Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen => Help Section => Topic started by: Amartus on November 15, 2011, 06:27:23 AM

Title: Warhammer: Dark Omen Texture Switcher 1.00
Post by: Amartus on November 15, 2011, 06:27:23 AM
Hi there

I have recently tried to use the dots.exe which I downloaded from Wirtualny Warhammer (http://www.blitz-art.neostrada.pl/ww/dots.zip (http://www.blitz-art.neostrada.pl/ww/dots.zip)).  However, whenever I try to run the .exe file - which has been placed and pointed to the correct installation direction I get the following error message:

Error: The selected Dark Omen installation directory is not valid.

Please select the Dark Omen root directory (like 'C:\Program Files\Dark Omen\').

As I said above, I find this very confusing, as C:\Program Files\Dark Omen\ is exactly where Dark Omen is installed.  What precisely am I doing wrong?

Many thanks in advance,

Title: Re: Warhammer: Dark Omen Texture Switcher 1.00
Post by: Ghabry on November 16, 2011, 12:49:51 PM
Hi, we also have a texture switcher on our website http://en.dark-omen.org/downloads/start-download/5.-miscellaneous/textureswitcher.html (http://en.dark-omen.org/downloads/start-download/5.-miscellaneous/textureswitcher.html). Maybe it works better for you :).

Title: Re: Warhammer: Dark Omen Texture Switcher 1.00
Post by: MightyThor on January 03, 2012, 12:56:24 PM
You have to use the Maximum Installation option, when installing the game. Otherwise (medium and minimum installation) the files which should be switched (renamed) by the textureswitcher remain on the CD only.