Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Warhammer Dark Omen Community => Website Related => Topic started by: alavet on May 21, 2010, 06:31:32 AM

Title: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: alavet on May 21, 2010, 06:31:32 AM
hello i had a big problems to conenct this forum about at ~9-12pm GMT+3 yesterday.

was it a temp maintance or will it happen again? IT WAS SAD

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: Ghabry on May 21, 2010, 07:45:11 AM
This must have been a fault on the side of the webhoster, we did nothing :) so it could happen again ^^.
But I can't remember the URL where the hoster reports server errors *g*.

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: alavet on May 21, 2010, 08:02:18 AM
hwo much it cost to support forum & server, if not a secret?

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: bembelimen on May 21, 2010, 12:25:32 PM
There was a spontaneous maintenance  jobs at the server, a RAID-rebuild. Sry for the trouble caused.

hwo much it cost to support forum & server, if not a secret?

20€ per month

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: alavet on May 24, 2010, 06:19:24 AM
well i must say i cant connect it from my home whole weekend.

i guess i should ask my provider soemthing (now i have access from my work). what kidn of information should i requrest for my ISP?

could u please formulate it for them?

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: Nitrox on May 24, 2010, 11:01:52 AM
For me forum worked yesterday and in saturday.

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: bembelimen on May 24, 2010, 01:01:22 PM

I asked our hoster, and he didn't changed anything. Could you please make a tracert to the forum and post the result?

start => (execute) => cmd.exe => type: tracert forum.dark-omen.org

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: alavet on May 24, 2010, 01:29:03 PM
oh lol. sicne im at work i wouldnt post full tracert which i need to pass in order to get this site. there is 18 diffirient addreses

last one is gn2-host4.de

ill try it at home and post it there tomorrow!

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: bembelimen on May 24, 2010, 02:15:51 PM
I'm more interested in the not working tracert ;)

Edit: if your connection with the page still does not work at home, feel free to send me an email with the tracert result: benjamin@dark-omen.org

Title: Re: Server was down 21 May everning Europe time
Post by: alavet on May 24, 2010, 05:14:49 PM
i re-installed network conenction at my PC and it suddenly worked!