Title: August Tournament 2010 DO7 7k Greenskin Post by: alavet on August 29, 2010, 12:22:28 PM I like this army too, its not very boring due the fact i have lobber and have to micro it, and it showed overly good statistics. I lost this army once vs Jeronimo Undeads.
during the tournament i had 4x3 fights so just you keep in mind
Title: Re: August Tournament DO7 7k Greenskin Post by: Wkurwiony on August 29, 2010, 12:56:33 PM
And this army was a complete trash lost all games with it, but i hit a spot with giving helmet to rock lobber as in 2 games they tried to use fire to kill it hehe. Still it sucked cant say which regiments were good in GS, maybe trolls and cav would be better and whitout mage as he is a waste of gold, fists can only work vs UD and vs UD you will propably loose anyway. i hope to see other armies Title: Re: August Tournament 2010 DO7 7k Greenskin Post by: Jeronimo on August 29, 2010, 06:06:08 PM
Here you have Wku!! This is my army to victory! vs UD i won once (Darkma Army). But then... Alavet can tell you how they fought vs his UD... very bravely, shoulder to shoulder?? :) Title: Re: August Tournament 2010 DO7 7k Greenskin Post by: lordbraprus on September 05, 2010, 11:13:37 AM hehe here my super orcs, i won with themn all battles i think (3)
snotlings are nice, they dont kill, but they hold the line time enought for letting your troop kill othes regiments and then charge from behind to the regiment that is fighting snotlings ;) right? wku :P |