Title: new game: Spectromancer Post by: alavet on December 11, 2010, 12:33:47 PM hello friends i invite you for the one of very interesting strategic game - turn based card one, but unlike MTG you alwasy get random deck.
avg battle could usually last not more than 15 minutes making its very good when you have lack of time but dont know what to do. that game have something similar to chess but not so much complex (or better say complex in other aspects). similarity is in fact than in order for a solid win you need to plan 2-3 turns ahead. i have recommendation from Jeronimo - he played this game a lot already. you can download free demo here, and there is free internet battles, but only with one "free" class (out of 6 possible classes). there is no other downsides to play that class, its absolutely similar (balanced) as any other classes. just you cant use cards of other classes and sometimes its sad. msg me if you want further info ( im not anyhow affilated with developers, the game just awesome by itself :)) www.spectromancer.com (http://www.spectromancer.com) Title: Re: new game: Spectromancer Post by: Jeronimo on December 12, 2010, 03:14:04 AM Spectromancer is an interesting card game. Its easy to learn, but difficult to master.