Title: June Tournament 2010 9k New Balance - Empire Armies Post by: Wkurwiony on July 11, 2010, 10:38:35 AM
This is empire army i used in group stage, heavily defensive as you may see. I wanted to do something similiar to my favorite army build of greenskins but forgot that mobiles artillery that have status "archers" run like hell when it is being charged.. Static arty pieces stand ground much longer duuh ;] Didnt liked it and after group stage i knew that from all 3 races this one is the weakest and it must be changed. So i used my limit of 1 reserve armybuilt (great rule btw :]) and played this one that was also created before tourney but felt more solid
This army happened to play against both of the Argentinian brothers that used Horn ;] And it just so happened that both of their armies were defeated, but in very close games hehe. Wish i played this army from beggining Fun fact : snow blizzard dont prevent regiment from using Horn ;] Title: Re: June Tournament 2010 9k New Balance - Empire Armies Post by: Jeronimo on July 11, 2010, 11:04:20 AM
Nice army, thinking in the resting 5k I had left after buying the Horn of Urgok.. Lame? Dont think so. Horn fails many times, you know the expression "broken". I preferred this instead of 2 Imperial Mortars + uber wizard. Title: Re: June Tournament 2010 9k New Balance - Empire Armies Post by: Wkurwiony on July 11, 2010, 11:39:29 AM after game i didnt meant that your armybuilt is lame, at start you said to me not to play lame and as the game ended very close i said that it wasnt lame after all ;]
you know i think rulesets are there to prevent any kind of lameness, so that player dont have to think about what not to use what buy what not to do.. i just want to make an armybuilt and dont think about anything else during game than how to win and ice mage wasnt that uber ;] snow blizzard didnt prevent horn from use |