Title: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 18, 2009, 06:55:09 PM hello everyone
We have all completed the campaign many times and even tried to make little changes ourselves My new invention is a Goblin Campaign Join Rahkahn the Strong and his rouge band of renegades in their quest for coin, artefact's and dwarf gold. Rahkhan is the leader of a Goblin army, he is feared by the Empire and the by the Orcs alike for his ferocity in battle. Even in single combat Rahkahn is dangerous rumor goes that he killed an ancient vampire once and took his lightning staff. Rahkhans 2nd in command is the Night Goblin Captain Tulip Nose. Nose is a veteran of several Orcish invasions of the Empire. His Goblin warriors are some of the best Goblins around. The story of his name is that he got bashed in the head by an Ogre shield when tryn to capture an Ogre artifact. There is so far only one battle ready as not all battles can be edited and the only way to find out is by hit and miss method. Hope you all like it Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: bembelimen on January 18, 2009, 09:45:05 PM Hi Flak
Very cool idea, I tested it and it worked proper. Good job. But I have a few suggestions:
And a last question: Did you win with the greenskins agains the empire? :-X But anyways, very good. I'm looking forward to the next release. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 18, 2009, 10:00:22 PM Thanks bembelimen for playn and commenting
Yes its because ive since realized that the unit leader sprite is meant to be "Balista" and the men "Orc Boys" or maybe ill even make em "night goblins". Im a little nervous about changing names and number just incase theres a code connected so the banner name and the actual banner may not be the same but ofcz it remains to be tested I have extended the campaign ive created all the player regiments and edited maps to B2_04 There is a problem with editing Undead armies as Zombies being raised from the ground causes some problems, but im working on it. Regardless the greenskins will be transformed into humans and dwarfs Just like Morgan, Rahkhan will encounter many different units on his way and the ranks will be swelled with more than just goblins however the goblin regiments will grow strong and be quite a solid force. Being that the campaign has one less fighting regiment from the start cz Rahkhan has taken Morgans Cavalry spot, ive given Rahkhan stronger stats to count up for the fact that he is a wizard and warrior like the vampires are. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: olly on January 18, 2009, 10:06:59 PM Great Stuff!
(http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/2632/gob1in6.jpg) (http://img150.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gob1in6.jpg) (http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/gob1in6.jpg/1/w640.png) (http://g.imageshack.us/img150/gob1in6.jpg/1/) Our shared Dream has alwasy been to make the Trading Post (Map 1) into a goblin Camp (we can add the Orc tents already (using Mikademus' Map Text Editor) and change (using Rob's BTB Editor ) the positions of the AI Starting points. So the Enenmy (now Human or Undead) may suddenly appear in different places. As well as making Player 1 Goblins start in their Camp. There is also talk of how to drop more AI onto the Battlefield and how to give them Basic Waypoints/Attack Triggers and Max numbers of AI allowed. :) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 18, 2009, 10:20:19 PM The first Night Goblin Balista is now in service with Rahkhans army hehe
ive made the 3 lil balistas into 1 balista and 3 goblins Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Ghabry on January 19, 2009, 03:21:01 AM Wow, a new campaign. I will check it later.
Have you edited the army with Wh32Edit? Because the program doesn't support army header editing and so the Banners will be wrong in the troop menu if you havn't used a greenskin-header. I hope you will extend the campaigns. As a new feature i thought about the map: Ghabry have anywhere a tool (or a tutorial) how to change the points on the map (where the army moves from town to town). Perhaps you can ask him. I don't have a waypoint editor (only a cheat to view them ^^). You can only change the auto deploy position. Or do you mean the overworld map? Look in the GameData\GameFlow Files with a hex editor. The values in it are x-y-coordinates (for line drawing). You can modify them to change the path they walk between the mission. (Maps are in Graphics\Maps). No tool for easy editing available, sorry :/. You can view them with the DOT-Viewer (http://en.dark-omen.org/downloads/start-download/1.-modding-tools/4.-miscellaneous-tools/dot-file-editor.html) I created some moths (years?) ago. It's not the best viewer but better then nothing ;) (the lines should be correct, except World 4 which looks strange) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 19, 2009, 11:12:05 AM Thanks Ghabry yes i have used WH32 editor and WH2 editor. WH32 to change un-encountered units and WH2 to get stats on units. Its a great tool Ghabry
I prolly wouldnt mess with editing maps and all that, im making a story to go with it that can be printed out and read as you go along. Ive played with the trade post map and i cant change anything not even add 1 goblin without it crashing so map one has to stand unchanged Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Mikademus on January 19, 2009, 04:38:22 PM This is very nice and a great initiative! If you need some particular functionality in the tools ask us about it and we'll add it if possible :)
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 19, 2009, 06:32:15 PM thanks Mikademus and ill be sure to ask for assistance
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: bembelimen on January 19, 2009, 10:20:09 PM Or do you mean the overworld map? Yep. You can view them with the DOT-Viewer ([url]http://en.dark-omen.org/downloads/start-download/1.-modding-tools/4.-miscellaneous-tools/dot-file-editor.html[/url]) That's the one i ment, but i didn't remember if it was a editing tool or only for viewing Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 19, 2009, 10:53:43 PM nope i cannot edit undead armies then it goes wrong, but the undead armies a alot more challenging with goblins than with grungebringers i can promise hehe
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 19, 2009, 11:28:09 PM HEHE look forward to the Great Forrest maps, so far thats where i am
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Ghabry on January 19, 2009, 11:56:24 PM Yes its because ive since realized that the unit leader sprite is meant to be "Balista" and the men "Orc Boys" or maybe ill even make em "night goblins". You should be able to modify anything except the "Unique Unit ID" (Earliest Apperance in Wh2Edit). Only the Unit Types should be the same (don't change e.g. Balista to Cavalry) or you'll get AI-problems (not moving units and so on...).Im a little nervous about changing names and number just incase theres a code connected so the banner name and the actual banner may not be the same There is a problem with editing Undead armies as Zombies being raised from the ground causes some problems, but im working on it. The Zombies are Hardcoded in the EngRel.exe file (together with the Fanatics), so it's a bit difficult to change them (as long as we don't understand the *.ctl-Battlescript-Format) ;). To find them just open the engrel with a hex editor and search for Fanatics until you find two regiment-blocks.Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 20, 2009, 12:13:59 AM so far it looks to me like undead battles crash if i do as much as even add 1 man to any regiment
where as orc battles i can change the whole thing with no problem Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 20, 2009, 06:37:07 PM im not far from being done now with the battles atleast, then the campiagn story needs a bit more work
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: bembelimen on January 21, 2009, 08:01:01 PM im not far from being done now with the battles atleast, then the campiagn story needs a bit more work Hehe no rush, we waited for 10 years to have such a great range of tools, so we can still wait some time ;) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 21, 2009, 08:22:48 PM hehe but i couldnt wait ;)
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 21, 2009, 09:45:29 PM Ive completed it now
Just follow a simple unzip guide and its game time If your out of touch i may suggest the tutorial one more time hehe Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: olly on January 25, 2009, 01:58:03 AM Many Thanks Flak,
This New Goblin Campaign has enticed my Bro to replay Dark Omen, after many years! :) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Ghabry on January 25, 2009, 02:14:59 AM so far it looks to me like undead battles crash if i do as much as even add 1 man to any regiment I found maybe the reason Flak: I had a bug in Wh32Edit (the Unique Unit ID var had only the size of 8bit but it must be 16bit). It's possible that this broke the missions (because the IDs where saved wrong) because the undead missions often have IDs larger then 255. The updated version (http://en.dark-omen.org/downloads/view-details/1.-modding-tools/2.-army-editors/wh32edit.html) can be found in the download section. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 25, 2009, 11:55:09 AM Ok Ghabry ill go try again, btw that intro crash fix works great i can now take screen shots and the grapics work 100% good work on that too.
Hehe im pleased to interest more people in DO Olly Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 25, 2009, 12:16:11 PM It looks like you've nailed it Ghabry, it really looks likes it. ;D
That would make an undead campaign possible ;D Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: olly on January 25, 2009, 09:13:36 PM We're loving the Campaign but do i have a early version as I get Ragnar's Wolves not Boar Boyz>?
:) (Still great Fun and we spent at least 10 attempts at keeping our Troll alive, only to have him Leave later on! This alternate unknown Gameplay is Great as Our "Winning Formula" no longer works and feels as Fresh as the First Time I played it) :) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 25, 2009, 10:40:38 PM Hehe yes i know the troll has a hard time surviving
No Ragnars Wolves are spose to be nomadic barbarians that join in. I didnt want to just add orcs. The story explains it hehe Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: olly on January 25, 2009, 10:46:35 PM Apologies,
:) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 25, 2009, 10:52:13 PM Its cool olly glad you like it
I have an update i found an error, Timor and his barbarians armour allways re-set to zero, now its working so bembelimen if you would remove the old uploaded link Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Ghabry on January 26, 2009, 10:28:53 AM so done.btw, can we expect some changes to the Undead missions because after the Wh32Edit-Bugfix it's possible to change them as you said ;) (because you also changed the greenskin missions ^^) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 26, 2009, 11:00:52 AM yeah i was thinking that but ive fitted the undead missions into the storyline but i spose i can still make em undead just change them so there is still an element of surprise
i shall be on that today i think as i am bored :D Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Mikademus on January 26, 2009, 07:32:56 PM Ghabry and Bem, can we give Flak upload access to the site so he can post the campaign and manage updates and bugfixes there? Also, perhaps we should give him a special title ;)
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 26, 2009, 10:19:17 PM I am honored Mikademus haha
ive now altered the Undead battles, they are still undead but more challenging so Ghabry could u again removed the old file and make room for Goblin campaign v2.0 if you are playn v1.0 its ok just unzip and the new battles will overwrite even ingame battles. Bugfixes Timors Barbarians armor works, it use to reset to zero after battles Ulba the Crazy now has the cheaper infantry armor not mounted armor Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: bembelimen on January 27, 2009, 12:18:45 AM Ghabry and Bem, can we give Flak upload access to the site so he can post the campaign and manage updates and bugfixes there? Also, perhaps we should give him a special title ;) Sure we can, if you want Flak want. PS: One little suggestion: can you use zip-files instead of rar? Cause some user cannot handle zip, I guess. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 27, 2009, 01:57:02 AM yes id be honored bembelimen:D
heres a zip file aswell for ya guys Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 28, 2009, 04:26:41 PM Im playn with the indea of an undead campaign, but its hard to make the battles work properly.
All battles against Humans and Orcs are too easy as they flee so constantly. I cant make em challenging enough without fighting other undead but whats the fun in that. :-[ :'( Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: bembelimen on January 28, 2009, 04:37:08 PM You could create a weak undead army like a necromancer as "hero" and zombies as followers/entourage so I think this is harder to play (the leader of the zombies should be a Wight (http://en.dark-omen.org/troops/undeads/wights.html), so they will not die when they flee). Later you could improve this army by letting archers/skeletons/a grail join etc. But if it is possible, you should also improve the enemys regiments (2 Grail Knights, various elves archer in the forest for example)
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on January 28, 2009, 10:32:13 PM Yeah that would be an idea, ghouls and zombies. Ive tried out 6 dark grail knights in a regiment but they routed 4 elven regiments (in the trade post map) alone so they are simply too powerful.
But thats a good idea bembelimen. It annoys me however that theres is only 1 undead archer unit and artillery unit. The Catapult also makes it too easy. so thats out. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: DjLeBomb on February 22, 2009, 10:56:25 PM Great job Flak 8)!! i'm enjoying the campaign :). Now, why this file is not at the download section? ???
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on February 22, 2009, 11:01:52 PM Thanks Ignacio and it is a good question why it is not in the DL section maybe we should ask bembelimen and Ghabry hehe ;D
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Ghabry on February 23, 2009, 03:00:06 AM You can find the file now in the Download Section:
Hier (http://de.dark-omen.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=23&func=fileinfo&id=45), Here (http://en.dark-omen.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=23&func=fileinfo&id=45) and AquĆ (http://es.dark-omen.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=23&func=fileinfo&id=45) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Kyjja on February 23, 2009, 10:13:11 AM You forgot " Ici " for the French guys :D
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Daviwolfy on February 23, 2009, 11:14:49 AM Hi.
Well, i have finish the campaing and i can say i have enjoy it a lot. Final map (Pyramids) really cost to me, but finally Cavalry Pistoliers with Yellow Shield (projectile protecction) and Shaman Goblin with Lighting banner gives me the victory. I wait for a new campaing....if need a tester count with me ;) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on February 23, 2009, 12:29:52 PM im glad you enjoyed it, the pyramid is very hard ive myself tested that map many times and only won twice, its harder with waagh magic as the mummies fall easier with flames
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Daviwolfy on February 23, 2009, 12:36:00 PM Well, in defense of Waaaag Magic, the goblin shaman with the magic that give him a lot of hits in combat to an unit is the best way to kill mummies, but in my game i won without this magic ;) (but with a lot of ammount of luck :D).
Really difficult campaing and a pleasure to complete it. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on February 23, 2009, 12:57:11 PM I felt that using goblins would kinda change the whole strategy of the normal campaign, the Goblin Shaman is stronger than normal shaman he has stats of a troll, that was in order to make him a unique (hero) unit
Tupi Nose's goblin warriors do become rather hardcore by the end, i tend to rely more on them than i did on the cavalry Title: Bugs Post by: DjLeBomb on March 31, 2009, 02:52:28 AM i'm still playing the campaign (yes i'm going slowly :P ) and i experienced some bugs :( ; the minors ar that when i launch the Brain Bursta spell with Rahkan, the sound that is hear at the start of the animation is the same of the coins sound when u buy a unit in the edit section ??? , and when the Staff of Osiris is used sound like a radio that speak "houston" :o , yes very strange, and this last until the 9 Mission-Payback, after that it fix alone. But more important and the one that as stopped my play is this, i can't use the Juzak boar riders >:( . Since the first mission that u have them in the Trolland, they not respond to my command, the animation start when i give them the order to move but they don't advance, is like they move in the same place. Any clue of how to fix this things? ???
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on March 31, 2009, 12:30:19 PM lol yes the sound thngs i know of but im not able to fix em
the boar riders i dont know about ill have to investigate that ive looked at the arm file for the player army but that seems to be in order, would you email me your savegame plz so i can see first hand thanks for the heads up Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: alavet on March 31, 2009, 12:37:54 PM btw you made very hard campaing sir!
Quote Tupi Nose's goblin warriors do become rather hardcore by the end, i tend to rely more on them than i did on the cavalry oh wow. actually i lost these regiment at Empire map (where you may see wights with banner) and was too lazy to re-play it. guess i need to load this game?i actually felt bad when i got human cavalry in my goblin troop and dont like skeletons in my army as well! they're so weak, lol. will play it anyway, though! Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on March 31, 2009, 12:49:20 PM hehe well i kinda combined them with the story if youve read it
lol the skeletons i lost myself when i played it too they are rather weak and has to be protected abit i think and why thanks mate i was tryn to make a campaign that gave new life to the story and i felt that the original campaign was too easy by now when its been completed so many times the empire with the wight is actually very hard i remember that map but possible you can look forward to my Dwarf campaign that will be hard too and very different too Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Kyjja on April 03, 2009, 12:18:39 PM Hi.
I've downloaded the campaign form the download section, and - tried - to install it. The campaign seems to be, huh, half installed. I got the rights enemies (humans ans dwarves in the second battle), but I control the normal campaign units (Grudgebringer army). :/ Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on April 03, 2009, 01:55:28 PM it seems like you have the wrong army files in the 1Parm folder, so re-check the zip files and see if they are missing or didnt install right, do you have the large installation?
or maybe just take this file here and put into the 1Parm folder Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Kyjja on April 03, 2009, 11:50:54 PM Thanks for the file, i'll try next week-end (don't have my DO cd now :p).
I think I got the large install (~260 mo install on my HDD; will check this next WE too). Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Mikademus on April 05, 2009, 09:25:38 PM Flak, in case a regiment is needed for the story you can set it as "must survive" in the BTB file. Report in to the channel for more info about this :)
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: alavet on April 06, 2009, 06:21:59 AM so i reached kislev yesterday at your campaing. and there is joined one bandit archer (guess he will eave after the battle) wtf is this unit?
you probably was just experimenting with this stats? i actually found this guy very useless. he possibly have BO maybe like 10 or so (firing very fast) but still rarely hit. maybe its need to increase regiment crowd to 4-5 at least.. and i found sceletons pretty weak. there was few battles i used them agaisnt another regiment (1v1) and after the battle i saw thier stats kill/dead as 3/17 or so (lol). the main unit in my army at your campaing is shaman and rangars. my goblins still hvnt reached lvl2 cause they as useless as sceletons but also flees (and if i add banner to them they either die or kill 4-5 units as max anyway lol). the most important thing at your campaing is a banner of lightings, maybe this artifact cause my ragnars feed so fast.. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: alb on April 06, 2009, 02:18:42 PM great campaign - i love it!
i have a few question: 1) is there a way to destroy building? the spells dont work and i would like the book of ashur. 2) are the items in the buildings from the regular campaign? then i wouldnt have to nuke all building ;) thx Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: alavet on April 06, 2009, 03:15:48 PM wait wait wait pls say me whereto find book of ashur. i finished DO so long time ago so i forget it.
asl o i noticed therre is no shield of ptoloss at brighted towers, is it correct? and there is 2 banners of antimagic at goblin camp, right? (i missed one enemy regiment tho, anyway seems doesnt really much worth) Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: bembelimen on April 06, 2009, 03:25:32 PM 1) is there a way to destroy building? the spells dont work and i would like the book of ashur. Use the Bolt Thrower2) are the items in the buildings from the regular campaign? then i wouldnt have to nuke all building ;) There should be all items from the "original" game. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Ghabry on April 06, 2009, 03:28:01 PM wait wait wait pls say me whereto find book of ashur. i finished DO so long time ago so i forget it. It's in Bogenhafen (attack the house which has green smoke)But it's a bit difficult to get with greenskins :D. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on April 06, 2009, 05:10:38 PM yes all the regular items found in houses
its a challenge to get the goblins strong enough to with stand powerful enemies but its possible, always plan to have 2 regiments to face 1 enemy regiment, use the goblins against the weaker enemies and get them some XP the skeletons again like the goblins cant very well make it on their own but can support another regiment. That "bandit archer units" Koniev the Hunter is a dark elf assasin, he uses a pistol and has very fast reload and two-handed weapon for combat, you will find that he is ok in close combat, he has regneration and causes fear because of his unholy appearance. I have found the problem with the Juzak riders i think, for those who havnt yet started the campaign ive got a new 1Parm file, for you who have already started, the only way is to use WH32 edit and edit your savegame file, the go to the Juzak Gangrene, in "general unit setting" one of them is called "mounted on" that needs to be changed from "nothing" to "Boar" Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: alb on April 07, 2009, 10:46:50 PM i got a bug:
the armor of the skeletons always resets could u explain to me, how u fixed it with the barbarians, so i can edit my savefile? Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on April 07, 2009, 11:05:11 PM ive just had a look and i cant see the problem, is it when you add lvl 2 armor or lvl 4 armor?
because if its with lvl 4 then i think its because skeletons can only have up to lvl 3 and eventhough ive allowed lvl 4 then its not scripted and the game wont allow it. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: alavet on April 08, 2009, 06:35:44 AM ive faced with bug yesterday when playing misson before moussilion (when you have troll with 10+ armor). troll refuses to go (maybe his armor weights too much?:)) actually i hvnt noticed him at first so he stayed at his starting place maybe thats the reason
will this troll stay with me in future? Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: alb on April 08, 2009, 09:24:11 AM ah, ok, it resets only when i bring it up to lvl 4.
thx Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on April 08, 2009, 03:49:43 PM yeah too much armor will make units immobile i was not aware of this when i made the goblin camp lol sorry
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on April 08, 2009, 03:51:32 PM ah, ok, it resets only when i bring it up to lvl 4. thx thats then because ive allowed it lvl 4 but the game script has a limit at 3, so just stay on 3 which is max anyway Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Kyjja on April 14, 2009, 03:59:21 PM Hi.
I finally found why I wasn't able to get the greenskin army. There is a problem with the french install : you always get the normal campaign army (but fight dwarves, etc...). So, I had to make an English install, then copy the new campaign files, then copy the French sound from the CD :p. Well, i tried the ~5-6 first fights, and i think that the Staff of Osiris is too powerfull. With it, you can gain xp very fast for your shaman. Besides, you can use it when you are charging, of course including defensive charge. So, you can manage any low or normal speed units, include Wights, etc... You can kill 50% of an undead cavalry before they arrive at contact! :-* Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Ghabry on April 14, 2009, 04:25:49 PM Or rename the PLYR_ALL.ARM to PLYR_ALF.ARM (I had to do the same for German version (PLYR_ALG.ARM))
Is it bit faster then your technique Kyjja. Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Kyjja on April 14, 2009, 04:39:53 PM I didn't know that the ALL is for All languages :D
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on April 14, 2009, 07:34:18 PM hehe i bet tho kyjja that you would rather shoot the staff of and kill many enemies rather than have them attack the goblins at full strength ;)
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Kyjja on April 15, 2009, 04:37:35 PM I just charge Treeman/Cavalry/Big Infantry/Wizard with Fists of Gork now :P
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Ghabry on April 15, 2009, 09:52:13 PM I just charge Treeman/Cavalry/Big Infantry/Wizard with Fists of Gork now :P Yeah, Fists of Gork are good against single units but in fights against many units you should also charge with a support unit to avoid that your Mage dies (and the fight is over ;))Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: bembelimen on April 15, 2009, 11:02:33 PM I like it, when I charge a BGK with a goblin shaman and kill the whole grail with the fists ;D
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on April 15, 2009, 11:37:36 PM i reckon that Rahkhan having improved goblin stats with fist of gork is proving his worth ;D
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: bembelimen on April 16, 2009, 11:53:53 AM I have a spontaneous thought: The fists kill a grail within seconds, but sometime the shaman dies and sometime not. So: when is the perfect moment for charging? (I think you have to finish the enemy before the game reach the damage calculation step) (Sorry for hijacking your thread Flak, if you want, we could split the fist posts to the tactic section)
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on April 16, 2009, 12:03:23 PM not at all, im glad to have opened up for the goblin race's capabilities ;D
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: alavet on April 16, 2009, 12:11:21 PM well i didnt have this spell at grails mission if im not mistaken :(
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: sipax on August 04, 2009, 05:24:37 PM Just want to ask: is it is correct - I can buy the EA for my goblin shaman (which is very strange, he is the mage)
And second thing - if I buy it, is it will help? (will it do him more tough?) PS- my English is very bad. :-\ Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on August 04, 2009, 11:00:29 PM im sorry but what do you mean by EA?
extra armor maybe? if so yes you can and it should make im better Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Demonic on December 23, 2009, 06:09:47 PM I tried this campaign and it seemed to load correctly, however, it wouldn't go onto the preparing for battle screen and it just went completely black. Is this because i have saved games of the original campaign (i heard this mentioned somewhere in the thread.) Any ideas on what the problem is?
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: Flak on December 23, 2009, 09:30:00 PM im not sure what it is, i have savegames from several unoriginal campaigns and mine is loading ok
Title: Re: New Goblin Campaign Post by: happyman on February 09, 2010, 02:45:41 AM I tried this campaign and it seemed to load correctly, however, it wouldn't go onto the preparing for battle screen and it just went completely black. Is this because i have saved games of the original campaign (i heard this mentioned somewhere in the thread.) Any ideas on what the problem is? Yeah, I cant play it. All look like you, screen completely black. |