Title: Darko & Heavy Metal movie video Post by: Crusoe on August 20, 2009, 01:52:17 AM Maybe some of u have seen this video before, maybe most have not seen it...
I did this video originally on VHS system about 1998 included editions an audio mixes, now im proud to see it on youtube after transformed in digitalized codec, so if u see some lines or low quality on video is due to vhs system. why heavy metal ??? because i'm a heavy metal eater. My favorite bands are german, i envy u guys. Pls enjoy and feel free for doing commentaries, no matter if they are bad ones !!! AMV metal church & warhammer dark omen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTiW6fli9T4#normal) Title: Re: Darko & Heavy Metal movie video Post by: DjLeBomb on July 15, 2010, 02:15:52 AM 8) Great job!
besides made originally in VHS! you have a merit, no doubt of it. How do you first have the idea? you saw the videos and then find the music, or the music take you to the vids? the final with the drums and the Black Grial coming out is superb. |