Title: December 2010 (Jan08) Empire Armybuilds Post by: alavet on January 09, 2011, 12:03:05 PM that army i enjoyed the most. well Empire always have a superior range weapons of death.
all tactic was about treeman, and since its placed i had to adjust army around him, cause he costs a lot. what do you guys think? maybe we need to increase treeman back to 3 points? i reembered a wide debates back to times when treeman costed 3 points, and we were considering make him cost 0 points. but conquest changed our opinion there..
Title: Re: December 2010 (Jan08) Empire Armybuilds Post by: olly on January 09, 2011, 12:17:03 PM I fought against the Treeman with several people last night and lost each time, so he maybe too strong but then again, if I had a fire Item then he would be at risk.
Title: Re: December 2010 (Jan08) Empire Armybuilds Post by: Jeronimo on January 09, 2011, 04:52:53 PM Dont change treeman. Its ok at 2 points.