Title: a newby with a few questions about DO improvements Post by: gesaugen on September 13, 2010, 07:48:45 PM Hi all
Recenty I've tought of playing DO once again and the it crossed my mind that here must be a great community with all kind of mods and improvements for the game. and here it is ;) but the problem is that I cant find anyting to download! all i can see are the projects and textures but none of the improoved textures, new units, artefacts, scenarios... so could anyone help me to upgrade my game with new stuff to make it better? thnx! :) Title: Re: a newby with a few questions about DO improvements Post by: olly on September 13, 2010, 11:02:24 PM Hi and Welcome, Great Time To Join!
http://forum.dark-omen.org/introduction/great-time-to-join-t696.0.html (http://forum.dark-omen.org/introduction/great-time-to-join-t696.0.html) :) Title: Re: a newby with a few questions about DO improvements Post by: gesaugen on September 14, 2010, 04:43:40 PM thanks m8! Thanks A LOT!!! :)
Title: Re: a newby with a few questions about DO improvements Post by: lordbraprus on September 18, 2010, 03:45:28 PM there are no official grapchis patches , what there are , is diferents modd for multiplayer gaming, that mods brings new units banners etc.... while some users make that mods and balances...
look i posted this to an user.. we have a lot of new stuff. in one hand, olly is advancing a lot in the development of new maps, new 3d objets.., me and grend making new sprites, there a lot new sprites (used in diferent rulesets or mods) and we keep making tournament each last saturday of every month, and because there are several ruleset or mods to play (made by diferents users : me, jeronimo, grend, wkuwiorny, Darkmancers, etc) players sign in the tournament and vote 1 ruleset to play, the ruleset with more votes is the ruleset that will be played in that tournament here there is a list of all rulesets , you can link in the name so it directs you to the topic of taht ruleset. http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/list-of-all-rulesets-t829.0.html;new#new (http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/list-of-all-rulesets-t829.0.html;new#new) DO7 is my ruleset, Fair Omen is Jeronimos ruleset, New Balancer is wkurwiorny rulest, Dark Omen expanded is Grend ruleset and so on.. [/b] AND THIS TO OTHER since there are nice tools to modify the game and make new grapchis and units, some members of the forum 3 or 4 maybe, have decided to make a own mod or ruleset. so, new users are scared because they see a lot of ruleset and say "wh.. wh.. what do i play" well the situation here is that each tournament, players have to sign in and with the sign in they have to vote a rulest, the ruleset with more votes, win. thanks to this, we have variated tournaments, because some mods add new units from warhammer tabletop game, others not (they only balance price items and units prices/sizes) , there are 2 mods that actualizes the dark omen original rules and atributes (4th edition of warhammer rulebook) to the last edition , the7th right? and so on... maybe, and maybe , you wonder why there are mods beside the original game?¿... it is simple, the dark omen original multiplayer game mod, is totally unbalanced with some fails in the special abilities of regiments and the relation of price/unit render is bad.. the most notable example i give, that is very clear is this : the unit WIGHT from undeads, is a 9 men regiment that in the first lvl it costs 1050 gold, then in the next lvl 4200 and finally 8400, so that means that if you buy a regiment of wight lvl 3 you will have only 600 gold left to buy others regiments (if you choose 9k goldcoin), and the thing is that wight is a horrible regiment that if they retreat (attacking from behind or flanks) they rout and perish (die), the cost doesnt worth it, with 8400 you can buy 7 BLACK GRIAL KNIGHTs that they shure will kill a lot, so there you find another imbalance.. the cheap black grial in relation to wights... well in the game there are a lot of things like this, so like i told 3 or 4 members of forum took the initiative of make own balances based on the multiplayer games experience here i give you links to some mods: here FO fair omen , it is a mod based on original dark omen edition (4th) http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/fair-omen-2010-t666.0.html;msg8381#msg8381 (http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/fair-omen-2010-t666.0.html;msg8381#msg8381) here new balance 9k , it is a mod that add 3 or 4 units as you will see in the topic , and i think it is based on original 4th edition too :S http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/new-balance-9k-t793.0.html;msg8294#msg8294 (http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/new-balance-9k-t793.0.html;msg8294#msg8294) this one is mine :$ , it is a mod that actualizes the rules and atributes to 7th edition, and add a couple of units http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/dark-omen-7th-editon-do7-t794.0.html;msg8299#msg8299 (http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards/dark-omen-7th-editon-do7-t794.0.html;msg8299#msg8299) here the dark omen expanded, a mod that adds like 7 races o dark omen http://forum.dark-omen.org/dark-omen-expanded-b50.0/ (http://forum.dark-omen.org/dark-omen-expanded-b50.0/) that are the most worked rulesets, you can see the others here http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards-b47.0/ (http://forum.dark-omen.org/rules-and-standards-b47.0/) join this tournament bye bye Title: Re: a newby with a few questions about DO improvements Post by: ColdcrushFire on September 26, 2010, 04:27:48 PM Hey all,
i am new here too. What a great community!!! Title: Re: a newby with a few questions about DO improvements Post by: Wkurwiony on September 26, 2010, 06:22:43 PM hey there welcome
Title: Re: a newby with a few questions about DO improvements Post by: Mikademus on September 26, 2010, 11:46:09 PM Hey all, i am new here too. What a great community!!! It is indeed! Welcome! :) Title: Re: a newby with a few questions about DO improvements Post by: olly on September 26, 2010, 11:55:12 PM Hello and Welcome!
Hope to see u on the Battlefield soon. :) |