it. "

This is my official solution for almost all problems, this way we can assume that "defender wins on draws" because now we knows who's the attaker and who's the defender.

It isn't so hard to understand, its not so complicated, resuming:

"the one who host is the one who may attack"
23  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: WHich rules will we issue for mages/cavalry with banner/pistoleters/elves?: poll on: May 08, 2009, 07:54:39 PM
SORRY !!  i forgot something again...

Game has 8 magic slots, those who charge it every moon cycle (but we know they full randomly) ,so even if we give 8 rounds for magic users , maybe (and most probably) slots dont full.

I think that magic users may have at least 1 fair opportunity, so the rounds should be 8 (moon cycles)
24  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: Discussion "How to act in multiplayer" on: May 07, 2009, 08:48:55 PM
There is no problem Grend, in fact i am very pleased u have entered here and exposed your opinion, its very helpfull too.

Now i see that i forgot about two things more:
0.- Round limits
1.- Time limit.
2.- Point cost.

Those three are our tools for modding.

we should not use another one tool, least those who limit game posibilities.

Personal proposition: (for mages, pistoliers, cavalry using BoW when they are the last unit)

Rounds: 5 (moon cycles)
(0 cant be applied for reasonable reasons exposed, 1 is almost 0, 2 is almost one, 3 is a cero shapped like a 3, 4 is enough but is still a limitation for mage, pistol and cavalry users, 5 is a number that has no controversial criterias)

Time limit: not neccesary to control it since we got moon cycle timer.

Point cost: (based and compared on BGK point cost)
Bright mage: 5 points.
Ice mage: 3 points
Vampire: 6 points
Necromancer: 5 points
Shamen: 2 points.
Pistoliers: 4 points.

......personal opinion

25  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: Discussion "How to act in multiplayer" on: May 06, 2009, 10:28:45 PM
finally we are discussin this using "common sense".

differences are granted by our different mode of playing but i think that its obvious that the original gameplay must be preserved, that means or include the game options like movements, deployment, charging and retreting modes, etc.
It isnt so hard to understand it.

Personally, i am the one who "dance" whit the mage against Grend and that has to faces:
- his one.
- my one.

He has just commented his feeling and i am completely agree whit him and all the players whit similar points of view. Its a headache, its sick, its bored, its simply stupid to continue playing against a player who does not "plays".
In my view, it has been a "great relief", a big "luck" and a an excellent choice to have been included a mage on my army. If i wasnt choice a mage i was lost earlier. Again, im completely agree whit all players who has choiced a mage for their armies making it stronger and prepared for the worst.Dont forget that we must choice troops inside a rule posibilities.

I think that both points of view are completely legitimal and i dont understand why some players still continues requesting that mage enters in meele just like they dont wanna listen to other players who has legitimal rights for casting magic from a mage. Cant be more simple.

But "common sense" must be over our "tears" and we must use it to do even better battles, in this case a limited rounds should be a good solution. We also should be talking about how many rounds and no talking about "if mage should or shouldnt use his magic powers" because is simply stupid. The specific thread is taking too long.

I have tried the system proposed by warhammer (we both); deployment 1 by 1 troop.

- its too slow.
- could be interesting for some battles (depending what kind of troops there are in settled on battlefield)

....but its too slow!!!  it cant be applied.

We tried the system "one deploys all units" and the other player deploys after.
- fast and simple.
- second player can hide his troops same as first player.
- first player "feels" that he is on disvantage because the second player can see his hidden troops.***

***just a "feeling" for me, its like when u play against AI and i dont see a mayor problem about this. In fact, the solution proposed is that the first one who deploys should be the one who hosts.
***it is not possible to add an attack order for players (i thought that it was). In game players decide freely who enganches first; units deployed by players are the one who determinates who chrarges first.

system could be perfectly applied until.....

Gentelmen agreement is "always on" but we need something more reliable for tournments. Soccer players, tennis players, chess players, DO players, i think that all of them are gentelmen but there are always different criterias, i dont wanna play against a player who has reason and im in reason too, like the battle againts Grend where i finally decide for my own to teleporting the mage near his troops and not in borders, givin him a chance and hoping he finish me soon because i was entering into bore too, not doubt because i had to wait until the ***** magic slots where charged but to the fact that he was bored and game lost his bright.

26  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: Discussion "How to act in multiplayer" on: May 05, 2009, 03:35:25 AM
i like warhammerfreak proposition, deploy 1 by 1.
sometimes is neccesary.

about mages, it suppose that your mage is gonna be always the last unit entering battle.
i got an army that uses 2 mages, so if i must send them in meele then my army should be dismissed. I still believe that mages forced to go in meele isnt good idea.
some rounds is the best for me.

....and the last unit, no matter wich one is, should be never forced to run.
27  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: Discussion "How to act in multiplayer" on: May 04, 2009, 03:30:10 PM
very lot conditions in rules doesnt makes life good for newbies.

so on

aren't those "conditions"?
aren't a lot?
newbies know those rule settings before entering battle?
isnt enough or newbies still needs more battle systems?
isnt enough to be a "super DO player against AI" and  a "super newbie" on multi games?
one rule added to those "rules" is a kind of "overheating" for newbies?
have u seen a newbie asking why does he cannot save his winner army, why cant he use BGK whit BoW or why cant he use his mage freely?.... and so on again

whatever we decide on this forum, whatever we sign, whatever we agree, whatever we do, did or will do, must be set on DO wiki page and then it becomes a real rule.
28  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: Wizzards have to make Suicide? on: May 03, 2009, 10:51:16 PM
OMG i read this after the "how to act..."

so i did it well !!

....come on, neutral solutions!!

"bendito sea este foro"
29  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: Discussion "How to act in multiplayer" on: May 03, 2009, 10:31:23 PM
make some agreement about when to stop moving units. You could wait until the opponent clicks ready, and then move all your units to somewhere else

....AND AGAIN, i have been remarking this point since....  a year (Olly knows that and others too) before this forum exists.

Solution is very simple, the host deploys first and the invited deploys after him so the second one on deployment has the ability to see all hidden units (if they arent well hidden).
The order for attack should be:
- both in charge at once (this would be always active no matter who hosts, deploys first or what kind of unit they have)
- host should attack first (it uppose that host normally choose a good map for his troops so he may assume the risk)***
- invited shoud attack in second place.

***Players should never knows what kind of troops does the other player has.
***This mode of playing should no be affected by artillery units.
***if hosts has artillery then he must attack first but only using 1 unit army or more.

...obviously this is someted to erros, pls review it.

Due to the thread exposed on this topic, i feel that this is the right side to continue whit the wizards theme.
(when wizard is the last unit)

Neutral solutions could be:
- Teleporting magic ALWAYS banned from multi games.***
- When mage is the last unit he only can teleport 3 times, after that he must go in direct battle and if he kills and army then he could teleport 2 times more ...... 1 army destroyed, 1 teleporting more , .... no more teleporting magic rounds left.
- A limited times for teleporting and then no more rounds.

***Its no so confortable this but isnt confortable too when u have a mage and u must go in meele forced by rules.
This is what i call neutral solutions.

Nice thread bembelimen.
30  Warhammer Dark Omen / Rules and Standards / Re: Wizzards have to make Suicide? on: May 03, 2009, 12:13:16 AM
nice video alavet !!

...but i still stand in my position. Rules arenĀ“t finished completely yet, 5k15 and further 7k and 9k games still needs some revisions, there are many specific points like the one we're talking about now that may have been studied deeper.

...meanwhile, we have to find a solution for this thread relative to 5k games. If we compare the example shown on video we can see this things:

- that mage isnt lvl1, he may always carry the teleport magic.
- player knows before entering battle what troops are in scene.
- playing against AI is different...... bla bla bla...
- that mage was using "bonus tracks" (....that banner used on pistoliers causes the same headache)

"Pls guys, lets try to fix this using a common sense and making a good rule for all of us", that means a neutral solution because i know what u mean in the frase "dont allow unfair advantage for another players"

....nobody sais that it was an easy work

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