Title: Weird problems Post by: edmaclen on March 23, 2009, 02:21:53 PM Hi eveyone,
I got a nostalgic urge and tracked down an old copy of the game for the pc (I used to have it on the PS). I've got it started up absolutely fine with no problems getting to the start menu or onto a game. However I have 2 problems that I can't seem to fix: 1) The whole screen is about an inch to the left of my screen so i'm missing a bit right on the left hand side. I've tried loads of different resolution settings and compatibility modes to no effect. 2) More worryingly the game does not respond to any keyboard commands making playing quite difficult. The keyboard works fine as I can still preform windows commands like Alt + F4. It's a logitech wireless model name Y-RK49. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Title: Re: Weird problems Post by: Ghabry on March 23, 2009, 05:18:11 PM Do you have a CRT-Monitor? You can move the screen with the help of the configuration buttons.
On TFT-monitors you can press the Auto-Adjustment Button. |