Title: 5k/15 Armies(Undeads) Post by: Nitrox on August 30, 2009, 02:38:29 PM Post here your's 5k/15 empire armies, that you usually plays :).
It will be great if players post here theirs armies, commenting, and exchange suggestions :). Title: Re: 5k/15 Armies(Undeads) Post by: sipax on August 30, 2009, 06:24:38 PM Its hard to insert a table. So i will go in other way:
1) Necromancer. [Book of ashur] 2) Skelly Horsemans. 3) Skelly Horsemans. 4) Skelly Horsemans. 5) Arrer skellies. 6) Arrer skellies. 7) Ghouls. This army suposed to cause MAXIMUM fear. This army is very mobile as well, but will lose if failed to rout opponent with cavalry. Necromancer must have Blades spell to be maximum effective. (so he can kill enemy archers & strong units with BoD) Archers is support units, which can go to melee if needed. But they also can fire the slow units, or fire to other targets. This is not good army, its just my favourite one. Title: Re: 5k/15 Armies(Undeads) Post by: bembelimen on August 30, 2009, 06:45:38 PM Its hard to insert a table. See this post (http://forum.dark-omen.org/armybuilds/how-to-create-an-armybuild-topic-t459.0.html) ;) Title: Re: 5k/15 Armies(Undeads) Post by: alavet on August 31, 2009, 06:27:14 AM i actually liek your army Nitrox. it might deal well if faced with medium or small sized armies, sinec opponent should have at least 1 regiment in reserve to kill you wraights and if opponent amry will be diveded enough you might kill rest with grails. hovewer it can't handle against big crowds, but still is very enjoyable to play (as any other army with grail)
some "standard" lines with grail, hovewer, is a more regiments to provide some support for grails. |