Title: Total War Games Post by: HanBatie on November 15, 2010, 02:36:40 AM Hi, I'm a bit new to this forum.
I have recently finished Dark Omen, and I went to look at similar games to play. After finding SOTHR, which I failed to launch, the most Dark Omen like games I found were the Total War series. If you think about it, they too give you control of large groups of people, in regiment. They too have a lot of special effects. The thing that differs is that they have an additional place where you do economics, and they are never: meaning better graphics and more ways to do battle. I would like to know your opinions about Total War series, and whether they are a real substitute for Dark Omen. I would also like an advice on where to download the right SOTHR, and how to launch it. Title: Re: Total War Games Post by: olly on November 16, 2010, 02:01:03 AM Welcome, Great Time to Join
http://forum.dark-omen.org/introduction/great-time-to-join-t696.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/introduction/great-time-to-join-t696.0.html) Shadow of the Horned Rat for Windows XP/Vista/7 and also Playstation Emulation for PC http://forum.dark-omen.org/tactical-wargaming-and-other-warhammer-games/shadow-of-the-horned-rat-t121.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/tactical-wargaming-and-other-warhammer-games/shadow-of-the-horned-rat-t121.0.html) The Total War Series is a Great Topic for discussion, I personally loved Shogun and Call of Warhammer Medieval 2 Mod. They all capture Cavalry and Archers really well but lack Magic and Intercept Shots (no attack ground) but are certainly the closest thing to Dark Omen. We have a section for similar games as well. http://forum.dark-omen.org/tactical-wargaming-and-other-warhammer-games-b24.0/ (http://forum.dark-omen.org/tactical-wargaming-and-other-warhammer-games-b24.0/) One of the Original Dark Omen Artists (Tresdern) went onto work with the Total War series. :) Title: Re: Total War Games Post by: Mikademus on November 20, 2010, 02:13:53 PM Hi!
The Total War games are really nice tactical games. They focus on a different scope and more realistic settings than Dark Omen so they are not replacements, but they are certainly some of the best tactical wargames you can find! I myself would recommend the Medieval II or Napoleon titles, but I'm quite stoked about the upcoming Shogun II game! Title: Re: Total War Games Post by: HanBatie on November 29, 2010, 06:38:21 AM Thanks for informing me Olly. I've started the SOTHR now.
Title: Re: Total War Games Post by: HanBatie on November 29, 2010, 06:45:16 AM I've played only the Roman Total War, and I was just interested what would you recommend.
I agree with what both of you said about about the series, but I think it has a giant drawback compared to Dark Omen. It's battles were not planned out, and so left me a memory of great computer stupidity which almost never happened on Dark Omen. I agree that they capture cavalry and archers well, but I think they focus too much on individualism and not groups and units. But they are definitely more realistic. Title: Re: Total War Games Post by: Mikademus on November 30, 2010, 01:11:28 AM Actually, I agree with you. What makes DO the fantastic game it is is partly because of the solid regiment formation and unit handling, and the Total War games always have felt a bit too "malleable" for me, formation impact-wise. So aye, for me the formations over individuals are part of what makes DO a better, or more fun rather than realistic, gaming experience.