Title: Bugs Post by: Grend on March 17, 2010, 12:53:22 PM Post suspected bugs here, please include pictures as well if it is a visual bug.
Known current bugs: -Sometimes Goblin tribe lists dont work: Cause Unknown -Butcher has no magic item slot (Fixed Next Version) -Miners crash the game some times when they teleport: Cause Unknown but easily fixed Title: Re: Bugs Post by: Ghabry on April 04, 2010, 09:38:08 PM Not a huge problem:
In nearly every folder is a File with System attribute (= Hidden even if hidden files are marked as displayed. Usually used to hide critical system files but exploitet by OneNote ;)) with the name "Innholdsfortgnelse for OneNote.onetoc2". Must be some OneNote feature to hide the Table of Content... To display them go (in the explorer) in the Menu Extras->Folder Options. Then Tab View and Uncheck "Hide protected System Files (recommended)". Now you should be able to delete them ;). Title: Re: Bugs Post by: thelastarmada on February 01, 2015, 07:35:34 AM Playing single player campaign
Grissburg town mission What appears to be Dark Elf warriors have some strange bug where i cannot kill them, and well this. Title: Re: Bugs Post by: olly on February 01, 2015, 10:28:14 PM You have the same mod versions as me and I just tested DarkOmenExpanded DOE mod and the Dark Elf Warriors are normal and examining the enemy army in Wh32Edit shows nothing unusual. So advise finding another Dark Omen CD as sounds like you have similar problem as kaoriyuides did with indestructible mummies, perhaps.
http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/cant-kill-2-last-mummies-in-the-regiment-sometimes-t1255.0.html;msg12735#msg12735 (http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/cant-kill-2-last-mummies-in-the-regiment-sometimes-t1255.0.html;msg12735#msg12735) :) Title: Re: Bugs Post by: thelastarmada on February 01, 2015, 10:35:06 PM You have the same mod versions as me and I just tested DarkOmenExpanded DOE mod and the Dark Elf Warriors are normal and examining the enemy army in Wh32Edit shows nothing unusual. So advise finding another Dark Omen CD as sounds like you have similar problem as kaoriyuides did with indestructible mummies, perhaps. Im using a legit copy of DO, it was only that one regiment.[url]http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/cant-kill-2-last-mummies-in-the-regiment-sometimes-t1255.0.html;msg12735#msg12735[/url] ([url]http://forum.dark-omen.org/help-section/cant-kill-2-last-mummies-in-the-regiment-sometimes-t1255.0.html;msg12735#msg12735[/url]) :) when ever they'd get in combat there would be no animations for them or my units in combat with them. Strangely tho both units of DE warriors would "catch" fire upon charging. Title: Re: Bugs Post by: olly on February 01, 2015, 10:54:15 PM Just retested DOE Grissburg, allowing both Dark Elf warriors to charge and attack but no flames or indestructible, unfortunately. So maybe switch mods and then back to DOE to reinstate maybe? very strange as the only difference between us is our Original Dark Omen files, as you have my Mods folders.
[attachment=1] When you downloaded my 3 folders (PRG_ENG, armytmp and Mods) to get Mod Selector to work, what combination of EngRel.exe did you use (3D or Not3D) and what versions of darkpatch.dll worked for you? (Win7 or Win8 version). So copy and paste your working versions from C:\Program Files (x86)\Dark Omen\PRG_ENG into DOE C:\Program Files (x86)\Dark Omen\Mods\Dark Omen Expanded\Prg Title: Re: Bugs Post by: thelastarmada on February 02, 2015, 12:01:04 AM Im using the windows 7 dark.dll
and the 3d ENG_REL.exe. Ill give it another go when i get home from work, maybe its just a random bug. |