Title: December Tournament 2009 (Fair Omen 7k) - Undead Armies Post by: Ghabry on December 21, 2009, 12:10:10 AM
One word: Garbage! Use a grail and spam ghouls and swordsmen. Much better then wasting money for a Necromancer. Vampire is too expensive (--> Lame way to play needed) Title: Re: December Tournament 2009 (Fair Omen 7k) - Undead Armies Post by: Wkurwiony on December 21, 2009, 12:39:38 AM
Confirm, UD using wizzards is waste of money imo Title: Re: December Tournament 2009 (Fair Omen 7k) - Undead Armies Post by: Jeronimo on December 21, 2009, 12:46:16 PM
Dont agree with waste of money. In my opinion BGK can be waste of money too, if I decide to go strong vampire. Still is possible to combine BGK and a Basic Vampire, but not longer convenient to make in both high inversion of money. Just think what kind of tactic will you employ with UD (with 9k, you will be able to combine Middle Wiz+BGK and some regiments though). With this army, I only lost 1 battle, agaisnt Wkurwiony. Very interesting, that my zombies level 1 did pretty good job being "meat". My horsemen looked for weak points to charge, and my necro just was used to support with some long range attacks. Ghouls were my "strong" force to help weak Zombies (With the potion + 2 attacks they could handle most enemy elite forces :) ). Title: Re: December Tournament 2009 (Fair Omen 7k) - Undead Armies Post by: alavet on December 21, 2009, 06:56:39 PM pls indicate levels of your mages there
Title: Re: December Tournament 2009 (Fair Omen 7k) - Undead Armies Post by: Jeronimo on December 22, 2009, 12:39:57 PM My necromancer is LvL 1. In all armies I played with basic wizard. Just to spend magic points in something ;D
All UD are basical, except Ghouls which are LvL 4 FE: My melee salvation regiment. |