Title: July Tournament 9000/30 - Undead Armies Post by: alavet on July 26, 2009, 09:20:56 AM
well, i liek this build very much, especially if you get lucky and get teleport for your flying death (vampire). this army is good in defence and might do some offence (even mummies so slow they feel OK even after few direct lobba shots). vamp is just running over the map and using his osiris as a sniper rifle to kill enemy mage/vip regiments. however i was ending up with my vamp somehow killed but then mummies usually end up match against 3-5 regiments at one time. i was surpised by the good LS of mummies - at one battle they stayed like 3-4 turns agaisnt 4 regiiments w/o banner (and few ones attacked them from roar during the battle) and didnt paniced. i think this amrybuild shows that mummies shod be reduced i ncost cause 7/5 seems too low for them. p.s. 2 mummies lvl1 were able to kill lvl3 bgk of olly. even though i was scared at moment when i saw 7/9 mummies fighting agaisnt 12/12 bgk... |