Title: March Tournament 2010 (5k/15) - Undead Armies Post by: Wkurwiony on March 30, 2010, 10:32:31 AM Undead Armies
post your armies here
This army win 1 and lost 1 ;] I lost in final against Alavet in a very close battle that ended in 3 mummies attacking 1 necro, basicly Alavet destroyed my necro by teleporting behind mine and attacking what caused my necro to run away, and Alavet never let go so i lost a necro with pretty good spells early on, only managed to cast 2 spells on his ghouls ;]
And this is my second UD army, it won 2 times and lost once. Won a close battle with Flak in final with this vs his empire army, i had to make some teleporting with my vamp to get my troops to his lines ;] It ended in 5 halbardiers marching against my bloodied vampire. And i lost with this army to Alavet's empire army in a group phase. 3x flagls treeman elfs and bright mage was too much for them ;] Title: Re: March Tournament 2010 (5k/15) - Undead Armies Post by: alavet on March 30, 2010, 05:20:08 PM
this army felt very good, especially after reaing some things from your FO tourney which i hadnt participated, like "spam infantry'. i tried spam infantry, but got owned pretty hard. i think 1 regiment should be changed to wraights, but need money for that. i lost this army to Flak's w/o chances, but vamire is SOOO good.. Title: Re: March Tournament 2010 (5k/15) - Undead Armies Post by: Darkmancer on March 30, 2010, 08:07:22 PM
The other game was against alavets 3x flag + treeman + elves which i don't think any undead or greenskin army could win against without some serious luck, except with maybe crappy hit n run? Title: Re: March Tournament 2010 (5k/15) - Undead Armies Post by: Flak on March 31, 2010, 12:02:25 AM
I felt this army was my weakest and yet it served me well, securing several wins, i belive it was only defeated by Wkur in the final, in our closest battle, if my vampire had avoided Morks banner my flanking move on the balista's may have worked. It defeated alavet when meeting his almost identical army my vampire turn the battle in my favor. Title: Re: March Tournament 2010 (5k/15) - Undead Armies Post by: lordbraprus on March 31, 2010, 02:49:00 AM this my honey UD armie
(http://i43.tinypic.com/33o7dy0.jpg) X1 wights X3 ghouls X1 necromancer X1 skeleton horsemen (defaince, skabrash and ashur book) |