Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen Community => Website Related => Topic started by: bembelimen on May 21, 2010, 12:44:35 PM

Title: Jobs on the Homepage
Post by: bembelimen on May 21, 2010, 12:44:35 PM
Here we'll post "jobs" on the homepage. Feel free to contact us if you're interested!

We need:

  • proofreader - people who look over the page and fix errors in text or logic
  • writer - people who recreate some (very old) texts, like the campaigns, and bring it up to date
  • creator - people who bring new ideas on the page (like new texts, fan fictions etc)
  • translators - we want to have as much as possible languages on the page
  • news writer- finding Dark Omen related news and post them
  • many more...

So if this offer generates some interest, please contact us at jobs@dark-omen.org

You all will be rewarded with fame and glory (and a lifetime gratefulness from the Dark Omen Community)

Title: Re: Jobs on the Homepage
Post by: bembelimen on May 28, 2010, 11:50:57 PM
Unbelievable how many users contacted us :) So be quick and contact us, too if you didn't do it already!!!