Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

The Remake Project => General Suggestions => Topic started by: olly on August 20, 2012, 07:20:25 PM

Title: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: olly on August 20, 2012, 07:20:25 PM
Check out Leopotam's Russian possible Dark Omen remake project

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzl8Hy-SwX8&feature=relmfu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzl8Hy-SwX8&feature=relmfu)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FktrbI2nltc&feature=relmfu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FktrbI2nltc&feature=relmfu)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ha5iA6Jy5Y&feature=relmfu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ha5iA6Jy5Y&feature=relmfu)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFdVyMkog-w&feature=relmfu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFdVyMkog-w&feature=relmfu)

I have contacted him to offer our assistance and joy at such a project and hopefully will receive a reply soon,

http://leopotam.blogspot.com (http://leopotam.blogspot.com)


Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on August 22, 2012, 05:33:36 AM
Good day :)
Main goal for this project - make something like WH:DO on Desktop or mobile platform with adaptation for touch screens.
Maybe, it will be interesting for somebody from community:
1. I need help with understanding of battle mechanics (with simplification for computer game).
2. What about new features (addons, editors, new mechanics)?
3. Art. In any side of this acronym (units, maps, objects and so on).

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: olly on August 22, 2012, 07:55:15 PM
Hi and Welcome,

sounds like a good plan and i pledge my service to you, as I can provide sprites and 3d scenery/character models and maps etc. and i'm sure many other fans will love to help where they can.

Battle mechanics - a good place to start is understanding how Shadow of the Horned and its sequel Dark Omen, adapt the Games Workshop Fantasy Edition rulebooks into a computer game

http://forum.dark-omen.org/singleplayer/sothr-game-mechanics-stats-t273.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/singleplayer/sothr-game-mechanics-stats-t273.0.html)

As for more stuff to add in, I own all the rulebooks so there is alot of mechanics to still include.

Please keep posting your ideas and concepts for us to enjoy and contribute -exciting times indeed!


ps. Darkmancer created a good previous draft documentation that maybe useful to look at

http://forum.dark-omen.org/jims-remake/jims-remake-project-t1088.0.html;msg11065#msg11065 (http://forum.dark-omen.org/jims-remake/jims-remake-project-t1088.0.html;msg11065#msg11065)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: olly on September 12, 2012, 12:18:59 AM
Dark Omen Remake Wishlist

Having recently been learning more from Leopotam concerning his Desktop remake project in Unity 3D, he has asked for any suggestions of what we would like to see added to a sequel of Dark Omen ->

A successful Dark Omen Remake must retain Dark Omen's core engine parts such as True Line of Sight, Attack Ground for those intercept shots from Artillary/Archers (instead of only being able to target the enemy) and Unit Stats/Combat Melee based on the Warhammer Fantasy Rulebook System. Solid Regiment Formations (unlike Mark of Chaos),Attack from rear bonus etc..., Magic/Teleportation/Dispell/Anti magic, Camera control and UI of banners/buttons and of course be Multiplayer. All of these combined make Dark Omen unique and sadly there has never been another game that replicates the feeling of playing Dark Omen.

Hopefully with Leopotam's skill we maybe able to play such a sequel and since we have all played the majority of RTS/RTT games over the years, there must be alot of stuff we would like to see being included in the remake project, such as ->

1)  Control upto 20 or more units in both Single and Multiplayer
2)  Battle against more than 30 AI units per map
3)  Custom Mixed Regiments such as Archers flanking infantry but all moving as one (Kohan 2 allowed this and also the ability to add a healer)
4)  Drag select on regiments and assign them to Ctrl1, Ctrl2 etc.. groups
5)  Bring back flying units like Dwarf Gyrocoptor and Wyvern from Shadow of the Horned Rat (SOTHR) that can only be intercept by tall Rat Ogres.
6)  Allow very large maps (1km x 1km)
7)  Multiplayer upto 8 players or more with AI taking over from dropped players like in Company of Heroes
8 )  Your own units can be assigned AI (like in SOTHR) that can be set to attack/ Fire in range but also to retreat back to safey when half dead (Warzone game did this i think)
9)  Better Graphics for Maps and Sprites  (Dark Omen maps are only 256 colours and its sprites use 16 colours)  
10) Easy to mod and add new magic, troops, audio, AI scripts, Custom Single Player Campaign Routes/Choices to travel free on Campaign Map.
11) Morale increase from Hero or General radius.
12) Healing wells like in BFME LOTR
13) Destructable Walls and Buildings
14) Persistent Online Multiplayer Campaign Maps
15) Co op modes with other players
16) Drop/Lay dwarf mines/explosives
17) Sea and Ships (can be done in original using new sprites and making water the playable areas but cliff borders to prevent land units in water and ships out of water, Man O' War!)
18) Record Battles
19) ....will add more soon.

Please Post your ideas and there is more to include from Mikademus' own list ->

http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/Wartbed:Brainstorming (http://wiki.dark-omen.org/do/Wartbed:Brainstorming)



Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 13, 2012, 01:31:34 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYt3tqfbMSk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYt3tqfbMSk)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: baabroy on September 15, 2012, 01:02:12 PM
its good job i see that your work is good.
but the graphs can little bit better of the armie's/

but here is my wish list:

1. undeath campaign
2. orc campaign
3 undeath dragons normal dragons and for the orc  a wyvern
4 a regiment of little flying dragons like like 10 smal flying dragons with riders on it that throws javelins.
5. bigger story cause i'm a story liner

this is my wish list but.
i got lots of more idea's for the undeath campaign etc.
and the orc campaign like lots of idea's.

i want to see more of your work of dark omen 3d so keep it on ^^

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 15, 2012, 03:24:38 PM
but the graphs can little bit better of the armie's/
Very simple: want new graphics - just create it and you will see your art inside game. If you want, I send requirements for graphic content.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Ghabry on September 16, 2012, 01:26:55 AM
It's nice to see some progress in this project. Squad movement and reposition seams to work fine, good job.
I don't know much about Unity, only that its quite easy to use and runs on many plattforms. Multiplatform support is important imo.

I will not post any feature wishes at the current state of development. Good luck in getting the basic stuff (map loading, enemy movement (and fighting)) working at first. :)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Darkmancer on September 16, 2012, 10:40:05 PM
Looking good although the troop movement looks a little off which may be down to no unit animations yet.

In DO when you issue a movement command typically the squad reforms then moves like:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIILNn3qaFg&feature=context-cha (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIILNn3qaFg&feature=context-cha)

Wish List
Dynmic Lighting - looks awsome

Well designed featured level design tools - a must if you want to generate intest in people creating new levels / campaigns.

Talking Heads

Some simple environment effects - Water can be frozen, fire can spread.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 17, 2012, 05:16:58 AM
Looking good although the troop movement looks a little off which may be down to no unit animations yet.
You right - there are only "idle" animation. Olly work on it.

Wish List
Dynmic Lighting - looks awsome
Not a problem, but for what? Terrain? Units? But unit is just billboard, not eral 3d model. I can support bump mapping on it (can add more realistic shining on fake planes of unit sprites). What about light sources? Sun? Spells? Are you sure, than it really need?

Well designed featured level design tools - a must if you want to generate intest in people creating new levels / campaigns.
Olly says, thats no need user addon feature. So, he use unity3d IDE as designer and then will send content to me to pack inside one package - there no public ways to do this by your self (I dont want publish main game sources).

Some simple environment effects - Water can be frozen, fire can spread.
Fire - not a problem, water - visual effect (I hope). But it will be not a obstacle for units.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Darkmancer on September 17, 2012, 09:26:41 PM
No feature is essential, just the more features the better the end product will be its upto you if you think the work is worth it.

Lighting & Shadows
Essential no, but the effect from a burning head wizzing past your troops during a night time battle would be just wargame porn :)

It doesnt have to be pixel perfect it's not a fps, typically the camera is what 100 - 200 ft from the troops themselves, so just tinting the sprites, and a elongating blob under neath would do, (or use shadows from trasparent cylinders?).  Maybe a glow from your troops during night time  battles would be a cool effect to.

Fire/Water cool enough, i'm surprised you can't create tempory barriers/access's thou.

Level/Sound/Unit/Campaign Design Tools,
Ya i've just had a quick look into unity and see the packager problem.  The way around it is to load content from a server which we can provide.  Perhapes it's something to add in later one once the basics are in, but out of anything you can add this is what will create community & interest, first thing people look for (besides getting the thing to run) is new mods for the campaign.  It doesn't require the release of any source code, just how the data needs to be presented.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 17, 2012, 09:31:02 PM
Fire/Water cool enough, i'm surprised you can't create tempory barriers/access's thou.
If use static navmesh + mobile agents - its not simple task (I dont want add new mobile agents, its may be bad for perfomance).

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Darkmancer on September 18, 2012, 01:19:09 AM
I don't know enough about unity to properly comment.  But what you using for pathfinding round your squads?

If a player creates a unit of zombies that will create a moving shape altering pathfinding block, the firewall spell is no different. 

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 18, 2012, 05:23:44 AM
Each squad = sphere detector. If not use navmesh for pathfinding, squad will try to move right to target and avoid obstacles from left or right side without knowledge - can squad walk from this side or not. Just obstacle avoidment. But navmesh can be used only in pro version and I will use free unitysteer without navmesh.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 18, 2012, 04:36:57 PM
Need volunteers to test touch gestures and perfomance on android. Please, PM to me.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 19, 2012, 07:03:50 AM
Public test (apk package): http://goo.gl/EquP9 (http://goo.gl/EquP9)
  • Android 2.1 and higher (multitouch)
  • ARMv6
  • gles1.1 support

Need to know:
  • correctness of gesture detection (navigation by tap and drag, zoom by pinch, rotation by 2-fingers "wheel" gesture)
  • overall perfomance (average fps)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Darkmancer on September 19, 2012, 10:24:56 PM
Hope it goes well, unfortunatly i've the fruit based phone.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: olly on September 19, 2012, 11:18:54 PM
Sounds good, wish i could test but I don't have a smartphone either, only a desktop pc. Can u play android stuff on windows emulation or similar? Although without a touch screen it wouldn't be much help sorry.


(please, please, please remake a pc desktop version instead)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 20, 2012, 06:41:26 AM
Hope it goes well, unfortunatly i've the fruit based phone.
Sorry, but apple builds wants macos ($1.5k) + dev-account ($99 per year) + personal apple hardware (iPhone $1k / iPad $0.5k) + unity3d iOS license ($400). Im not richman for to do something for this platform.

Sounds good, wish i could test but I don't have a smartphone either, only a desktop pc. Can u play android stuff on windows emulation or similar? Although without a touch screen it wouldn't be much help sorry.
I can create build for pc, but it will be not correct test (mouse use as touch simulator of one-touch gestures) - I need to test multitouch gestures.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: lordbraprus on September 22, 2012, 04:09:43 PM
hi, nice job :)

i just wonder, in the end, youwant to make a DARK OMEN remake, or  a "standar" game with fantasy creatures.

anyway, i can help with the art stuff , like, desing a menu, drawing, icons pictures, but i need to know how many bits 8 16 32 or what, do you use? i can draw in pc, or in paper and then scan..

some examples of drawings:



Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 22, 2012, 06:13:27 PM
i just wonder, in the end, youwant to make a DARK OMEN remake, or  a "standar" game with fantasy creatures.
DO remake for mobile devices. And than, maybe, for desktop.

anyway, i can help with the art stuff , like, desing a menu, drawing, icons pictures, but i need to know how many bits 8 16 32 or what, do you use? i can draw in pc, or in paper and then scan..
32 bit png. Rendered animated models from 16 sides preferable. Each animation can contains one or more frames.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 23, 2012, 11:38:09 AM
or  a "standar" game with fantasy creatures.
Maybe, I dont understand you. Of course, Any content from "warhammer fantasy" universe cant be used.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: alavet on September 25, 2012, 06:56:57 PM
how can i test your game? I have androind and willign to test :)
can you maybe pale it into google market?

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 25, 2012, 08:06:35 PM
how can i test your game? I have androind and willign to test :)

Sorry for delay, but very busy on main work. You can test this:
Public test (apk package): [url]http://goo.gl/EquP9[/url] ([url]http://goo.gl/EquP9[/url])
  • Android 2.1 and higher (multitouch)
  • ARMv6
  • gles1.1 support

Need to know:
  • correctness of gesture detection (navigation by tap and drag, zoom by pinch, rotation by 2-fingers "wheel" gesture)
  • overall perfomance (average fps)

can you maybe pale it into google market?

Its very-very-very early pre-alpha, just prototype. :)
Current task - banners rendering without large amount of draw calls and with similar DO-banners behaviour.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Ghabry on September 26, 2012, 05:58:41 PM
I have a multitouch touchpad but the Android Emulator does not support multitouch.
When I try to run "Dark Omen" I get "The application has stopped unexpectedly".

Installed via "adb install -r do2-client.apk", emulator runs Android 2.1 ARM.

logcat says: "E/Unity   (  263): CPU features not supported! (no ARMv6+ / VFP)". (Emulated CPU is too bad)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 26, 2012, 06:22:11 PM
Yep, and hardware accelerated opengl (gles1.1) not supported by emulator too. About touchpad - what about specs? Just say name of this wonder piece of hardware :)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Ghabry on September 27, 2012, 01:14:29 AM
Thats just the touchpad that is integrated in my new(er) laptop.
Device Manager says "Elan Smart-Touchpad"

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: Leopotam on September 27, 2012, 05:03:23 AM
:))) Look at requirements.

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: lordbraprus on September 29, 2012, 09:23:50 PM
i just wonder, in the end, youwant to make a DARK OMEN remake, or  a "standar" game with fantasy creatures.
DO remake for mobile devices. And than, maybe, for desktop.

anyway, i can help with the art stuff , like, desing a menu, drawing, icons pictures, but i need to know how many bits 8 16 32 or what, do you use? i can draw in pc, or in paper and then scan..
32 bit png. Rendered animated models from 16 sides preferable. Each animation can contains one or more frames.

So , the units animations are 16 instead 8 like dark omen , and the point of view, is the same as dark omen, from top, angle? :)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: alexKhvorov on July 31, 2013, 08:16:59 PM
check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4dnfjr16EM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4dnfjr16EM)

Title: Re: Leopotam's Unity 3D Dark Omen possible remake project
Post by: olly on July 31, 2013, 09:56:57 PM
Wow looks great and would be fantastic to see a successfull remake project, please let me know if I can help at all.
