Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Rules and Standards => Topic started by: Darkmancer on March 13, 2010, 06:27:41 PM

Title: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Darkmancer on March 13, 2010, 06:27:41 PM
The aim of the ruleset has similar aims as back to basics however it is intentially more restrictive by banning certain items and units.  I'm not sure how popular it'll be because i think people tend to have a slightly overblown reaction to removal of items/units but we'll see.

The advantages over BTTR are less must have units, and a more guarentied reduction in lamnees.  Disavantages are obviously it's more restricted nature.

Aims: simple, quick, any gold amount, no pissing around, no modding, easy.

2 max of any unit type
1 max of each artilary type (eg 1 cannon and 1 motar allowed)
teleportation NOT allowed

- no camping, although suicide charges ain't required - use common sense.

The following items are not allowed: horn, grudgebringer sword, banner of wrath, sword of skabrath

The following units are not allowed:
elves (warriors and archers)

Black grail Knights

General don't play lame rules apply (Especially to vampires)

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Darkmancer on March 13, 2010, 06:31:09 PM
General affects of the ruleset are likely to be:

lower level mages, less anti magic items.

No massive effects but they are now a far more viable side.

Far more varied melee side and a high dependance on calvary.  Ice mage now more viable.

Likely to be based around a few highend units backed up by more basic melee.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: warhammerfreak on March 13, 2010, 06:33:57 PM
By elves, do you only mean archer??

I like to get the game more to meelee instead of magic and shooting, it seems like you are doing something like that.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Darkmancer on March 13, 2010, 06:41:36 PM
no i mean elves archers + warriors.

Elven warriors seem to be used more and more, they always seem to punch above their stats and gold amount too.  A tad harsh i agree, but empire has plenty other melee options.  It also encourages more calvary units as chaser/flankers.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: alavet on March 13, 2010, 08:21:54 PM
 grudgebringer sword,

why so?

and osiris will rocs.

the problem with all these systems that they dont modify unit price. for example ogres is way too costly as well as treeman so thereis basically no point ot use them, as well as high leveled troops.
so thats why i more like FO and similar systems.

points system also good since its not removing any items/regiments

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Darkmancer on March 13, 2010, 10:16:33 PM
Grungebringer is removed to prevent calvary hit n runs and there are other magical swords.

Osiris - without teleport mages have taken a big hit, so what you get a free beam spell each turn?  I doubt lvl 3 mages will be used, so lvl 1 magic = no room for wand of jet, lvl 2 mage + osris costs around 1300gp, thats a high lvl unit price which to me is fine, and you still restricted by only having 1 more slot (so no say wand of jet and anti magic banner too).

Yes there are problems with some unit prices, but to start modding them removes the point of the ruleset somewhat.  Its not like FO and various other mods dont have problems of their own. Point systems often basically remove units from the game unintentially by being cost ineffective.

Orges arn't too bad, they're more mauverable than calvary, cause fear, and due to surface contact (ie all 3 models are likely to be fighting will often out damage calvary when charging into already fighting groups.

At 7-9k you can indulge in slightly over expensive units to use as your main punching force.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: olly on March 13, 2010, 10:29:24 PM
I Love it!

A Simple, Quick ruleset that applies to any gold amount (3,5,7,9k)

Can't wait to test it out in a Tournament, as close to my own simple rules, that produced some very close/fair battles. It will really test our mettle, having to muster our skills to wield the weaker characters to maximum effect. 



Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Flak on March 13, 2010, 11:49:46 PM
just a note Ogres do not cause fear

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Darkmancer on March 14, 2010, 03:11:08 AM
Ahh yes your right the description is wrong.

Still ogres arnt a terrible unit for they're price point - although theres a few others.

I've just been messing around and I think the ruleset will work well 15 vs 15 (obviously with map patch v3) although the undead are struggling a bit i think.  Greenskins are really doing well with plentyof dosh left over for magic items, even with the loss of major units empire isn't too shabby either.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: alavet on March 14, 2010, 09:53:38 AM
 you cant afford treeman mostly :(

and i will mis Bgk playing this rules...

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Darkmancer on March 14, 2010, 05:51:21 PM
2 crossbow, 2 bowmen, 1 motar, 1 cannon, 2 halb, 2 great, 2 merc sword, 1 lvl 1 wizard + osriss (or WOJ), and 1 Treeman. + 1 potion of strenght

14 units under 9k includes treeman - none to shabby :) or you could play with 10 units freeing up a go 1600 - 1700 gp for upgrades.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Jeronimo on March 14, 2010, 08:25:20 PM
"I'm sorry Jeroimo I dislike your method of balancing, I find it too overblown." Darkmancer quote.

What should I say about yours? :)

You are taking the short path.

He who travels further,...  (how does this sentence end?)

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Darkmancer on March 14, 2010, 08:32:29 PM
..walks off a cliff.

It's not about taking shortcuts, sometimes you just want to fire up DO for a quick game, or a newbie comes along etc.  Quick random games of choas tend to be the most fun as long as they're not one sided affairs.

Often overbalancing a game with strict guidlines can take the fun out of it.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Jeronimo on March 14, 2010, 08:34:11 PM
walks of a cliff... hahahaha.

If you refer the strict guidelines of FO. They dont exist anymore. The code was removed (hamachi new link).

And "newbie" is not a excuse to do "fast systems" (anyway he will have to read all Restrictions you made).

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Ghabry on March 14, 2010, 08:53:26 PM

edit: Jeronimo destroyed the context of this post by editing his previous post. :(
Old post only contained the hahahahaha

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: lordbraprus on March 15, 2010, 12:25:29 AM
dont feed my brother jj  :P

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: alavet on July 12, 2010, 02:20:26 PM
hey remove mortairs/lobbas from allowed units at all and i will vote for it. and only 1 max canon too.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Darkmancer on July 12, 2010, 08:20:56 PM
For what reason - I dislike the removal of an entire type of unit as restrict is already quite harsh.  Maybe it'll prevent standoffs?  Hmm i'm dubious, I'll think about, any else for or against?

You are only allowed 1 arty so they won't solely dominate games.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: alavet on July 13, 2010, 09:10:25 AM
its hardly forces units to attack w/o chance to prepare or react enemy insantly after deployment stage.

thus, even without actual hits mortair gives advantae to the defending player. i found myself losing too much due of forced attacks, same goes for other players i think.

you can say that archers also forces you to attack - but they give you enough time to react. canon kinda same as mortair but have much more limiting factor of landscape and only 1 canon not that terrifying.

i plan to upload some itnresting video where mortair with perfect hit from the start killed like 16 biguns at the same time just cause i didnt moved them.

also i want some "standard middle age battles" which i doubt included any artillery at all in majority of battles.

depdning on the map, defender could achioeve perfect position for camping; some examples are tight maps on certain spots, like Vingertinne, Vampire Cavern or Empire at some points. just not enough place to come close, AND soemtimes you desperately atatcking just to save place in trade of time for other regiments on the rears.

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: Wkurwiony on July 13, 2010, 09:31:49 AM
alavet DO isnt a "standard middle age battle" :P you got mages monsters magic items etc you really want game with only melee and archers ? :(

i think that what we need is to play on a really big maps as playing 9k on maps like empire makes it very chaotic and i can agree with you that on those maps mortars that have almost whole map in their range from start are a bit too powerfull

btw maybe you play M2TW ? :]

Title: Re: Balance by restriction (RESTRICT)
Post by: alavet on July 13, 2010, 09:41:52 AM
OT: much more prefer old one Empire TW with these big ass elephants and without pistoleters. i havent played any modern version. but my brother did.

i will be happy to play Empire TW if yo ucoudl share link. Or i can sahre soem torrents if i see mroe activity in that