Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Singleplayer => Topic started by: Driant on January 15, 2021, 08:14:49 AM

Title: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: Driant on January 15, 2021, 08:14:49 AM
Hello all,

Not sure if I'm posting to the correct place, but I've upscaled Dark Omen cinematics to 1080p, removed the black bars, removed some noise & sharpened them. Wanted to share the results with you. Used something called "Topaz Video Enhance AI" for it. Tbh it did most of the work by itself, I just played a bit with the presets.

There were a few details it thought was noise and removed (like snowfall in Nagash cinematic), but I believe the overall result is very nice, and enjoyed rewatching the cinematics in their new 1080p (kinda) glory. It also gave me a reason to play the campaign again for the millionth time.

A few screenshots of before-after, in case you don't want to download/watch the actual videos, but curious about the difference;

Before-After Images
https://imgurp.com/Vwe9D91 (https://imgurp.com/Vwe9D91)
https://imgurp.com/BjN27qa (https://imgurp.com/BjN27qa)

I'd advise you to download from Dropbox for the full experience, as YouTube does its thing, and compresses videos kinda badly.

YouTube Playlist - All Cinematics - Somewhat badly compressed
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdR6C7mhiuUb3mODFOthS-BrGovFpOGVy (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdR6C7mhiuUb3mODFOthS-BrGovFpOGVy)

Dropbox Downloads - Much better quality
1 - Intro
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bisz3nzoe1a4iez/01%20-%20Intro.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/bisz3nzoe1a4iez/01%20-%20Intro.mp4?dl=1)

2 - First Mission
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kpmipycxhi5krw2/02%20-%20First%20Mission.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/kpmipycxhi5krw2/02%20-%20First%20Mission.mp4?dl=1)

3 - Liber Mortis & Volkmar
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0de7rojz1opoi61/03%20-%20Liber%20Mortis.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/0de7rojz1opoi61/03%20-%20Liber%20Mortis.mp4?dl=1)

4 - Mannfred von Carstein
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocl9u0i815kanli/04%20-%20Mannfred%20von%20Carstein.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocl9u0i815kanli/04%20-%20Mannfred%20von%20Carstein.mp4?dl=1)

5 - The Hand of Nagash
https://www.dropbox.com/s/csi0jwhbngsjeu8/05%20-%20Hand%20of%20Nagash.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/csi0jwhbngsjeu8/05%20-%20Hand%20of%20Nagash.mp4?dl=1)

6 - The Black Grail
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8fo0e57lvntmtif/06%20-%20The%20Black%20Grail.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/8fo0e57lvntmtif/06%20-%20The%20Black%20Grail.mp4?dl=1)

7 - March to the Black Pyramid
https://www.dropbox.com/s/dtl8g1pt23s0ex7/07%20-%20March%20to%20the%20Black%20Pyramid.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/dtl8g1pt23s0ex7/07%20-%20March%20to%20the%20Black%20Pyramid.mp4?dl=1)

8 - Victory - The Ending
https://www.dropbox.com/s/dj082y6vuenkhvk/08%20-%20Victory.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/dj082y6vuenkhvk/08%20-%20Victory.mp4?dl=1)

9 - Defeat
https://www.dropbox.com/s/s7ucnp080wukdzi/09%20-%20Defeat.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/s7ucnp080wukdzi/09%20-%20Defeat.mp4?dl=1)

10 - Credits
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uw1sfjh97qqarfs/10%20-%20Credits.mp4?dl=1 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/uw1sfjh97qqarfs/10%20-%20Credits.mp4?dl=1)


Title: Re: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: olly on January 15, 2021, 09:24:52 AM
Amazing, they've never looked so good. Well done and great idea, many thanks. They will be perfect to include in the DOR (Dark Omen Returns remake project) but also enjoying watching them.


Title: Re: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: Driant on January 15, 2021, 10:43:37 AM
Oh, haven't thought about the remake project, I'll be very happy if these end up there some day, cheers!

Title: Re: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: Jaroslav80 on January 15, 2021, 06:52:48 PM
Thank you Driant, the videos are great. Finally also my children like the cutscenes. The Hand of Nagash cutscene I remembered for years.

Title: Re: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: killemore on January 15, 2021, 10:45:43 PM
That's pretty amazing! Really good job on that.

Title: Re: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: Driant on January 17, 2021, 11:48:38 AM
Thank you for all the positive responses, glad you liked them.

@Jaroslav80 Nagash was my favourite cutscene, the scenery is so beautiful. I've used the below snap as wallpaper for many years!


Title: Re: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: Kyjja on April 03, 2021, 09:54:53 PM
Thank you very much, glad to see the videos in modern resolution.

Title: Re: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: Driant on September 10, 2023, 11:46:54 AM
The dropbox links are dead.

Link to all uncompressed files are below. You may want to download them directly instead of streaming as compression destroys the darker scenes again.


Title: Re: Dark Omen Cinematics - Upscaled with AI
Post by: olly on September 13, 2023, 10:02:56 PM
Fantastic! Thanks