Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Singleplayer => Topic started by: alavet on August 22, 2010, 07:00:54 PM

Title: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: alavet on August 22, 2010, 07:00:54 PM
Could some1 try and describe every current spells in terms of internal mechanic?

cause i found that some spells totally suck, even for 3 magic points, some awesome for 1 point.

here i present my "feelings" about most common spells, feel free to edit this post or make a great guide.
basics here:
http://en.dark-omen.org/magic.html (http://en.dark-omen.org/magic.html)

Bright Magic

Crimson Bands
Twisting bands of energy entwine the enemy unit, entangling them and redering them unable to move, fight, shoot or cast magic. The spell remains in effect for a short time unless dispelled or canceled by the casting mage.

seems like this spell works for about 1,5 or 2 rounds. Perhaps it works for 1 full round + the time when you casted it untill next round. Needless to say, very powerful and useful spell.
Note: units don't route while spell is active. No idea how LS involved.
Range is about Crossbowmen range.

Conflagration of Doom
This powerful spell creates a flaming meteor, suspended in the air high above the heads of enemy troops. The meteor crashes to the ground, delivering an awesome blast to anything onto which it falls. The mere sight of the flames descending from the sky is often enough to make the enemy flee in fear.

the best spell in the game. with WOJ its superior for 2 mana spell. not only it works like a mortair shot (with bigger radius but little less effectivness) but it could go through antimagic AND cause fear before hit (and i guess, after, when regiemnts get casualities).
This spell kills Hand of Nagash or Dread king with 1 shot sometimes. Its rather precise.
Range is about Crossbowmen range.

The Burning Head
A phantasmal flaming skull flies from the mage's hands and travels a short distance until the spell expires or hits a solid object. The disembodies head causes a good amount of damage to any target it passes through, and its unearthly laugher can cause units to flee in fear.

great spell for lvl2 mage. Its super effective vs big regiments, but vs small crowd like 5-8 men you most of the time better use another spell, cause its very hard to hit vs small space regiment. Cause LS checks on hit (maybe only at first hit?)
Range - little more than goblin archers distance.

A powerful attack, Blast launches a lethal volley of buring energy at the target. The range is of a medium distance, but flames deal a lethal blow to all but the hardies of targets.

This spell also very good. Similar to canon shoot, but laser precise. Sometimes it cant kill enemy mage with 1 shot still, dunno why. Landscape hugely affects this spell, so use carefully.
Range is about Crossbowmen range.


Sanguine Swords
Magical flaming swords materialize around the mage and will attack enemy units on behalf of their invoker. The swords fly towards any nearby enemies, each dealing a powerful blow before returning once more to the caster's side. The spell lasts for a short which before the swords fade away.

Very uesless spell for 3 points. in theory its like 7-8 fireball,s in practice, these spells very inaccurate and can cause friendly fire. 3 fireballs usually deal way more damage.
Range: about goblin archers

Wings of Fire
The mage is lifted up on ethereal fiery wings and is transported to another part of the battlefield. This can take the mage into close combat with the usual advantages, but not into any areas that are normally inaccessible.

very useful spell if you have WOJ or other spells to cast except fireball. It could be even effective with a fireball to annoy archers/catapuilts but mostly for lvl1 mage if you get such spell you was unlucky and this unit not that much cost effecient.
still could be used offensively for rear attacks, sometimes could save situation.
Range - anywehre


A fiery ball of energy blasts forth from the mage's hand and hurtles towards its target, wounfing any troops in the blast area. The spell has medium range and armour offers no protection from the searing blast. By channeling more magic into the spell, the mage can produce multiple fireballs.

Very good spel but you need some practice to shoot. ALso, if you have time, never shoot x3 fireball at the time. Sometimes all 3 can mis, cause they will use same route.
Could be devastating for some troops.
Example: once i killed 3 or 4 goblin archers with 1 fireball. and once i killed !3 mummies with one shot (sometimes none)
Range is about Crossbowmen range


Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic creates an aura of anti-magic around the chosen friendly regiment, and any offensive magic entering this zone of protection may be neutralized. It may also be cast on a regiment which is currently engulfed by magic. Dispel is more effective when more magic is channeling into it, but its potency is reduced after each attempt to dispel.
not superior spell and its absolutely doesnt warrant that mageic will negated. I dont understand if it dispell AOE spells like souldrain. For some spells like wight blades it could require more than 1 or even 2 cass., especially  if casted AFTER enemy spell was applied. seems like if enemy applied magic, it will work no matter what at least until round ends.
keep in mind it could save vs Skrabash or Horn of Ugrok.
Range is about Crossbowmen range


A fierce column of fire erupts from the ground spewing forth flame and ash. All troops who are caught in the blast are burned and attempt to back away from flames. The spell stays in effect for a short time unless dispelled or canceled by the casting mage. Only one Flamestorm can be in effect at any one time.

usually its a bad spell at multilayer. sometimes could be useful to kill canons or prevent enemy to charge you (as a wall)  but can't be used much vs enemy archers /other regiments, cause usually human players remove units from the fire pretty fast.
sometimes could be useful if big battle going, you can cast it at some side where most enemies concentrated.
Dispels if caster dying
Range is about Crossbowmen range or little less

Ice Magic

Crystal Cloak
The mage is surrounded in a shimmering cloak of ice and snow which may lessen the impact of normal weapons. A blow from a magical weapon will be deflected as normal but will also destroy the shield, thus rendering the mage open to further attacks.
Ice Shards
Sharp icicles spring from the mage's hand in the direction of the target, causing multiple wounds as they pierce and impale their targets. This ranged attack is shorter than most, but is still highly effective as the deadly needles of ice cause their victims to freeze and shatter.
Snow Blizzard
A furious blizzard stirs up around a nearby enemy target, stopping them in their tracks. The troops are temporarily immobilized by the strong winds and biting cold, rendering them unable to move, fight, shoot or cast magic
Hawks of Miska
A flock of crystalline hawks appears in the sky above the heads of a nearby enemy unit, unnerving them with their unearthly shrieking. Such a spectacle may cause the target unit to run in fear from the battlefield.
Shield of Cold
This spell creates a frozen shield that protects the chosen friendly regiment from missile fire. The enemy's chances of penetrating the shield are greatly reduced and the shield remains effective for a short time unless dispelled or cancelled by the caster. The shield offers no protection from melee attacks and is automatically dispelled if the subject enters hand-to-hand combat.

Wind of Cold
A freezing wind heads towards the target freezing those it reaches. The spell's range is unpredictable and varies greatly, however it is unhindered by obstacles and armour cannot protect those who are trapped in its wake.
Chill Blast
This spell sends forth an icy beam, subjecting anything in its path to a violent and freezing assault against which armour affords no protection. The spell has a medium range.

Death Frost
While in melee a freezing mist engulfs the mage and anyone in close proximity to him, turning their bodies into frozen blocks of ice. The spell's lack of range is compensated by its effectiveness, as limbs freeze and shatter causing horrific and often mortal wounds.
Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic creates an aura of anti-magic around the chosen friendly regiment, and any offensive magic entering this zone of protection may be neutralized. It may also be cast on a regiment which is currently engulfed by magic. Dispel is more effective when more magic is channeling into it, but its potency is reduced after each attampt to dispel.

Waaagh Magic

Ere We Go
The shaman can inspire to greater efforts any friendly regiment within a long range, for a short period of time. The target of the magic becomes tougher and stronger, giving it a considerable advantage in melee.
Mork Save Uz
This spell protects the chosen Orc or Goblin regiment from all magic for a short period of time. Mork Save Uz not only dispels any spells currently cast on the regiment but also renders the target unaffected by all magic, including friendly magic, for the duration of the spell.

Fists of Gork
Gork imbues the shaman with astounding powers in melee. For a short period of time, vaporous fists swirl through the fray, lashing out repeatedly with astonishing accuracy and strength and causing severe casualties in the enemy ranks.

Da Krunch
The shaman's wailing for divine intervention is answerd as the enormous foot of Gork stamps down on target unit. Gork is not always precise about where he treads, but when on target the result is devastating.

Gaze of Mork
The shaman sends out a searching beam of energy, delivering a mighty mental blow to anything in its path and causing massive internal wounding. The range of the shaman's power is good, and the spell is effective against all targets who are caught in its path.
Brain Bursta
The shaman sends a bolt of energy flying towards the target. The first target hit by the blast will suffer the unfortunate cosequence of their head exploding in a shower of bone and blood. Tougher creatures can withstand this mental assult, but armour offers no protection whatsoever.

Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic creates an aura of anti-magic around the chosen friendly regiment, and any offensive magic entering this zone of protection may be neutralized. It may also be cast on a regiment which is currently engulfed by magic. Dispel is more effective when more magic is channeling into it, but its potency is reduced after each attampt to dispel.

Dark Magic
Soul Drain
This medium ranged spell allows the mage to drain energy from living creatures. All those close to the nominated target feel the very life force sucked out of them as the spell takes effect. The life that is stolen is absorbed into the mage's soul, healing wounds and revitalizing. Only magical armour will offer any resistance.

Rather useful spell, even though maybe too costly. Effect seems like a Flamestorm but causalities go faster. Possible adds/heals Hps for the caster for each dead unit. Also sounds is pretty.
Dispells if caster dying?
Range : about goblin archers

Witch Flight
The mage uses the power of the void to transport him across the battlefield, to any point he desires. This can take the mage into close combat with the usual advantages, but not into any areas that are normally inaccessible.
Depends on the caster, it could be superior or shitty spell. For lvl1 necromancer is totally a waste. For any level Vamprie or lvl2+ Necromancer its a legit and vital spell.
Vampire could use it to teleprot and attack from the rear, which works wonders; both mages could use it for escape.
Range: anywhere


Arnizipal's Black Horror
The mage conjures a swirling cloud of darkness that moves across the field, annihilating everything in its path. Strong characters have a better chance of surviving the attack, and only those with magical armour can expect any defense against this spell.

This spell is a meh. It should cost about 2 spell points, and i personally think it should cost like 1. It VERY hard to hit with that spell, and even upon hit, its very rarely kills anyone. If ever kills, its like 3-4-5 death, not more. it works like 25-33% of time for me.
Range - about goblin archers

Death Spasm
A bolt of Dark magic strikes a single target within a short distance. Weaker targets are killed by the attack but before expiring suffer violent seizures, haphazardly striking those in the near vicinity. Armour provides no defense against this spell.

Could be a very strong weapon for a vampire, and sometimes for a necromancer. This spell hits about 50% of time at distance (or less, if distance is big), so you better use it at close combat. At close combats it hits about 75% of time, and inflicts from 5 to 9 death in my experience, most of the time causing them flee.  I usually just cast it at HtH. Very effective vs big crowds if you manage them to flee.
Range - about goblin archers

Raise the Dead
The necromancer's power raises the bodies of the dead up from the belly of the earth. A regiment of Zombies rises from the ground to fight on behalf of their master. This spell can only sustain one group of Zombies at any one time so it must be cancelled or dispelled, or the Zombie regiment killed, before the spell may be cast again.
Not a perfect investment for your 3 poitns. Hovewer sitll have options. Sometimes is good to summon zombies just under enemy archers/cannon/mage or just beind enemy so you can flank/attack from the rear. But lots of the time could be useless cause zombies will flee from like any rear attack too :) Still, this spell is funny.
Dispells if caster dying?
Range - about goblin archers

Blade Wind
This whirling torrent of magical energy materialises over the enemy target, releasing swirling blades into the regiment and causing severe wounding. The effectiveness of the spell is lessened when targeted at more skilled fighters, as they defend themselves more effectively from the assault.

sometiems this spell is devastating, soemtimes is mediocore, and it willn't kill vampire or treeman but still very useful spell. The object of this spell going through WS check and if fails, he takes casualities. This spell works for about 1,5-2 rounds.
  Range - about crossbowmen

Gaze Of Nagash
A beam of magic shoots from the mage's eyes, corroding and withering any target in its path. Armour offers no protection against this short ranged but highly effective attack, it merely crumbles away.

almost the same as Firemage Blast, but i belive it little bit weaker. Maybe im wrong

Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic creates an aura of anti-magic around the chosen friendly regiment, and any offensive magic entering this zone of protection may be neutralized. It may also be cast on a regiment which is currently engulfed by magic. Dispel is more effective when more magic is channeling into it, but its potency is reduced after each attempt to dispel.

same as Firemage Dispell

A powerful blast of Dark energy rushes towards the target, causing severe wounding. The spell is also exceedingly effective against larger targets, but will not travel very far before it fades.

Effect almost the same as a fireball, hoverer i believe it could kill only 1 person at a time. Also weaker than fireball cause doesn't hurt mummies that hard.

Other magic will come later

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: alavet on August 26, 2010, 09:25:20 AM
Ice Magic

Crystal Cloak
seems liek a spell adding up 1-2 WO to unit. Hovwer can't be ure. As i believe it lasts about 2-3 turns.
Distance: sefl cast

Ice Shards
This spell "fires" short array of glacies < which will go like that: ~ by rather unpredictable trajectory. hit usually causes 1 to 3-4 units dies, usually 2. Hovewer very short distance of shoot (like x2 size of cavalry) + innaccuracy + affect by landscape makes this spell a bad choice.
Distance: small

Snow Blizzard
Same as Crimson Binds. Note: i suspect at some situations you will be able to cast spells while "stunned". At leasts it goes for Darkmancer mod, i suspect i was able to cast Souldrain while getting "Blizzarded". This could be connected with diffirient casting mechanics (almost no cast animation required).

Hawks of Miska
Unique spell. Intresting and usefull. Spell lasts about 2 turns, while that regiment will have to perform LS checks in order to not panic.
Distance: about corssbowmen range

Shield of Cold
not tested this spell much yet. Not seem to be very usefull due of limitation of cast distanec (not usually your mage will go near your attacking troops for cast this) and buy simple fact that enemy could focus on other regiment w/o shield.
Distance: about corssbowmen range

Wind of Cold
This spells by effect close to fireball (even though can hurt 1-3 units) on awesoem distance. But its rather slow and its not easy to hit. I rate it as below average cause it requires lots of attention to cast spell in order to hit + you need some luck too.
Landscape affects this.
Distance: About lobber range.

Chill Blast
In theory its a superior force to stop hordes. In fact, this spells damages enemy just as much as Fire Scull does and its little bit harder to hit too, due of wide "ray".
Distance: about goblin archers range or smaller

Death Frost
I foudn this spell also dissapointing. You could think that effect is close for Fists of Gork but itsn ot true. Its not constant spell, only one time. Usually it kills 2-6 units, but more like 3-4, or soemtiems 1 (lol). DOES friendly fire at HtH.

Dispel Magic
same as Firemage Dispell

Waagh Magic

Ere We Go
I dont know right numbers for this spell. I believe itshould add up liek +2 STR or something.  From what i know for mechanics of DO< additional STR makes your easier to pass through unit armor. And most of standard DO units have amrour like 1 or 2. So this spell willn't make you like a "god", vs some units w/o armor it seems to be useless (flagellants any1?)

Distance: About crossbowmen or less.

Mork Save Uz
For 1 spell point it could be a great spell. It lasts like 1-2 turns. Hovewer in my experience usually opponents either not using mages or your mage doesnt live long enough to cast it more than 1 time :-) So it's not superior spell but is betetr than Dispell magic.
Distance: About crossbowmen or less.
Fists of Gork
Second best spell in the game. Even though it will'nt pass enemy magic like meteor, still its VERY effective vs any unit. Some guys reported they killed BGK at singleplayer with that spell alone. Works for 2 rounds or 1 full (no idea). 1 round usually enough to either make enemy flee or kill or get killed. if enem yretreats automatically turns off. DOES friendly fire.

The main problem is that you have to go HTH and your mage could get killed. Another problem is that usually enemy gets just breaks out but your mage willn't pursue them, so be sure this regiment pursued by other unit or irrelevant for you.
Distance: HtH

Da Krunch
Its not an awesoem spell for 3 spellpoints. Well worth for meteor but effects is lower, and the most annoying thing is a innacuracy. Also delay seem to be little longer than meteor so its harder to hit.
Simply saying its a lobber shot, with little more accuracy and slightly less casualities enemy will suffer.
Distance: About crossbowmen or less.

Gaze of Mork
Same as "Gaze of Nagash" or "Blast"

Brain Bursta
Effect almost the same as a fireball, hoverer i believe it could kill only 1 person at a time. Also weaker than fireball cause doesn't hurt mummies that hard.

Dispel Magic
same as Firemage Dispell

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Darkmancer on August 26, 2010, 06:40:10 PM
Strength is tested against toughness, we also believe it helps vs armour though this has never been proven.  If ere we go does boost strength (something to test) is useful vs all opponents.

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: alavet on August 26, 2010, 07:59:36 PM
For sure add your opinions, I think it will be great if we can quote different users' opinions about eaach spell if needs. (with diff. colours)

As for STR vs TO i acually really forgot WH rules :) i just thought that if WS vs WS passed and IF STR not doubles TO (when STR doubles TO unit dies no matter how wounds he have) it has no efect.
obviosly if STR vs TO will get a rather good boost (in case you hit)

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Jeronimo on August 26, 2010, 08:55:59 PM
I have read everything. Very interesting opinions about Spells Alavet.

Da Krunch is very good spell... Its like a Lobber hit which enemy cant guess: in middle of battles, a stationary regiment will receive a big damage. Makes my brother scream when receives the impact.

Fire Swords should be Level 2. (throws 7 swords, yes, with high unaccuracy)

Black horror Arzubanipal should be Level 2. (like Cold Wind with bigger radius)

Ice Shards is very good spell, if you know how to target. There is a specific point to make all shards hit the enemy causing up to 10 kills (in fact they are 10 shards).

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: olly on August 26, 2010, 10:04:17 PM
Great work Alavet, this Topic definetly deserves to be a Sticky!

I personally love using Shield of Cold to protect my chosen troop against Missile fire, since there is only 1 Shield of Ptolos.

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Ghabry on August 27, 2010, 05:32:58 PM
Really nice job alavet, when the discussiono here is finished I will add the texts to the Magic Item category.

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Wkurwiony on August 27, 2010, 06:08:07 PM
Great work Alavet, this Topic definetly deserves to be a Sticky!

I personally love using Shield of Cold to protect my chosen troop against Missile fire, since there is only 1 Shield of Ptolos.

i dont find shield of cold or shield of ptlos to be very effective, but when you cast shield of cold on a regiment with shield of ptlos than such a regiment can survive a lot and i mean A LOT :]

and imo best spells out of each magic school are:
- The Burning Head
- Ice Shards
- Fists of Mork
- Blade Wind

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: alavet on August 27, 2010, 07:45:05 PM
well i thought like maybe you have some insight at mechanics :) and ya, maybe we should so the same for items

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Jeronimo on August 29, 2010, 05:55:01 PM
@Wkurwiony: I just hated once when "Shield of Ptolos + Shield of Cold" on my Pistoliers failed.

I thought, what a wonderful reason to continue combining both. :'(

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Wkurwiony on August 29, 2010, 06:56:01 PM
well its still a dice roll game, i remember that regiment survived 3 direct mortar hits with one troop dead, and if this combo fails you have, you have to be unlucky ;]

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: RopeDrink on August 31, 2010, 04:35:06 AM
I find that the Ice Spell and Shield of Ptolos totally depend on the level of the attack being absorbed. You can't always expect to go unscathed when a unit is hit full on from a Mortar Blast but I've seen it happen. Both soak up typical attacks like Arrows very well and serve as a solid protective buffer for any regiment you want to push on towards enemy artillery or archers. They are not a guarantee'd protection but 50/50 chance is you're going to reduce damage by a hefty amount when using them.

Some protection is better than no protection at all. Bare in mind the Shield of Ptolos also increases Armor x1 making it far more worthwhile to have than, say, the Enchanted Shield.

Fireball > Doombolt > Brain Bursta.

Fireball inflicts AoE Fire Damage making it a multikiller Plus you have units that are flammable.
Doombolts are single target but the damage can sometimes be resisted (though not often - Depends on the level of the enemy target).
Brain Bursta is single target and I believe there is a mental check to see if it works - More often than not it's pretty useless against anything other than weak units like zombies, goblins, ghouls etc

Sanguine Swords are very effective (situationally), especially against units persuing your Mage. If an infantry regiment, for example, is trying to chase down your mage and you are at a sufficient distance, you allow the swords to inflict (with decent accuracy as it's a straight line) multiple casualties while simply walking away. Its not good to have this active near enemy regiments engaged with your own troops because friendly fire is possible, though.

Flame Wall is the same, situationally. You can't call a spell 'crap' just because a Human Player might move their regiment out of the way. Depending on the regiment, it can still inflict casualties before they escape and even then it greatly hampers their charge ability making it a very good defensive tool. Offensively, using this with Crimson Bands is DEVASTATING to anything and everything.

Flaming Skull is my No.1 spell of all-time. It can burn right through entire regiments and every hit incurs a mental check which often succeeds. One hit from this spell is often enough to kill Zombie regiments, flee Wraiths, Wights, Ghouls, all greenskins and major damage to flammables (Mummies/Treemen etc). It is by far one of the most lethal spells with WOJ (1 spellpoint) with decent range and speed. It's only situational against fast moving regiments (Cavalry) as they may dodge it or are in a position to catchup with the mage if you risk casting it.

Hawks of Miska is the same concept, minus any damage and minus the requirement of aiming. It's highly effective against any cowardly unit and a big possible bonus against regiments engaged with your own troops when looking to force a flee. Yes it can be easily resisted but when its not it'll kill 'death when broken out of combat' units (zombies etc) instantly and gives a good chance of turning a fight around.

Ere we Go is a big boost to any regiment and I find the results are pretty typical. Greater Strength = greater kill ability. To the person above who mentioned that it ups Damage vs Armor, do consider that some Armorless targets may be carrying shields and I suspect the effect is also the same versus magic shields like Crystal Cloak.

Ironically the most potent anti-magic I find is Mork's Banner. Has a very high dispel chance and instantly kills any magician as soon as they are touched, no exceptions. Beats all spells and Dispel Magic hands down but the problem is it has a huge chance to dispel friendly magic as well from really big range.

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: alavet on August 31, 2010, 06:28:06 AM
hey guys give me mod rights for thsi thread so i can make it in better view or do it yourself. i need to include post 3 to post 2..

Hey RopeDrink, are you gonna stay at thsi forum for a while? I like that you have long & detailed posts. I wish to see you at the battlefield at the upcoming tournaments
http://forum.dark-omen.org/tournaments-b32.0/ (http://forum.dark-omen.org/tournaments-b32.0/)

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Jeronimo on August 31, 2010, 12:53:52 PM
@RopeDrink: In my opinion, Spelleater Shield is the most effective anti-magic. More than a shield, performs as a Forceshield. Obviously can negate most of your magic attacks since absorbes almost everything in its area.

As alavet says, you should take part in a DO tournament (if you like competition).

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Darkmancer on August 31, 2010, 05:32:22 PM
From what i've observed of them:

I think hawk of mista forces the enemy to take 2 fear checks, once at the start of the spell then a 2nd check half way though.  its quite effective vs stuff with ldership 7 or less but it's effectiveness rapidly drops.  Your lucky to panic elves at lvl8.

Blade wind works like h2h combat, I disagree with Jero though i think it goes thou w/s toughness and unusally for a spell armour before it hits.   Like hawks i think it has 2 rounds and if it gets any hits in those rounds it causes a fear or panic test.  I used to like/dread this spell alot however most mods make low class units tougher and it seems to be less effective now,  its handy in that you dont need to aim or have LOS for it to work.

Edit - done a bit of googling the only mention i could find of blade wind said it tests vs w/s and armour only ignoring toughness.  This is quite possible how it works in DO.

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: olly on September 02, 2010, 11:13:42 PM
I've started to add the Warhammer Rulebook descriptions to Magic.

http://en.dark-omen.org/magic/waaagh-magic/index.html (http://en.dark-omen.org/magic/waaagh-magic/index.html)

As a possible insight (inspiration for testing in game etc.) of the game mechanics.


ps. i tried to combine your posts but there was a maximum word limit.

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: BlueLobster on September 04, 2010, 12:45:11 PM
I find that the Warhammer Rulebook descriptions are not a good representation of how spells work in DO.  Here are my thoughts on some examples, as well as their game effectiveness:

1. Doombolt is one of the most interesting spells in the game.  It is a guaranteed kill against most targets - even a BG knight.  It will only kill a single target at a time, and so it does not do area damage.  The fact that it does heavy damage is evidenced by being powerful enough to set small buildings alight with one cast.  (In the Sylvania level with the Vampire Lord, most buildings are set alight with between one and three doombolts, whereas it takes about seven fireballs).
However, it has almost no effect on the mummies on the final stage.  Twenty doombolts did not kill a single mummy!   This implies that there is some way in which the effects of the spell can be resisted and negated by a tough target. 
In the old Warhammer rules, Doombolt was a power two spell that did D6 S5 hits (against buildings and warmachines it was D6 S10).  A mummy was T5 W4 so twenty dommbolts would have caused 20-120 S5 hits, which have a 50% chance of causing a wound each.  The D6 factor also means that multiple targets could be slain.

2. Gaze of Nagash.  I find this to be more powerful than Blast or Gaze of Mork.  A single cast can kill a treeman or a steamtank.  I have had instances where it has passed through three dispel magics and slain my bright mage.  It is also very effective against mummies. 
In the old Warhammer, it did 2D6 S4 hits with no armour saves.  This would not be sufficient for it to kill a T7 W6 treeman (a S4 hit has a 1/6 chance of wounding a T7 target) for example. 

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: BlueLobster on September 04, 2010, 12:53:11 PM
3. Arnizipal's Black Horror.  One of the worst spells in the game imho.  It has the same property as the Wind of Cold in being able to travel indefinitely, but its damage output is very poor, sometime zero, and is of course a power three spell.  In Warhammer, it was a power three spell that used a 3 inch diameter circular template which travelled 4D6 forwards from the caster each turn.  Everything it moved over had to pass a Strength test on a D6 or be slain.  For typical infantry, a clean pass over a block of S3 would cause 50% casualties; 33% for S4 etc.  It does not do anything like this in the game! 

4. Fists of Gork.  The D6 S6 hits in the Warhammer description is nothing special (how many times can you roll a '6' to get an extra D6 S6? an average is about three kills), but in DO it is absolutely devastating.  One of the best ways to take out the BG in multiplayer! 

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: BlueLobster on September 04, 2010, 01:17:52 PM
5. Ice Shards.  This spell takes some practice to aim so that all the shards hit the target regiment.  It does very good damage against weak targets, such as skeletons, but this is offset by its short range. 
One of its most interesting properties is that each ice shard is treated as if it were an individual spell.  This means that three ice shards hitting an enemy mage will remove all three dispel magics, and if more hit after that, then damage will be done.  Further, you can exploit this property to target one of your own units with the Spelleater Shield.  A single cast should be enough to fill your entire magic pool as each shard gets absorbed and coverted into a magic point!!!  But beware, as the Spelleater Shield is not foolproof, and you may end up killing your own troops. 
This trick can be useful to use on the last level, where you can devastate the Dread King's army (and the Dread King himself, though to speed things up it is best to get him to put the dispel on an undead unit so you can attack him unhampered) with your Ice Mage by repeatedly casting Wind of Cold, which will travel indefinitely and beyond the furthest point that you can aim with the spell.  This can be a slow process as even with the Wand of Jet, you will have to wait for your magic pool to refill, which is where the Ice Shards technique comes in.  Eventually however, the Spelleater Shield will fail enough times that the entire unit will be slain by Ice Shards :)

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: Darkmancer on September 04, 2010, 06:02:07 PM
Thanks Blue Lobster the stuff you've come up with is quite interesting, especially Ice shards info which im going to try and incorperate into my mod.

1. Doom bolt, the only mechanic i can think of that would produce this result is if Doom bolts give multiple str 1 hits, as tou 5 is imune to str 1 hit, yet if there was multiple hits its highly likely to kill a tou 3 creature even one with multiple wounds like the BGK.  Be warey though results can be knocked off by Regiment leaders.  Regiment leaders are immune too all damage in DO until all the rest of the squad dies, any hits on them are NOT TRANSFERED and hence wasted.  If you bolt hits them its wasted.

2.  Any spell can punch through 3 dispels its just not likely, beams especially are good at punching though for some reason.  I agree that Gase seems very strong though.

3.  Arnizipal's, I suspect this spell is simply broke.  I've seen it perform well once when it wiped out an entire skeleton archer regiment (and I mean completely 16 -> 0) though i suspect instability helped.  Still I was like WTF.  TBH I doubt i'd use this spell if it cost 1MP.

4.  Fists, Ya sometimes this spell seems to go on and on.  It seem to me watching it as 3 fists are produced and they go on an on and on until the fists lose power/are defeated?!?!  This spell is insanely good :)

5.  Good catch on the spell eater, i knew about the multiple shards - i didnt know about the spell generation.

Title: Re: Magic spells description an usefulness
Post by: RopeDrink on September 04, 2010, 08:25:54 PM
To the people who replied to me on Page 1, just wanted to say thank you - Sadly I play a hefty tonne of other games, most competatively and my time with Dark Omen is purely for Singleplayer Love and Nostalgia, don't think I'd have the time for any actual tournaments but I do intend to stick around and see if I can contribute to the community  ;D

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: BlueLobster on September 10, 2010, 03:13:06 PM
Re doombolt test: I cast doombolt with the dread king through the control enemy regiments cheat at an oblique angle to the two bodyguard regiments of mummies so that it was hitting the unit from the back.  twenty doombolts and no kills.  however, when my vampire lord cast doombolt in close combat, it would usually take about three-four doombolts to kill a mummy.  i have no idea why this is: is the spell stronger at closer range?  the str 1 idea is interesting but it seems that mummies are vulnerable to them.  it is quite clear that Gaze is much better at taking out mummies, treemen, and steam tanks though. 
In any case, doombolt is far superior to fireball and brain bursta in almost all cases. 

It seems that the Spelleater shield is more reliable on the PC version.  I've only just started playing the PC version in the last month and the shield is a lor better than it was in the PS version, making the ice shards strategy more viable.  (For those who have not played it, the PS version is easier and not really worth playing, although there are some odd quirks eg the dread king's death has a heart of woe quality to it!)

Very interesting about skeletons and arnizipals.  But is their instability not limited to taking additional damage from losing combat?

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: RopeDrink on September 11, 2010, 11:01:39 AM
It's not even about losing in combat - They are flagged to take 'additional wounds' which I presume goes for all attacks, even spells, which are surely one of the most damaging methods of wounding. We all know how easy it is to annihilate Skeletons with ranged attacks (Spells especially) and yet the regular units take more of a beating.

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: cuthalion on February 27, 2012, 11:33:39 AM
An addon about Snow Blizzard and Crimson Bands.

Being useful by themselves, these spells partially solve one of the main problems during a Default Compaign:

Limited amount of overall exps your armies earn. Yes, this is a "munchkin" approach, but I always try to prepare the more armies of level 3 (or even 4) before last missions. it's problematic cause I can't kill more than computer gives me :)

However,  Wizards earn a lot of exp if enemies die from Bowmen/Artillery/Melee units while under Snow Blizzard and Crimson Bands, so wizard only needs level 2 + Book of Ashur, and then he easily earns level 3-4 w/o killing a single goblin :p

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: Ghabry on February 27, 2012, 06:37:15 PM
The wizard gets exp for kills while an enemy is blocked with crimson bands or snow blizzard? That's a really interesting find. So you basicly get twice the exp because the unit that really killed the enemy gets the same exp?

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: olly on February 27, 2012, 10:44:05 PM
Nice find, thnx


Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: cuthalion on February 28, 2012, 07:05:39 AM
So you basicly get twice the exp because the unit that really killed the enemy gets the same exp?


Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: lordbraprus on March 01, 2012, 04:47:55 PM
well.. that is usefull for the  campaign... but i would be nice a  kind of endurance, saving the armies after each battle,  until you have nothing to use, and you loose as other stills alive fighting  in a row of endurance, saving armies, earning exp and getting stronger, trying to be as full as posible. :o i always wanted that :( a saving-after-battle endurance

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: cuthalion on March 07, 2012, 06:48:54 AM
Resuming spells experience topic,
Hawks of Miska give the Ice Mage exp as well. Mine earned a little exp in a mission where he didn't kill a single enemy.

But the amount of exp was miserable, like 20 or something. Probably this works only when enemy under the Hawks is retreating and you are trampling it with your regiments. I will try to pay more attention to it next time I play an ice mage.

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: Demigan on March 31, 2014, 05:49:26 AM
Flaming head must be one of the best spells in the game, if not THE best.
By aiming it yourself instead of clicking the banner you can decimate an entire regiment. Especially with a flanking attack. The best hits are when you kill so many that the regiment re-arranges and the troops are basicly throwing themselves underneath the slow-moving Head. Whenever I throw a Flaming Head there's about 50% chance a regiment is about to shit their pants and flee.

I have different experiences with Meteor. Often it deals less than 3 kills. While it does force a few fear-checks I have much better experience with a single Flaming Head. It's also not very accurate, often missing my intended target by a Regiment's width.

Does Ere-we-go give some initiative and armour bonus as well? I always found that Regiments with Ere-we-go survived longer and had waaaaaaay less casualties even when engaged with two regiments. In fact, I use it on my Mages all the time to help them survive battles and gain XP faster since their attack spells suck. Could it be that the extra strength with possible extra initiative helps them kill units before they ever deal damage?

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: mattressses on March 31, 2014, 12:04:35 PM
Does Ere-we-go give some initiative and armour bonus as well? I always found that Regiments with Ere-we-go survived longer and had waaaaaaay less casualties even when engaged with two regiments. In fact, I use it on my Mages all the time to help them survive battles and gain XP faster since their attack spells suck. Could it be that the extra strength with possible extra initiative helps them kill units before they ever deal damage?

I can't comment on the internal workings of DO, but in 4th edition WHFB, 'Ere-We-Go gives +1 Toughness and makes the unit always strike first.

Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: olly on March 31, 2014, 12:42:37 PM
Agreed, I haven't finished adding all the Rulebook descriptions to our sections yet ->

http://en.dark-omen.org/magic/waaagh-magic/index.html (http://en.dark-omen.org/magic/waaagh-magic/index.html)


Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: olly on May 30, 2018, 09:02:02 PM
Just looking for some help deciphering the Magic files in Dark Omen please, by starting off comparing the 3 Conflagration of Doom spells, found in Magic.PLB as presumably the same spell but various levels of damage perhaps?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dark Omen\GameData\Particle


Title: Re: Magic spells description and usefulness
Post by: olly on May 30, 2018, 10:49:20 PM
Aqrit also found this information in the past ->

http://forum.dark-omen.org/tools/modding-spells-t1395.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/tools/modding-spells-t1395.0.html)

"after staring at the "magic_attribute_table" ( file offset 0x000E2FB8 ) for awhile
this is what it looks like to me..."

magic_attribute_entry (sizeof=0x28)
00000000 // ID (unused?) // matches name and desc index
00000004 // flags for? 1=spell 2=sword 4=shield 8=banner 0x10=spell_book 0x20=potion/ring 0x40=cash 0xA0(20h+80h)=staff
00000008 // flags??? (1<<3==enabled icon)
0000000C // MANA_COST
00000010 // SORT_WEIGHT ( for magic panel buttons, -1=not shown?)
00000014 // MAGIC_ID ( 1=item, 2=bright, 3=ice, 4=waaagh, 5=dark )
00000018 // ICON_ID ( from book sprite probably... )
0000001C // MAX_RANGE
00000020 // SPEED ( e.g. how fast a fireball travels towards a target )
00000024 // OVERWORLD_SPRITE 0=banner 8=chest 0x10=amulet 0x18=shield 0x20=book 0x28=sword -1=none [8's? -> starting frame?]

looks like the spell animations are not set by the "magic_attribute_table"


0x004E5800 // "soul drain spell" -- in attributes table

0x0046F9C0 // "soul drain" proc
|- 0x0046FB24 // "soul drain" remove one wound spot in disassembly

char* item_name[ 0x40 ]; // table at 0x004E28C0
char* item_desc[ 0x3A ]; // table at 0x004E29C0