Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Rules and Standards => Topic started by: Jeronimo on October 08, 2009, 12:45:14 PM

Title: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on October 08, 2009, 12:45:14 PM
After revising all the weak points, I return once more with a Stronger Mod/Rulesets.

Of course... I will appreciate your opinion. I need good/bad critics.

For example:
-The new order of Regiments is horrible...
-I like the new Hit & Walk conditions!

Consider this as a "Test needed" Work. Even myself can't assure "total balance" because haven't proved how perform in battle the GS Monsters Squads (and prices in relation with Ogres).

Download (http://forum.dark-omen.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=569.0;attach=291)


First of all, extract files where Dark Omen is installed.
For not losing Original DO values, my ZIP has brings a carpet named “DO_Backup”.

Overwrite carpet "2parm" from GameData with the new "2parm" from my Mod.
This carpet has all the Regiments changes/new organization.
To patch EngRel, you must use program LIPS. My EngRel archive brings the new Items costs:
1) Run Lunar IPS program, press "Apply IPS Patch" (a window opens), click on the Heart Icon called FO.EngRel from my Mod. A new window opens…
2) “Select File to Patch”: change Type below from "Most Common ROM Files" to "All Files (*.*)" and click on the EngRel archive of Dark Omen (with this you change the Old EngRel for the New).
After patching, a message will appear saying that you have made the operation successfully.

Returning to original game is the same procedure (using obviously the Backup archives).

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: bembelimen on October 08, 2009, 04:15:33 PM
I have some problems to understand some points:

WALK: The problem is “Hit & Run” tactic of Wizards.
Condition to activate Hit & Walk: You must have 5 or less Army’s Regiments.

So this means, if I'm a good player and kill enough regiments from my opponent, I will get punished for this and have to curtail my wizard?

BUG: This word refers too Wizard’s bug when it gets stuck and cant use magic.
To solve the problem, enemy must engage him in close combat as soon as possible.
The Wizard cant be attacked during Bug and when problem is fixed, he has first 5 seconds of Immunity

So I have to attack the wizard, but I'm not allowed to attack the wizard  :o ? And when there is a CC I'm not allowed to hit the wizard? Or do I have to flee? Or how should I guarantee its immunity?

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on October 08, 2009, 10:05:01 PM

First of all, thanks for revising the text and writing your doubts.

I re-upload the doc with those sections better specified. Also I forgot to remove some "old version" info.

Your questions has been responded in new archive.

WALK: Problem is not Hit & Run. That tactic is allowed. The main resolution of my new conditions is providing protection to small armies or to those who are losing the battle against a single super wizard.
If you are good player,you will try to do all damage you can, always trying to not killing his regiments, but yes damaging them preety well.

Because the Wings should have been a spell of 3 points (and everything solved), this rule should be taking into account to also make Hit & Run less abused.

BUG: Magic Immunity (now clarified)... Yes that part was not clear...

I appreciate your post: is needed to correct some "loose texts" or similar, you understand.
Keep writing :) .

Can you delete first attachment? This new has been pulished up.        Thanks Gabriel. ;)

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jim on November 29, 2009, 04:46:58 PM
After I played the November tournament, with 3k/10 system, I really think that I'll vote for FO as a format of the next one.
The battles from the FO-tournament were the most exciting and fun DO-games which I've ever seen.
3k/10 and 5k/10 are quite boring I have to say.
Don't know why. (Videos just proove it).
So I would really advise for the community to think about FO. And may be make some collaborative effort to make the system more perfect (although it was pretty much balanced already).

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Nitrox on December 01, 2009, 02:37:24 PM
After a first tourny i told i will never play more FO, my decision not changed.

I'm not saying that FO is a bad system, but i dont like it.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 01, 2009, 10:40:37 PM
@Nitrox: I want to hear your dislikes at least (if isnt much effort). Better a rude commentary instead of incognity.

I suppose that was the "whole unique experience", dont know Nitrox... tell me why ur feeling of disaprovement.

PD: Im a bit "dissapeared" from activity in the forum. Means Im waiting for a special moment.

With my return, I will propose a Mini-Tournament at middle month with the goal of testing new features with Community. Everyone will be invited (included you Nitrox).

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Nitrox on December 01, 2009, 10:53:00 PM
I'm dont like it.... By total, sorry but i need to think bout arguments i made this post by quick. But i'm dont like it by total :P dont ask me why, it's my feeling. And btw, i'm not "All" of the players for community, so why you wanna change my decision about FO? Improve it for others players i'm maybe join it in future......

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 01, 2009, 11:00:04 PM
Haha Nitrox! I either dont know why my obsession with you.

OK if you have a negative feeling about Mod, but not nothing else.

See you in future... Nitrox.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Nitrox on December 01, 2009, 11:05:08 PM
Yes i'm got negative feeling dont know why, maybe because in first FO tourny ...I will say the truth, the mod has suck, Hit And run, Many Black Grails etc, etc.... If player's will tell me that it's a good mod i will try it :P.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jim on December 01, 2009, 11:14:26 PM
With my return, I will propose a Mini-Tournament at middle month with the goal of testing new features with Community. Everyone will be invited (included you Nitrox).

Great idea! I'll stay tuned ;)
Cause 1 tournament per month is not much.

But I must get the most precise instructions about patching DO for FO. Cause last time I did it — it was a disaster. Had to reinstall DO totally after all, which was pain in the butt.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: bembelimen on December 01, 2009, 11:18:58 PM
Cause 1 tournament per month is not much.

As we said a lot of time: feel free to create your own tournaments in the tournament forum, it is not admin only, everyone who found enough member can create a tournament and if someone want to moderate an "official" (bad word, I know) tournament, we're happy to give you the chance, just PM me ;)

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 02, 2009, 12:04:25 AM
Interesting. Tournaments every 2 weeks would increase +50% activity and Hall of fame score.

Some players may prefer Tournaments with more money, others with less money (without mentioning the preferences for systems).

I suggest Middles & Ends of each month. MT (middle Tournament), ET (end Tournament).

Examples: January MT 5k/FO (Middle January Tournament, with 5k, system Fair Omen)
              January ET 9k/DOTS (End January Tournament, with 9k, system DOTS)

Of course 2 days to confirmate, playing saturdays, etc... Whats your opinion?

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 02, 2009, 02:17:36 AM
Admins: I actually never thought FO was going to be vote for a Tournament again... seeing that some are interested I hurried my production (I was working in something simpler, in all terms).
This is a request of replacing the version again, I had enough time to meditate and recreate Mod.

I promised once Total Freedom. Nothing like playing a Tourney naked, but yes free choices in the armybuild.
This time I could achieve in my ambitions: 36.000gc all Regiments and 10.000gc all Items.


First of all, extract files where Dark Omen is installed.
For not losing Original DO values, my ZIP has brings a carpet named “DO_Backup”.

Overwrite carpet "2parm" from GameData with the new "2parm" from my Mod.
This carpet has all the Regiments changes/new organization.
To patch EngRel, you must use program LIPS. My EngRel archive brings the new Items costs:
1) Run Lunar IPS program, press "Apply IPS Patch" (a window opens), click on the Heart Icon called FO.EngRel from my Mod. A new window opens…
2) “Select File to Patch”: change Type below from "Most Common ROM Files" to "All Files (*.*)" and click on the EngRel archive of Dark Omen (with this you change the Old EngRel for the New).
After patching, a message will appear saying that you have made the operation successfully.

Returning to original game is the same procedure (using obviously the Backup archives).

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: alavet on December 02, 2009, 07:12:03 AM
hi Jeronimo, i've just noticed that in current version of .doc file there is a modified units in q-ty (like Gigantic Spiders   3) or (Giant Scorpions   6   1800)
are you going to submit this sytem as it is, or you gonna change it back to original regiment heads?

i personally very like idea, but just to know.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 03, 2009, 07:36:39 PM
Answering the question to Alavet.

Yes, of course they will keep at 3/3, 6/6. Im eager to test them in battlefield too.

The "changes" I did were something like... Normal Goblins Infantry 240 initial cost instead of 300... things like that.

Previous FO: Scorpions 6/6 were at 1200. In the update they are at 1800gc (+600gc because dont really how good are, but I suppose they will have very good performance).
Similar with Spiders 3/3: Previous were at 660, now at 960.

Reason is to destroy my SEC idea for a Mod that pretends Freedom in choices, so you see these "high prices" in order to dissuade... same did with other Cool Regiments. A bit more expensive that should be.
Not special troops, like goblins or empire fighters have still their normal-low start prices.

PD: See the new DOC has only 6 pages!       Before had 9 pages...

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: hari8 on December 06, 2009, 05:23:46 PM
Hmm, if i want to open the zip, it says:

"Insert the last data medium of the sentence/setting in and then klick ok"

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Ghabry on December 16, 2009, 05:39:32 PM
Btw an easier way to patch it:
Download the attached archive of my post.

Extract Fair Omen/2parm Folder to GameData/2parm as usual (make a backup!)

Then extract FairOmen (the file without an extension) and itemcost.exe in your PRG_ENG/PRG_DEU/PRG_FRA Folder.
Drag&Drop (that means "grab" FairOmen-File with the mouse and move it on the itemcost.exe).
When the program asks you enter engrel.exe (or whatever the name of your executable is) and press Enter.
Done! The Patch is language neutral.

If the program doesnt run (Application/Side-by-Side Error) install this: VS2008 C Runtime (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9b2da534-3e03-4391-8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf&displaylang=en)


Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Flak on December 16, 2009, 09:17:58 PM
im having a problem with this, when i write in "engrel.exe" i get "file not found"

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 17, 2009, 06:49:23 AM
@Flak: The problem you refer to is with the new way discovered by Ghabry...or using written instructions?

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: hari8 on December 17, 2009, 04:38:19 PM
However, I had that Error to, but with Ghabry's help and a bit time it worked...

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Flak on December 17, 2009, 08:45:05 PM
yes its with ghabry's way

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Ceyl on December 18, 2009, 04:54:53 PM
Does Fair Omen have any different Rules, or can you just buy Units like you want to, even with ranks?

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 18, 2009, 07:45:59 PM
Ceyl. The Mod doesnt have special Armybuild rules: freedom at will.

The only things u should know is: MAGIC WORDS.
In doc its explained what is that mini-code for battlefield.

Only 3 words: BUG, WALK, DRAW. read with attention what means each one, and what happens when these words are written by a player.

Thanks to all. I hope this Tournament, FO leaves better flavor than before.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Ceyl on December 18, 2009, 11:02:53 PM
What program shall I use to open the doc? Editor does not work to good.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 19, 2009, 12:38:52 PM
".doc"    with Microsoft Word. It's all text.

About installation, did you have any problem?

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Mr Shadow on December 19, 2009, 01:02:21 PM
I have the same problem with Ghabry´s patch, that's to say that I get the message that Engrel.exe can't be found.

What is the solution?

Mr Shadow.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Mr Shadow on December 19, 2009, 02:43:07 PM
Alright, I figured it out!
Instead of drag-and-drop the patchfile (FairOmen) to the program itemcost.exe,
I right-click on the patchfile and choose "open with", find the itemcost.exe program and hey presto! Works marvellous! ;D

Mr Shadow.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 19, 2009, 03:11:42 PM
 :D great!

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Ghabry on December 19, 2009, 03:28:05 PM
hm. I can reproduce that it cant find the engrel.exe under windows XP. Will take a look at it later ;)
Thx for the workaround

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 20, 2009, 11:00:05 AM
FIRST COMMENTARY (After 2º Tournament)

This December Tournament showed that you can expect great battles at 7k, even with Total Freedom Armybuild.

After experience, i felt there was a General feeling of approval concerning to new FO. (of course there are stil some fixes to do about balancing, but it has been a "great possitive jump" from 1º FO).

I have many good memories, some deeds to remember. Many battles were "too close winning" which is what we seek... suspense till the end.

One of my best battles was at begginig against Ceyl. He might remember Drakenhof Castle: GS vs GS.
A lot of maneuravility. Pure Dark Omen micro from both sides. GS as usual retreat, but then rally soon, which gave battle a special taste.

One of my favourite moments was killing Wkurwiony's Shaman with a grudbringer fireball at long range, I just clicked on his wizard and fireball travelled at slow speed like 1 kilometer, and then he felt the fire in his clothes and started running away, all burned and screaming.

I strongly regret haven't recorded such nice battles with all participants. Next time I ll be prepared to record.

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Ghabry on December 29, 2009, 10:07:14 PM
Looks like everybody loves Fair Omen. Zero comments since the tournament about balancing or how it was to play with this ruleset ;).

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: lordbraprus on December 30, 2009, 09:13:57 AM
that is good¿ or was sarcastic :S

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Jeronimo on December 30, 2009, 05:43:43 PM
 ;D Ghabry. I know these days, "community is away" waiting until next Tournament voting.

However... i heard positive opinions, instant opinions the day of the tournament in the hamachi channel. Things like "enjoyable tournament", "crazy armies", "exciting battle"...

Imagine that even Nitrox told me had a good time :)

To me is enough. That day wont be forgotten: Our first 7k Tournament!

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: lordbraprus on January 29, 2010, 06:40:56 AM
(http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/4468/mainmenu.png) (http://img211.imageshack.us/i/mainmenu.png/)

OH MY GOD next month a new generation of fair omen game play will arrive , and will arraise your souls and smelt your flesh and kill every little one cell in your body


Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: alavet on January 29, 2010, 07:02:21 AM

Title: Re: FAIR OMEN (After 1º Tournament)
Post by: Flak on February 27, 2010, 03:21:05 PM
not to be a fly in the ointment but i cant read the txt file, could you copy it into wordpad for me plz
i have the old txt file but i guess its been updated